Category Archives: Germany

Nazism As A Reaction To Anti-Racism

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: [Frans] Boas didn’t really change his mind on race until the 1930s. The cause is not hard to pinpoint. When he died in 1942, an obituary mentioned his alarm over the threat of Nazism: Dr. Boas, … Continue reading

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The Jewish Fight For Tranny Rights

Tuvia Tenebom writes: “The toilets,” I’m told as I enter the gates of the university, “are to be shared by all: female, male and transgender.” No more separate men’s room, ladies’ room, or transgender room. I’ve never heard of other … Continue reading

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German Jewish leader: Don’t wear yarmulkas in certain areas

Here are more clashing group interests. Muslims are clearly the implacable enemies of Jews right now and I suspect most Jews in Europe and America would prefer their continents were free of Muslims. REPORT: Joseph Schuster discourages Jewish visibility in … Continue reading

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Germany Rules Europe

We’ve fought and won all these world wars and we’re left with what Germany wanted all along — to rule Europe. Germans have a higher average IQ than other European nations. They work harder. They have more group pride and … Continue reading

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What About The Ethnic Cleansing Of Germans After WWII?

I wonder if in the next 50 years, or later, historians will look back at the forced dispossession of ethnic Germans from eastern and central Europe after WWII as a crime against humanity? Christoph Donnellan: “What was done to ethnic … Continue reading

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