Category Archives: Barack Obama

Why Doesn’t Anybody Ask If Rick Santorum Is A Christian?

About a quarter of Americans, according to surveys, believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Obama says he’s a Christian but there’s almost nothing in his behavior or his speech that’s distinctively Christian. By contrast, nobody doubts that Newt Gingrich … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Democrats Need To Appeal To The Middle?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Republicans have to nominate somebody who will appeal to the middle but Democrats don’t. You never hear that among the Democrats — who’s going to appeal to the independent and the center? … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Sarkozy-Obama’s Exchange On Netanyahu

Ron Kampeas writes: WASHINGTON – Does Nicolas Sarkozy really hate Benjamin Netanyahu? Does President Obama really sympathize? And does it really matter? The fleeting, private exchange between the French and U.S. presidents at a summit in Cannes, France, made international … Continue reading

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The Smart Move

Joe emails: Pundits all around are shocked that Obama is supporting that movement of shleppers and misfits known as Occupy Wall Street. They wonder why Obama would lurch left when he needs the middle to win the election. Actually, Obama … Continue reading

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Obama and the Jews

Joe writes: The jewish vote is statistically meaningless. But it has all the political meaning in the world as it is indicative of how an informed high propensity voter might vote. The jewish vote should therefore be read as the … Continue reading

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