Category Archives: Immigration

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman: ‘I got hate mail: Anti-Semitism on Twitter’

Wow, rabbi dedicated to destroying white cohesion gets a backlash. Who would have thought? Shocking, isn’t it. She thought she could seek to diversify gentiles countries with no consequences. Rabbi Zimmerman along with a thousand other rabbis signed a petition … Continue reading

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REPORT: DHS Buried Damning Immigration Study Because It Would ‘Help Elect Donald Trump’

Daily Caller: The Department of Homeland Security is allegedly refusing to release the results of an immigration study that could “help elect Donald Trump.” According to Fox News, the study was commissioned in 2015 by members of the House and … Continue reading

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#JewsForRefugees Trending On My Twitter

I hope President Trump deports all #JewsForRefugees. Idiots! #JewsforRefugees push to bring #Muslims to America while Muslims teach 3yr. olds that #Jews are apes & pigs! — (((TheRighToExist))) (@TheRighToExist) September 15, 2016 #JewsforRefugees? And they wonder why antisemitism is … Continue reading

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Government Language Tutor Claims Migrants Only Interested in Benefits, Boast They’ll Never Work

Breitbart: A woman employed teaching English to migrants with so-called refugee status has revealed students have no interest in learning the language or getting a job, and are mostly interested in the benefits they can extract from taxpayers. The teacher, … Continue reading

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The Syrian refugee crisis: A Jewish sense of responsibility

Jerusalem Post Sept. 9, 2015: “Talking to many supporters in recent days, there is a great resonance around our own history. My own grandparents were refugees in Britain, and I think my story is similar to many in my generation … Continue reading

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