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Category Archives: Islam
Can A Muslim Be A Swede?
Posted in Islam
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Muslim charged with murder posted to Facebook moments before alleged stabbing
I wonder if shouting “Allahu Akbar” gives us a clue about the killer’s motivations? For first world countries like Australia, Muslims are an invasive species just as for Palestinians, Israeli Jews are an invasive species. NEWS: A 29-year-old French national … Continue reading
Hillary: Trump Would Ban 1.5 Billion Muslims from Entering the U.S.
Steve Sailer writes: Hillary takes skepticism about Muslim immigration very personally. To Hillary, American immigration policy is, first and foremost, all about her Huma. COMMENTS: * They make a lovely couple. Both are officially “married” to pervert/sex offenders, but they … Continue reading
Posted in Hillary Clinton, Islam
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Tabletmag: Does Nobel Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi Want To Push Her Country’s Muslims Into the Sea?
If you love your people, you are going to want to push out your enemies. This rule is not complicated. It applies equally to Jews, whites, Christians, Muslims, Germans, Australians… Why would a non-Muslim country want Muslims (or any foreign … Continue reading
Posted in Islam
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California Muslim Convert ‘misunderstands’ Islam, beheads his foster grandparents in the cause of jihad
Alene Tchekmedyian, LATimes: A 35-year-old man accused of bludgeoning his foster grandparents to death last year in their Glendale home using an ax and a hammer was held to answer Tuesday to capital murder charges. After a preliminary hearing that … Continue reading
Posted in California, Islam, Los Angeles
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