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Category Archives: Islam
The Future If We Don’t Change Immigration Policy
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Belgium Before & After The Muslim Invasion
Heretic tweets: “Conservatives never give a single conservative reason for opposing Muslim immigration.” John Rivers responds: “Muslims are mean to gays, a danger to drunk club girls, and will make Tranny Bathrooms harder to implement.”
What Creates Jihadis?
Comments at Steve Sailer: * They become Jihadists because Islamic culture allows them to be, through its veneration of martyrdom. If you’ve got a quick path to glory, it doesn’t take much to push you down it. * Just noting … Continue reading
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When Can We Get Past Islamophobia Accusations?
Comments at Steve Sailer: * The debate is happening when attacks like the one in Orlando, Fla., have raised concerns about both Islamic radicalism and Islamophobia. At what point does Muslim mass murder of non-Muslims rise to a level where … Continue reading
What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian?
Dennis Prager writes: Islam has never been a religion of peace. It began as a warlike religion, and throughout its history, whenever possible, Muslims made war on non-Muslims, from the polytheists of North Africa to the Hindus of India. A … Continue reading
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