Category Archives: Barack Obama

Is Michelle Obama’s Cousin A Real Jew?

Here‘s a podcast featuring Rabbi Funnye speaking about his congregation. From Radar: FUNNYE, YOU DON’T LOOK JEWISH Oh, come on, you would have gone the exact same way with this one Have you heard? Michelle Obama has a cousin who … Continue reading

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Obama Jumped The Shark In Berlin

Charles Krauthammer writes: The problem is that Obama began believing in his own magical powers — the chants, the swoons, the "we are the ones" self-infatuation. Like Ronald Reagan, he was leading a movement, but one entirely driven by personality. … Continue reading

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Obama’s Campaign Collapses

Hugh Hewitt writes: For more than a year Obama has been allowed to run for president without hardly anything of substance issuing from him.  This is because he is the chosen one of the MSM which has done a collective … Continue reading

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A Liberal’s Lament About Barack Obama

Princeton History professor Sean Wilentz writes in Newsweek magazine: There is a quotation that ought to give Democrats, and not just Democrats, pause: "This year will not be a year of politics as usual. It can be a year of … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Pretends To Be Julius Caesar

Jack Shafer writes: "Grandiose visuals—I’m thinking of those aired last night as Barack Obama pretended to be Julius Caesar at the Colosseum, collecting accolades from the people after smashing the Gauls—short-circuit even the most jaded voters’ cognitive functions. The only … Continue reading

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