Category Archives: Barack Obama

When Young People Get Excited

Dennis Prager writes: We regularly hear about Barack Obama’s appeal to youth, about how he has been able to excite and mobilize a generation of young people to become politically involved, his rare ability to excite young people, and about … Continue reading

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John McCain Won The Saddleback Confrontation

By Michael Gerson in the Washington Post: WASHINGTON — It is now clear why Barack Obama has refused John McCain’s offer of joint town hall appearances during the fall campaign. McCain is obviously better at them. Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil … Continue reading

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Obama’s Foreign Donors

Pamela Geller writes: I have been researching, documenting and studying thousands upon thousands of Obama’s campaign donations for the past month. Egregious abuse was immediately evident and I published the results of my ongoing investigation. Each subsequent post built a … Continue reading

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Rapper’s Obama Song

Report: Is Ludacris entering politics? The rapper wrote a song about Obama the lyrics of which we present below. Even MTV is reffering to the presidential campaign, saying it’s getting ugly and that they are "talking about a new freestyle … Continue reading

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The New Yorker’s Muslim Obama Cover

Andrew Malcolm writes: There are always two sides to everything in politics. The up-side for Barack Obama of the persistent controversy over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s black militancy and racist sermons was that it sure drove home the point to … Continue reading

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