Category Archives: ADL

Media Going Nuts Over Trump

The media is really going after Trump with guilt by non-association. They are panicking that they have lost control. This is an Ashkenazi smear, one goyim rarely use. Dave Wiegel and Evan Osnos are doing it. Good thing the new … Continue reading

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Is Fighting Anti-Semitism An ADL Priority?

Jonathan Bronitsky writes: I want the ADL to revisit and clarify its mission. “The nation’s premier civil rights/human relations agency,” asserts that it “fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry”; not just “all forms of bigotry,” but “anti-Semitism” and then … Continue reading

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How Do Jews Feel About Non-Jews?

How about in the spirit of mutual understanding and respectful dialogue, we start surveying Jews for their attitudes towards non-Jews? Are there such surveys? Why don’t the goyim have their own anti-defamation league? I appreciate the ADL’s survey of attitudes … Continue reading

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Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Earl Holt started giving money to GOP pols after marrying the widow of a Jewish businessman

Yahoo: “As president of a white nationalist group linked with the murders of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, Earl P. Holt III is straddling the uneasy boundary between free speech and racial hatred.” How can there be … Continue reading

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‘Mr. Vasquez does not want Jews to die in preventable fires. Therefore, he is a bigot.’

Failed Messiah reports: Evan Bernstein, the head of the ADL’s New York region, Evan Bernstein, complained about a campaign video released by the Republican Party in support of the candidacy of Richard Vasquez for Rockland County sheriff: “We find the … Continue reading

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