Category Archives: Germany

Germans Vs Muslims

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is interesting to contrast the treatment of German-Americans after US entry into WW1 with the treatment of Mohammedans after 9-11. It is also interesting to see that German-Americans responded to this treatment by assimilating … Continue reading

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Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic

From Gatestone Institute: Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing … Continue reading

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France Vs Germany

REPORT: “France is taking in as many refugees as we are in the district of Allgäu,” Horst Seehofer, the Christian Social Union (CSU) state premier of Bavaria, told the daily Passauer Neuen Presse. “That is selfish. When things get tough, … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Beautiful Wife Is From Slovenia

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Slovenia is about the perfect country. They have never started any wars, never had a major war fought within their borders. Never had sectarian or civil strife. Never been ruled by despots (Tito’s rule was … Continue reading

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How Angela Merkel Wrecked Europe Forever

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s amazing how just one person and her party can in such a short time wreak such havoc on the continent of Europe. This idiocy could change the demographics of Europe forever. The Germans apparently … Continue reading

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