Category Archives: Islam

When The Muslim Does The Bag Check

Goy: “Flew to… this weekend and was pulled out of line for a “bag check” by a Muslim woman wearing a black hijab–she rummaged through my things for a minute, then “let me go.” Even aside from the obvious absurdity … Continue reading

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What If The West Got Angry At Islam?

Greg Cochran writes: Now and then I contemplate the possible outcomes if the United States got really, really angry, say at jihadists, if they went too far and struck a nerve. Crazed fury. Jihadists seem to think that enraging the … Continue reading

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How can we defeat ISIS if we refuse to identify terrorists’ theological DNA?

By Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein Published March 30, 2016: The fact is that the Obama administration’s legacy when it comes to terror attacks has been to avoid highlighting or even acknowledging the Islamist theology of hate that is … Continue reading

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Why Can’t We Have Nice Things?

Comment: But of course, we’re not allowed to notice why we can’t have nice things like civilization and tolerance. From today’s paper: Father accused of fatally shooting son because he was gay Jim Key, spokesman for the Los Angeles LGBT … Continue reading

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How Do You Tackle Terrorism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Killing terrorists’ families would certainly be preferable to being massacred and enslaved by Muslims. But if the will to take such drastic measures was there, it wouldn’t be needed, because any country genuinely determined to … Continue reading

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