Category Archives: Immigration

WATCH: Migrants Attack Police As Macedonia Puts Up Fence Along Greek Border

How can the Right claim it’s an invasion? Breitbart: IDOMENI, Greece (AP) — Migrants on the Greek-Macedonian border attacked police with stones Saturday, enraged by the sight of Macedonian authorities erecting a fence along the border and an accident that … Continue reading

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Reagan On Immigration

Link: In one of his radio addresses, in November 1977, Ronald Reagan wondered about what he called “the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion, or are those illegal tourists actually … Continue reading

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Two Key Videos On The Immigration Invasion

From VDARE: In the first hour of his show on Wednesday (November 25, 2015), Rush Limbaugh had some fun prepping his listeners to endure being harangued about political issues by any leftist relatives with whom they’ll be sharing a dinner … Continue reading

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Massive PR push underway to change American minds on Syrian Muslim resettlement to US

From Refugee Resettlement Watch: You already know this is happening because you’ve probably seen the media campaign where you live. Pro-Syrian Muslim groups and the federal resettlement contractors*** are putting in motion a campaign like no other especially since they … Continue reading

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Welcome Refugees!

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