Category Archives: Germany

NYT: ‘Germany Grapples With Its Genocide Past in Africa’

New York Times: “Tens of thousands of Namibians were killed between 1904 and 1908 in events that foreshadowed Nazi ideology and the Holocaust. Germany is finally close to recognizing the killings as genocide.” How come we never have these stories … Continue reading

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The New Star Of Germany’s Far Right

From The New Yorker: On one side there are moderate members, for whom the AfD is basically a protest vote; on the other is what he called a “dark core” of true believers—people like Björn Höcke, a former history teacher … Continue reading

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Right-populist party’s strong showing in Berlin voting seen as ‘Nazi renaissance’

If you scream “Nazi!” long enough, people stop taking you seriously and when real Nazis come along, they won’t react. BERLIN (JTA) — In what one German Jewish leader is calling a “Nazi renaissance,” Germany’s newest right-populist party — Alternative … Continue reading

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Jews Fear Surge Of Gentile Nationalism In Europe

REPORT: The president of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, has reacted with anger to the strong showing of the AfD in the regional elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. “The AfD is not an alternative for Germany, but a sign of … Continue reading

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Organized Jewry Frightened By Rise Of German Right-Wing

Instapundit tweets: “Yes, because they might deport Muslim anti-semites who want to exterminate Jews. Wait, what?” REPORT: After the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) beat Angela Merkel’s CDU into third place in a state election on Sunday, the Chancellor has … Continue reading

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