Category Archives: Immigration

Germany On The Brink

Ross Douthat writes in the New York Times: ON New Year’s Eve, in the shadow of Cologne’s cathedral, crowds of North African and Middle Eastern men accosted women out for the night’s festivities. They surrounded them, groped them, robbed them. … Continue reading

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Sweden: Welfare migrant cuts throat of host family’s 7-year-old daughter

Translated from Avpixlat: “A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year by a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru. Ten months earlier Gebru arrived as a … Continue reading

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Stop Rape Refugees!

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Martin and the rabbi.

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Memo To My Fellow Jews: Immigration Restriction Is NOT Nazism

Charles Bloch writes: Donald Trump has released his first campaign ad repeating his call for halting immigration by illegals and Muslims, and sure enough, he’s being called xenophobic and racist [Donald Trump’s new TV ad: Make America great by keeping … Continue reading

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