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Category Archives: Islam
The ADL Struggles To Control The Overton Window
Donald Trump has expanded what you are permitted to say publicly and some Jewish groups such as the ADL fear this free speech and want to destroy it. They want to be able to set the boundaries on permitted speech. … Continue reading
Posted in ADL, Donald Trump, Islam
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Milo: ‘Why Are We Surprised Muslims Are Blowing Things Up? That’s What They Do’
Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos joined Dave Rubin on the Rubin Report Tuesday after the Brussels terrorist attacks, during which he discussed the implications of importing millions of Muslims into the west, and the reason why Islam, not just radical … Continue reading
Posted in Islam
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Rabbi Abraham Cooper: How we must respond to Brussels
Surprise! He calls for another war in the Middle East and more censorship. Rabbi Cooper writes: What must European leaders do? First, get rid of the open-borders Shengen Agreement, which allows unencumbered travel between 26 European countries. It has been … Continue reading
Brussels: Just A Stop On The Jihadist Journey To America
Mike McDaniel writes: “Belgium, like the United States, suffers because it misunderstands multiculturalism. Multiculturalism doesn’t mean we’re all equal or that we must embrace cultural or moral equivalence. Rather, we should insist—Australia style—that everyone who comes subscribes to certain common … Continue reading
Posted in Islam
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Steve Sailer: Hillary Speaks Out Against Walls Around America, Demands More Surveillance in America
Comments: * I like how obtuse opponents are by focusing on a wall as if that is the only component to fighting the problem. If the political will ever comes about to adequately secure the southern border with proper fencing, … Continue reading