Category Archives: Immigration

Ann Coulter: Key To Trump’s Victory–Math!

Ann Coulter writes: With the California primary fast approaching, the media are rolling out their favorite fairy tale about how Republican Pete Wilson’s support for Proposition 187 in 1994 was a historic, game-changing error for the GOP, driving Hispanics from … Continue reading

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DREAMers face nightmare of Trump’s deportation force

Sweet! Politico: The Supreme Court’s deliberations over President Barack Obama’s immigration order are putting that potential deportation relief on a collision course with Donald Trump’s deportation force. It’s still an open question whether the shorthanded court will ultimately determine that … Continue reading

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Immigration & Inequality

Economist Gregory Clark writes: The evidence shows that immigrant groups tend to retain the social status that they arrive with. The same goes with more recent immigrants to the United States. Due to visa restrictions, certain immigrant groups were permitted … Continue reading

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‘Jewish face of immigration reform’ sentenced to 15 years in prison for child porn and sexually exploiting boy with brain cancer

Daily Mail: Man featured in Time cover story on immigration reform is sentenced to 15 years in prison for child porn and sexually exploiting boy with brain cancer Roy Naim, 32, was featured in 2012 story ‘We are Americans’ Federal … Continue reading

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Out on a Limb with Hillary

Mickey Kaus writes: T.A. Frank, who wrote an eloquent piece criticizing the Gang of 8 bill (mainly from the left) for The New Republic, notes that Hillary’s Hispander war with Sanders has left her waaay out of even the turbulent … Continue reading

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