Category Archives: Rabbis

Sex In Orthodox Judaism

Hirhurim writes: "I sent a few questions to Sara Diament, author of an important new book for parents titled Talking To Your Children About Intimacy: A Guide For Orthodox Jewish Parents (link). My questions are in bold. You can also … Continue reading

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LA Rabbis Spend Week In Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports: Many of the rabbis agree, however, that some of the most valuable moments of the trip happen between planned events, when they have a chance to meet and get to know one another on bus and … Continue reading

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Corruption Informant In New Jersey Admits Guilt

From the Wall Street Journal: Solomon Dwek, whose secret cooperation in a New Jersey corruption and money-laundering probe led to criminal charges against 44 people, pleaded guilty Tuesday to bank fraud and money-laundering charges. The plea by Mr. Dwek, a … Continue reading

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Rabbi Intervenes When Israeli Basketball Coach Won’t Leave After His Second Technical Foul

From the New York Times: Sometime during the 10-minute discussion in front of the visitors’ bench, Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, with a long white beard, a black hat and a black coat, crossed the court from his seat to intervene. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Hecht Says Rubashkin Will Be Vindicated

From Activist and President of The National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education Rabbi Shea Hecht declared on the Dov Hikind show last night that embattled businessman Sholom Rubashkin will be vindicated. Rabbi Hecht strongly argued that the Rubashkin case … Continue reading

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