Category Archives: Barack Obama

Why Is President Obama Speaking Out About Trayvon Martin Before The Facts Are In?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I don’t understand. This is difficult to comprehend, because obviously Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman are both members of the proletariat. Even if you allowed the idea that one might be slightly more prosperous than … Continue reading

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Most Of The People Voting In GOP Primaries Are White

Ronald Brownstein writes: The conditions are converging for another presidential election that will sharply divide the country along racial lines, with troubling implications no matter which side prevails. From one direction, the Republican presidential primaries have witnessed an epic failure … Continue reading

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What Will We Get For $2 Trillion Of Obamacare Over A Decade?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “What you get from that is nothing except a mandate that all Americans buy health insurance. Healthcare will deteriorate. Doctors will be remunerated less than today. Morale of the healthcare community will … Continue reading

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Andrew Breitbart’s Video Released On Obama’s Radical Past

Breaking footage shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright. We will be releasing significant information in the coming hours.

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Letter To The President

Batia emails: Mr. President, Watching the news coverage Israel’s President Peres & Prime minister Netanyahu’s current visit in the U.S. I paid special attention to your statements in AIPAC and in the white house, today. Here is some feedback to … Continue reading

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