Category Archives: Immigration

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration

Seth Barron, City Journal, September 2, 2016 In his immigration speech Wednesday night, Donald Trump threatened to cut off aid to cities that offer “sanctuary” to illegal immigrants. New York, like a number of other American cities, makes a strict … Continue reading

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LAT Op-Ed: Immigrants don’t commit more crimes. Why does the myth persist?

The article is eviscerated in the comments: * The question is NOT whether or not immigrants commit more crime. The telling question is whether or not ILLEGAL immigrants commit more crimes. This question was neither asked nor answered. * One … Continue reading

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Immigrants Replace Low-Skill Natives in the Workforce

Jason Richwine writes: It is well known that lower-skilled men in their prime working years — ages 25 to 54 — have left the labor force in increasing numbers over the past several decades. Experts have been reluctant to acknowledge, … Continue reading

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Immigrants do jobs that…

Economist George Borjas writes: …natives could have done. The demolition of the narrative that large numbers of immigrants can enter a labor market without having much of an effect on native employment opportunities continues apace. The new paper by Christian … Continue reading

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From Albany to Kansas City, the Jewish Community Is Stepping Up for Refugees

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn is the Vice President for Community Engagement at HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees. She writes: One year ago, a photograph of a small Syrian refugee boy woke up the world. Our hearts were broken … Continue reading

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