Category Archives: Rabbis

What A Rabbi Won’t Do For His Flock

I hear that when the late producer Jerry Weintraub was bothered by a stalker, his rabbi went with his son to the stalker’s home. The rabbi told his son, after five minutes, call the police. Then the rabbi knocked on … Continue reading

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Conservative Rabbi Raids Synagogue Discretionary Fund To Buy Transsexual Prostitutes

From the Forward: The fifth Conservative rabbi subjected to R.A. disciplinary measures is Barry Starr, a former president of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis and a spiritual leader of Temple Israel, in Sharon, Massachusetts, for almost 30 years. Starr’s congregation … Continue reading

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Rabbi Of Ethical Understanding Expelled From RCA Rabbi Marc Schneier, the spiritual leader of a tony congregation in the Hamptons, has been expelled from the Rabbinical Council of America, the Forward has learned. The five times married Schneier was quietly expelled from the Orthodox rabbinical group … Continue reading

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Sima Yumash – An Orthodox Victim Of Childhood Sexual Abuse – Tells Her Los Angeles Story

Jewish Community Watch (JCW) names the abuser as Rabbi Sholom Dovber Levitansky: Sholom (Dovber) Levitansky has been added to the Wall of Shame due to his alleged sexual abuse of a number of female minors. Multiple victims came forward and … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse, Chabad, Debbie Fox, Jewish Journal, R. Avrohom Union, R. Berish Goldenberg, R. Gershon Bess, R. Yosef Shusterman, Rabbis, RCC, Santa Monica | Comments Off on Sima Yumash – An Orthodox Victim Of Childhood Sexual Abuse – Tells Her Los Angeles Story

The Jewish Laws Of Proper Speech

I’m listening to some classes on lashon hara (forbidden speech according to Torah) on and I am disappointed by how ignorant they are. presents Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman as an expert in this topic. Fourteen minutes into one … Continue reading

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