Category Archives: Germany

Cologne Sex Attackers Walk Free

Daily Mail: Smiling and cheering as they walk free from court: Immigrants convicted of Cologne New Year’s Eve sex assaults avoid jail despite judge branding them ‘animals’ Hussain A and Hassan T walked from court with suspended sentences They were … Continue reading

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Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers’ nationality because she did not want to encourage racism

Daily Mail: A young left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the racial background of three men who raped her in case it triggered reprisals against refugees in her country. Selin Gören, the national spokeswoman of the … Continue reading

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A Jew In Germany Can’t Root For Germany

Comment: A young, fashionable, rootless cosmopolitan from Russia who seems to be the media go-to girl in Berlin when it comes to questions of German identity: Ioulia Isserlis, in July 2014 telling the Times of Israel why she won’t be … Continue reading

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German Finance Minister: Without Muslim Immigration, Germans Could Degenerate Via Inbreeding

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trolling? Did the “cuckservative” meme not make its way across the pond? There must be some awesome German word that says the same thing as cuckservative. The guy’s trolling us, right? I mean, the timing, … Continue reading

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Will Germany challenge migrant newcomers’ anti-Jewish/Israel animus?

By ABRAHAM COOPER, HAROLD BRACKMAN 06/02/2016: Wiesenthal Center officials will soon visit Berlin to raise an additional concern: what steps are being taken to deconstruct extreme anti-Jewish prejudices and anti-Israel animus which pervade Arab and Muslim societies and that many … Continue reading

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