Category Archives: Immigration

American Dream v. Israeli Dream: Jennifer Rubin and Mickey Kaus debate

From Steve Sailer May 12, 2013: A commenter transcribes a 2011 videologue between Mickey Kaus and Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post: iscussion begins after 50:00. Jennifer Rubin and Mickey Kaus discuss an alleged difference between the American Dream and … Continue reading

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Jamiel Shaw, RIP

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I believe it was last August when Trump introduced the father of the slain youth, and he made a very moving speech outlining the facts of his talented son’s death and his endorsement of Donald … Continue reading

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The Latest Issue!

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Obama Administration Joint Effort With Corporations Can Resettle Refugees Limitlessly

Daily Caller: The White House announced last week that it is launching a “Call to Action” asking private businesses to help with the resettlement of refugees. This could be done without regard to the government cap of 85,000 total refugees, … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Causes Charles Murray To Change His Mind On Low-Skill Immigration

AEI: But there are certainly going to be politicians, even if Trump should lose badly, who present a cleaned up version of the Trump agenda and say “I can sell that.” So you’re going to have a populist, Trump-like candidate, … Continue reading

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