Category Archives: Rabbis

The Hijacked Rosh Yeshiva

In a lecture on rabbinic biographies for Torah in Motion, Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “I think the [Nathan] Kamanetsky book was too voyeuristic in those areas. There are times when it is going to be … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between A Torah Scholar And A Gadol?

In a lecture on rabbinic biographies for Torah in Motion, Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “In the haredi world [ultra-Orthodoxy], [Rav J.B. Soloveitchik] is recognized as a Torah scholar but not as a gadol [great rabbi]. … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Who Couldn’t Read Hebrew

Here’s an interesting story: Raphael: The problem I want to bring up revolves around being less skilled than I would like to be in something that is integral to my profession and I feel a great deal of shame and … Continue reading

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Getting In To See The Rav

Shuli* emails: I miss the days when a Shull’s Rav was everyone’s Rabbi. You could drop by to see if he is not busy..or wait a little, to have a heart to heart talk. That was a personal relationship with … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Has Predatory Rabbis Doing Orthodox Conversions To Judaism

Alarm bells should go off in your head if the rabbi in charge of your conversion to Orthodox Judaism asks you: * When do you menstruate (so he can get at you when you won’t contaminate him) * To meet … Continue reading

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