Category Archives: Immigration

Report: Immigrants Use $6,234 in Welfare Benefits per Household, 41 Percent More than Non-Immigrant Households

Breitbart: Immigrant-headed households use 41 percent more federal welfare benefits than their native-born counterparts, according to a new Center for Immigration Studies analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. The average household headed by an immigrant (both legal and illegal) in … Continue reading

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Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does

REPORT: Mexico tightens immigration laws, while asking us to loosen ours. As the United States’ borders have become weaker in recent years, the southernmost Mexican border has become more fortified than our border along Mexico. In fact, the border along … Continue reading

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It’s The Immigration, Stupid!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * In 1992, we had Buchanan and Perot. Disdained by the powerful, and regrettably defeated. Now we have the best of those two men in one. The Democrats have lost the monopoly on identity politics. * … Continue reading

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Thilo Sarrazin’s new book: a case of wishful thinking

Report: The enfant terrible of non-fiction German literature is back. Thilo Sarrazin’s latest book examines the “big mistakes” in current German and EU politics – but his provocative statements no longer surprise anyone. The most recent tome written by divisive … Continue reading

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Jared: #WHCD is all about attacking Trump to a room full of media who refuse to report a single child raped by illegals

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