Category Archives: Germany

Why Does Germany Condone Mass Rape?

David Goldman writes: Germany’s leaders have nothing of signifcance to say about the worst outbreak of sexual assaults in Germany since the Red Army moved out after World War II. Why won’t they do anything? Answer: for the same reason … Continue reading

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Professor interrupts Merkel: “I’m scared about the future of my children”, faces legal consequences

Published on Jan 26, 2016: A Professor has interrupted German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the opening ceremony of a new Fraunhofer Institute for Microsystems and now fears for his teaching position. He said he is scared about the future of … Continue reading

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The Islamic Rape Invasion

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is the new Germany… August 13, police arrested two Iraqi asylum seekers, aged 23 and 19, for raping an 18-year-old German woman behind a schoolyard in Hamm, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia. 3. July … Continue reading

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WATCH: ‘Angela Merkel You Have Killed Germany!’ – 16 Year Old Girl’s Migrant Fears Video That Some Claim Facebook Are ‘Censoring’

From Breitbart: “Please help us!… It is… very hard to live day-to-day as a woman” says 16 year old Bibi Wilhailm, a German girl who has uploaded her personal experiences of Arab and Muslim migrants in a new video that … Continue reading

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The Other God That Failed: Hans Freyer and the Deradicalization of German Conservation by Jerry Z. Muller

From “Why did some of the “best and brightest” of Weimar intellectuals advocate totalitarian solutions to the problems of liberal democratic, capitalist society? How did their “radical conservatism” contribute to the rise of National Socialism? What roles did they … Continue reading

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