Category Archives: Islam

Fight breaks out at Newark anti-violence rally

From NEWARK — A skirmish broke out between rival activists on the steps of City Hall Wednesday during what had been intended as a demonstration against violence in Newark. Police were called to the scene after a small crowd … Continue reading

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How Does Japan Keep Islam At Bay?

From The above-displayed meme purportedly states several factors which have allowed Japan to “keep Islam at bay,” but the majority of these claims are either false or misleading. For instance, the claim that Japan is the only nation that … Continue reading

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Facebook won’t let me link to this story on Real Arson Hate Crime At A Mosque–Black Muslim Charged

I dig how Facebook tells me that this link is “unsafe.” How kind of them to look out for me like that and keep me from reading material that is “unsafe.” I appreciate how they keep Facebook a safe space … Continue reading

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Obama Spies On Congress

Comments to Steve Sailer: * How come no mention of former Congresswomen Jane Harman, who was a member of the panel on intelligence, agreeing to act for an Israeli operative in exchange for pressure through a donor on Pelosi to … Continue reading

Posted in America, Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, Islam, Israel | Comments Off on Obama Spies On Congress

ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape

The obvious solution to this is to bring more Muslims to the West and give them welfare and make criticism of them illegal. New York Times: QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic … Continue reading

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