Category Archives: Germany

What Turned Germans Into Nazis?

Andrew Stuttaford writes for the WSJ: Mr. Fritzsche examines how, during the party’s years in opposition, the Nazis were able to broaden their support away from the original ideological core to voters who, for example, just thought that “something” had … Continue reading

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The Other God that Failed: Hans Freyer and the Deradicalization of German Conservatism

Summary: “Why did some of the “best and brightest” of Weimar intellectuals advocate totalitarian solutions to the problems of liberal democratic, capitalist society? How did their “radical conservatism” contribute to the rise of National Socialism? What roles did they play … Continue reading

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I Argue With Paul Gottfried

Posted in Adolf Hitler, Anti-Semitism, Germany, Paul Gottfried | Comments Off on I Argue With Paul Gottfried

Retreat from Moscow: A New History of Germany’s Winter Campaign, 1941-1942

Highlights from the new David Stahel book: * According to Kühne, the nature of German comradeship at the front incorporated certain “homoerotic” feelings, which must be firmly dissociated from what contemporaries saw as the reviled act of manifest homosexuality. In … Continue reading

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‘Martin Heideger and the Space of the Political’

Posted in Germany, Philosophy | Comments Off on ‘Martin Heideger and the Space of the Political’