Category Archives: Barack Obama

One Pundit Says Obama’s Done A ‘Tremendous’ Job

I say Obama has done a dreadful job. He looks like the Second Coming of Jimmy Carter. He’s never displayed any ability to run anything. He’s just good at campaigning. No wonder he’s going on the road to campaign some … Continue reading

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Obama’s Reliance On Teleprompters

I wanted to take a cheap shot here and say this shows Obama is just an empty suit but I don’t think that’s the bottom line here. Rather, Obama is cautious. So far I believe his presidency is a disaster. … Continue reading

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Does Barack Obama Follow Astrology?

My yoga teacher says her sources say he does. She says it is no accident that Barack Obama’s big policy speech came on Tuesday night, the first night of the new moon (the first of Adar in the Jewish calendar). … Continue reading

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Why Are The Africans So Thrilled That Obama Was Elected President?

President Bush did more for the continent than any other president in history. The election of Barack Obama won’t make Africans’ lives any easier. It won’t change anything significant for them. I think they have their priorities wrong. If a … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Uneasy With Obama

Joe emails: Orthodox jews get an uneasy feeling from Barack Obama, and for obvious reasons. He has broken violently with George W. Bush on everything, and israel will obviously be included in things done differently. You can forget tacit approval … Continue reading

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