Category Archives: Google

Google: ‘They put POCs in their image so they don’t have to put them in their workforce.’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Not only is the only white guy in the back row, he is, by a process of elimination, in the Coast Guard. (Maybe we need a cross reference to Coast Guard on Coast Guard violence, … Continue reading

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Could Google Control Elections?

From Politico: Research I have been directing in recent years suggests that Google, Inc., has amassed far more power to control elections—indeed, to control a wide variety of opinions and beliefs—than any company in history has ever had. Google’s search … Continue reading

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Google: ‘Help refugees and migrants in urgent need. Google will match your donation.’

As I was searching for Ann Coulter’s Twitter feed, I encountered this message above from Google. I wonder if Google would ever donate to help host nation’s preserve themselves from Muslim invasion? I wish Google wasn’t subsidizing the Muslim invasion … Continue reading

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Googled, Gobbled, and Throttled

I suspect that advertisers for rational reasons don’t want their ads next to certain content. Fred Reed writes: My site,, has, or had until a few minutes ago, several Google ads, which served to bring in a modest amount … Continue reading

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Google Raises Money To Fight Ebola

This is the first time I’ve noticed Google raising money when I use its search engine. Of course it is for some obscure third world cause. On the one hand, it is laudatory to fight Ebola. On the other hand, … Continue reading

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