Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama Talks To Hamas

Joe emails: Well, there is your change. After a no-b.s. policy under which Hamas was not offered a seat at the table, Obama will take a listen, because that is what a good appeaser does. Now, of course, to be … Continue reading

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Where’s Obama On Israel’s Gaza Invasion?

Jews voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. It would be darkly funny if he proved fatal to the Jewish state. Ralph Peters nails it in the New York Post: Israel can deal with self-aggrandizing busybodies, such as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, … Continue reading

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Is Barack Obama Living Life On The Down Low?

He chose a chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, who majored in dance. BernardMadoff:  Why don’t you take this bull by his horns and drive over there now and move in with him? guest2:  i need  someone who doesn’t read so … Continue reading

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The Cult-Like Fervor Around Arianna & Barack Obama

From The Macho Response: "She could hardly have picked a more appropriate guru." — Ryan Tate, on The Huffington Post‘s Arianna Huffington, and her guru, John-Roger – who she sends her workers to for "training" – though he was described … Continue reading

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Are Orthodox Jews ‘Rednecks’ In Their Attitude To Obama?

Canadian Orthodox rabbi Reuven Tradburks writes: The point of my article was only tangentially about Obama. It was more about the tone and texture of differences. Once a person is identified as not being on my team – because he … Continue reading

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