Category Archives: Barack Obama

David Samuels on Obama and Rev. Wright

Steve Sailer writes: From the Washington Post: Did the White House know what David Samuels thought about the Iran deal? By Erik Wemple May 9 at 6:02 PM The White House has had to answer some uncomfortable questions over the … Continue reading

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Obama: ‘Be Confident in Your Heritage. Be Confident in Your Blackness.’

Can white people also be confident in their heritage and in their whiteness? Or is ethnic pride only for Jews, blacks, and Mexicans? I thank President Obama for triggering my racial awareness. Before his election, I tried to get past … Continue reading

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I Hope Obama Comes Out As A Muslim On This Visit!

Jewish Press: In First Public Visit to US Mosque, Obama’s Choice Hosted Global Jihadist Leaders Barack Obama is in the final stretch of his time as President of the United States. It was announced on Sunday that Obama will make … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Baltimore’s Homicide Record in 2015: a Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Baltimore’s homicide numbers were trending up before Freddie Gray (great article from 2013), while the population of the city was decreasing each year. Indianapolis has has no serious problems with the BLM movement, and yet … Continue reading

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The President’s Blackism

Paul Gottfried writes: One truly fascinating commentary is his analysis of “blackism” as the recognizable worldview of our president. In contrast to the representatives of Conservatism, Inc., Jack does not view Obama as first and foremost a “socialist” without a … Continue reading

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