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Category Archives: Islam
WP: ‘Scorched earth. Harrowing escapes. Half a million on the move. How did the Rohingya crisis come to this?’
So what do Rohingya contribute? It’s fine to cry about how nobody wants you, but what do you have to give? That’s the question unhappy individuals and groups should ask themselves. If you hate your job, what skills do you … Continue reading
Posted in Islam
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LAT: ‘The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too?’
Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that they are Muslims and India doesn’t want more Muslims. I’m not exactly sure of any country that wants Muslims, Rohingya or otherwise. What exactly do the Rohingya have to contribute that is … Continue reading
Posted in Islam
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Christianity Vs Islam
From Chateau Heartiste: Why are the world’s violent and primitive attracted to Islam? Executioner’s Summary: it’s Islam’s appeal to the base instincts. The sand people are on the whole a stupid, clannish, hot-headed, inbred lot who have populated the world … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Islam
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Can't believe jihadis struck at one of our most sacred institutions: Scantily clad prostitutes selling sexually charged pop music to minors. — BoomerNationalism (@boomermindset) May 23, 2017 Comments at Steve Sailer: * According to BBC accounts: Today a terrible accident … Continue reading
Who killed the Armenians? Muslims
Dennis Prager writes: The Journal’s editor-in-chief, Rob Eshman, recently wrote a column under the headline “Morgenthau’s Children,” about the film “The Promise,” whose subject is the Armenian genocide, and he addressed the subject of genocide in general. It was important … Continue reading