Category Archives: Immigration

JJ: ‘Stephen Miller, meet your immigrant great-grandfather’

Rob Eshman writes: Miller’s powerful lines, the ones that really froth the mob, all revolve around immigration. To stoke the emotions, he repeatedly references the brutal murder of Kate Steinle at the hands of an illegal immigrant. “How many children … Continue reading

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Henry Miller On How Immigration Changes The Old Neighborhood

From The Tropic of Capricorn: The actual boundary was Grand Street, which led to Broadway Ferry, but this street meant nothing to me, except that it was already beginning to be filled with Jews. No, North Second Street was the … Continue reading

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Sonia Kruger calls on Australia to stop taking Muslim immigrants

Most Australians, just like most Americans, don’t want Muslims in their land. Sydney Morning Herald: Sonia Kruger has courted controversy on morning television by calling on Australia to ban Muslim immigrants, prompting a stand-off with fellow presenter David Campbell. The … Continue reading

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DEFECTIVES IN THE LAND: Disability and Immigration in the Age of Eugenics

Everything good depends upon discrimination to survive, but for those who don’t think, “discrimination” is a dirty word. Every living thing should be expected to seek their self-interest and to try to preserve their world from invasive species. Why would … Continue reading

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Invasive Species

As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I believe that the Jews are God’s Chosen People, that the Torah is God’s revelation to the world, and that the purpose of Jews is to be a blessing to the world. These are … Continue reading

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