Category Archives: Books

REVIEW: The Star Chamber of Stanford: On the Secret Trial and Invisible Persecution of a Stanford Law Fellow

This challenging new book is based on conservative victimology. In my experience, most people are better off with a lower level of victimology in their life. I know I am. Feeling like a victim of circumstance has dominated my life, … Continue reading

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The Rise And Rise Of Kerry Packer: Uncut

Here are some highlights from this 2007 book by Paul Barry: * Clyde was an intellectual who liked to talk about books. People in Santa Barbara, where he lived, did not talk about books, said one close friend; they did … Continue reading

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Anthony Powell: Dancing to the Music of Time by Hillary Spurling

Here are some excerpts: * But although the couple’s disparity in age proved immaterial [Anthony’s mom was 38 when she married his 21 yo dad), in practice its psychological consequences were devastating. Their union broke another ingrained taboo against a … Continue reading

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What Is Steve Sailer Reading?

Steve writes on his blog: * I’m 98% finished with Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. It’s very good. It’s my favorite Stephenson book that I’ve read so far. I put it aside a week ago because I was staying up too … Continue reading

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Book Club

Every Friday afternoon on my Youtube channel, Kevin Michael Grace and I discuss a new book. * The Scramble For Europe: Young Africa On Its Way To The Old Continent by Stephen Smith (2019) * American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964 … Continue reading

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