Category Archives: ADL

Why Is the Anti-Defamation League Calling Out Donald Trump by Name?

What a bunch of crybabies. Since when is calling somebody a “renegade Jew” a hateful act? Nathan Guttman writes: WASHINGTON — Even as leaders of the Anti-Defamation League gathered in the nation’s capital on May 16 for their annual meeting, … Continue reading

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‘ADL has funded many of the neo-nazi groups and individuals. Goal is to discredit White Identity.’

Source. Tweet: “The ADL also provides seminars and publications to law enforcement. Creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where cops look for Nazis. The ADL is also heavily involved in public schools with its No Place for Hate Campaign. Young Alt-Right needs … Continue reading

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The ADL Struggles To Control The Overton Window

Donald Trump has expanded what you are permitted to say publicly and some Jewish groups such as the ADL fear this free speech and want to destroy it. They want to be able to set the boundaries on permitted speech. … Continue reading

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ADL to Redirect Donations From Trump to Anti-bias Education

If the ADL is opposed to bias, it must hate the Torah, because the Torah is the blueprint for creating God’s Chosen People and allowing them to thrive by actively practicing discrimination in favor of their own group. There’s no … Continue reading

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How the ADL is working to destroy America

Rabbi Nachum Shifren writes in 2009: It is difficult to write about Jewish traitors, but I have the obligation to do so. My life as an American and a Jew is rooted in one miracle: individual liberty and freedom of … Continue reading

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