Category Archives: Immigration

‘Dr Death’ Psychiatrist Charged With Murders

News: A Georgia psychiatrist dubbed Dr Death has been charged with murder in the overdose deaths of three patients. Thirty-six of Dr Narendra Nagareddy’s patients died while he was prescribing them painkillers, court documents allege. Twelve of them died of … Continue reading

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Immigration Hawks: Facebook Engaging in Deliberate Suppression of Our Content

Julia Hahn writes: In the past week, there has been much discussion about the allegation that Facebook is censoring its “trending” news stories based on political ideology. However, advocates for curbing immigration into the United States say that this is … Continue reading

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‘These are refugees who simply want to get to safety they say’

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The Omerta Olympics

Mickey Kaus writes: Even apolitical owners of big, mainstream media outlets typically don’t like to bring up the immigration debate. At the very least it’s “divisive.” More important, reporting on, say, support for a border wall could alienate new, growing … Continue reading

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Red State: Why is the Center for Immigration Studies publishing an “alt right” racist?

Red State: I’ve been warning for a while now that the John Tanton universe of Malthusian, anti-immigration groups – FAIR, NumbersUSA, and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – are not our friends. They don’t promote conservatives ideas, and we … Continue reading

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