Category Archives: Germany

Germany On The Brink

Ross Douthat writes in the New York Times: ON New Year’s Eve, in the shadow of Cologne’s cathedral, crowds of North African and Middle Eastern men accosted women out for the night’s festivities. They surrounded them, groped them, robbed them. … Continue reading

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The Inconvenience of Rapey Refugees

Rod Dreher writes: Well, well, well: Deutsche Welle reports something ‘politically awkward’: City authorities identified some suspects in the Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks as asylum seekers from Syria, detaining or questioning some of them, according to reports by local … Continue reading

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German Feminists: Forget Rapist Migrants, They’re Already Marginalised

Breitbart: In the wake of the wave of organised sexual assaults perpetrated against German women on New Year’s Eve, many commentators have been patiently waiting for the feminist reaction to this grotesque display of male violence. Well, it seems to … Continue reading

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The Long Silence—The Cologne Sex Attacks And The German Media.

From VDARE: It took four days for the German Mainstream Media to report New Year’s Eve mass sex assaults on women by up to 1000 heavily intoxicated immigrants of “Arab or North African origin “, as the German police describe … Continue reading

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WaPo: “Germany Springs to Action Over Hate Speech Against Migrants”

Steve Sailer writes: Germany does have a problem with violence by thugs who are anti-immigrant: cases of arson, and the poor mayoress of Cologne got stabbed by a rightwinger last fall. The co-founder of the PEGIDA protests is a nightclub … Continue reading

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