Category Archives: English

Watching The English By Kate Fox

Here are some highlights: Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation, must begin with The Weather. And in this spirit of observing traditional protocol, I shall, like every other writer on Englishness, quote Dr Johnson’s famous comment that … Continue reading

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Watching The English By Kate Fox

Here are some highlights: * ‘How’s the Englishness book going? What chapter are you working on?’ ‘The one about sex.’ ‘So, that’ll be twenty blank pages, then?’ THE KNEE-JERK HUMOUR RULE I’ve lost count of the number of times I … Continue reading

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Why the Brits do political satire so well — and Americans can barely do it at all

Michael Hiltzik writes: To serve this end, American producers become obsessed with making their characters lovable. The idea is to give the audiences characters they’re comfortable welcoming into their homes week after week, year after year. So the rough edges … Continue reading

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I Love Going To Writer Parties

A friend of a friend once said at a party that her husband’s occupation was “writing literature.”

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Great News For Hasidim

REPORT: The Social Security Administration (SSA) approved disability benefits for hundreds of Puerto Ricans because they do not speak English, despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a predominantly Spanish-speaking territory. According to a new audit by the Office of … Continue reading

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