Category Archives: Immigration

The Leahy Amendment: ‘It is the sense of the Senate that the United States must not bar individuals from entering into the United States based on their religion’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Here are the names of the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary that voted in favor of the Leahy amendment and against the people of the United States. Make sure they hear from you, especially if … Continue reading

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David Frum: Coming to the United States would benefit millions—but policymakers seldom ask whether their arrival would benefit the United States

David Frum writes: However one assesses that chain and its consequences, it seems clear that the large majority of legal immigrants choose to come—or, more exactly, are chosen by their relatives—for their own reasons. They are not selected by the … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Understands The Fear Of Terrorism Better Than Barack Obama

John* says: “See these two articles. Adams’ post explains how Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims resonates with Latinos, and Mercer explains the reason that Obama’s cost analysis of living with terrorism while working to defeat it using the strategy as … Continue reading

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Have you noticed anything surprising in the reaction to Trump’s Muslim Immigration ban?

A friend says: I think Scott Adams made the best point. But before I get to that the first question is whether there is really a problem. We have let another 1.5 million Muslims into the U.S. since 9/11 and … Continue reading

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National Security Profiling (Of Ethnicity, Nationality And Religion) Is a No-Brainer

Michelle Malkin writes: Calm down and think, America. While everyone’s undies are in a bunch over Donald Trump’s proposal for a Muslim immigration moratorium, it is undeniable in a time of “heightened alert“—when violent jihadists have no problem targeting their … Continue reading

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