Category Archives: Germany

Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 by David Stahel

Here are excerpts from this book: * …Germany found it extremely difficult to operate new agents in the Soviet Union. The training programme for agents had in fact been rapidly expanded in 1941, and attempts were made to use agents … Continue reading

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Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Defeat in the East (Cambridge Military Histories)

David Stahel writes in 2009: * From a military point of view, the likelihood of a German victory was also shared in Britain, with the Joint Intelligence Committee estimating that the Germans would require just six weeks to occupy the … Continue reading

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Manstein: Hitler’s Greatest General

A few excerpts from this 2011 biography by British general Mungo Melvin: * Von Seekt 1922: ‘Poland’s existence is intolerable, incompatible with the survival of Germany. It must disappear, and it will disappear through its own internal weakness and through … Continue reading

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Economists and Merkel’s migrants

Greg Cochran writes: Someone polled a number of prominent economists whether the influx of refugees into Germany beginning in 2015 will generate net economic benefits for German citizens over the succeeding decade. About half said yes, a little less than … Continue reading

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Interview With Cultural Critic John David Ebert

His Youtube channels. John’s website:

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