Category Archives: Barack Obama

Nuke Iran

Joe emails: I have to laugh at the new linkage to get the Palestinians their own state, namely the idea that only if Israel offers that up will the moderate arab states unite against Iran and its nuclear program. There … Continue reading

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Big Surprise That A Machine Politician From Chicago Turned Out To Be Corrupt And Lawless

George Will writes: The Troubled Assets Relief Program, which has not yet been used for its supposed purpose (to purchase such assets from banks), has been the instrument of the administration’s adventure in the automobile industry. TARP’s $700 billion, like … Continue reading

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Obama’s Shameful Joke About Special Olympics?

Shmuel Herzfeld is Rabbi of Ohev Sholom — The National Synagogue in Washington, D.C He writes in the Washington Post: President Obama was only joking last week when he quipped on Jay Leno’s show that his bowling is "like … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Seems Serious

He presents himself as a man with gravitas. But when he talks, he reveals himself as shallow. He doesn’t take ideas seriously. Dennis Prager says the Wall Street bonuses, AIG bonuses, are despicable but you can’t pass a law to … Continue reading

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President Obama Cut An Endorsement Deal?

From TER: By TER Staff This caught our eye.  It may get somebody in trouble.   The President, while in office, is not allowed to cut endorsement deals.   We’re pretty sure of that. If the Obama White House needs … Continue reading

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