Antisemitism watchdog adds (((echo))) symbol to hate list after Jews targeted

The Guardian: US antisemitism watchdog, the Anti-Defamation League, has added the “(((echo)))” symbol, used online by white supremacists to single out Jews, to its online database of hate symbols.

The group’s decision comes days after Google removed a Chrome extension that was being used by antisemites to add triple parentheses around the names of prominent Jewish public figures including Michael Bloomberg and New York Times journalist Jonathan Weisman.

“The echo symbol is the online equivalent of tagging a building with antisemites graffiti or taunting someone verbally,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL’s chief executive. “We at ADL take this manifestation of online hate seriously, and that’s why we’re adding this symbol to our database and working with our partners in the tech industry to investigate this phenomenon more deeply.”

The intersection of old-fashioned white supremacy and antisemitism with tech-savvy online groups centred around websites such as 4chan and Reddit has given rise to a movement loosely termed the “alt-right”. The echo symbol is just the latest artefact of that group’s thinking to burst into the mainstream, thanks largely to an article in late May from the NYT’s Weisman highlighting its use.

Weisman linked the antisemitism on display with the professed political support of those abusing him: the Twitter user who referred to him as “((Weisman))” went by the handle @CyberTrump.

But the denigration of Jews online extends beyond the Trump supporters highlighted by Weisman. An investigation by Mic revealed how widespread the symbol’s use has become, largely below the radar of the mainstream.

“To the public, the symbol is not easily searchable on most sites and social networks; search engines strip punctuation from results,” wrote the publication’s reporters, Cooper Fleishman and Anthony Smith. “This means that trolls committed to uncovering, labelling and harassing Jewish users can do so in relative obscurity: No one can search those threats to find who’s sending them.”

The pair trace the origins of the symbol back to far right blog Right Stuff. “In Right Stuff propaganda, you’ll often read that Jewish names ‘echo’. According to the blog’s lexicon page, ‘all Jewish surnames echo throughout history’. In other words, the supposed damage caused by Jewish people reverberates from decade to decade.” The parentheses are used to imply that same echo textually.

While many antisemites simply write out Jewish names with the parentheses manually, using it as a deliberate taunt, there was also a popular Chrome extension that automated the function. Named “Coincidence Detector” – a sarcastic reflection of the anti-semitic conspiracy that Jews control the media – it automatically flagged up common Jewish surnames to anyone who installed it.

Google removed Coincidence Detector on Thursday, citing terms and conditions that prohibit “promotions of hate or incitement of violence”, shortly after Mic wrote about the extension.

The publicity around the echo symbol has led to a counter protest, with Jews and non-Jews alike putting the symbol around their own names on social media, led by Tablet magazine’s Yair Rosenberg:

— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg)
June 3, 2016

Want to raise awareness about anti-Semitism, show solidarity with harassed Jews & mess with the Twitter Nazis? Put ((( ))) around your name.

— (((Faheem))) (@ims43)
June 3, 2016

@Yair_Rosenberg oh man I’m Muslim this will confuse them

— (((DCCyclone))) (@DCCyclone)
June 3, 2016

@fmitchell @Yair_Rosenberg @jonrosenberg Non-practicing Hindu, myself. But gonna go for it, hate Nazis.

The echo symbol is just the latest in a string of coded ways the far right has learned to communicate online. Neo-Nazis regularly adopt the numbers 88 – standing for HH, or “heil Hitler” – and 14, referring to “the 14 words”, the white-supremacist slogan: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.

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Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Lambastes Trump’s Anti-Mexican Rhetoric

The coalition of the fringe back at it.

In real life, Ashkenazi Jews and Mexicans (outside the top 10% white elite) have almost nothing in common and rarely socialize.

Jewish Insider reports:

Mexican Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu issued a blistering attack against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a speech to a prominent Jewish group in Washington, D.C., on Monday.
“The United States benefits greatly from the economic relationship with Mexico, and the American people benefit immensely from the presence of Mexican people in this country,” Ruiz Massieu said during a speech at the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum without mentioning Donald Trump by name. “People, we are most definitely not the problem; we are part of the solution. Our problem is not one of closed borders, but one of narrow minds.”
Lambasting Trump’s recent comments about Mexican immigrants “for political gain,” Ruiz Massieu stressed, “The Mexican people have always been a positive presence and force for good in the United States. And this is not an opinion, it is a fact. The future and viability of the United States as an economic dominant power in the 21st century is linked to the success of its immigrant population.”
According to the foreign secretary, the “foreign” people Trump disparages and demonizes are no different than American Jews and others who “plow the land and make sure there is food on our table.”
“Those who want to make political profit stigmatizing these people, be them Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, people of color, or Asians, are wrong,” she said. “For this country was founded on the very principle – the self evident truth that all men and women are endowed with the same rights – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Ruiz Massieu further touted the close relationship between the Mexican people and the Jewish community and their shared values, saying that if history has taught us anything, “when discrimination is allowed against one group, it’s just a matter of time before it is targeted against others.”
“Let me say loud and clear: Fighting anti-Semitism, like standing up to anti-Mexican sentiments, is not a Jewish issue nor a Mexican issue. It’s a common battle for human rights. It is a matter of universal dignity that goes beyond race, religion, ideology or politics. And this stance is simply non-negotiable,” she added.

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Will Donald Trump make America hate again?

This article and this question are absurd. If you love something, you hate that which threatens it. If you love America, you hate its enemies. If you love Jews, you hate their enemies. If you love Muslims, you hate their enemies. Hatred is not unique to Donald Trump supporters. Those who have the opposite values from Trump understandably hate him.

The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles:

For decades, it seemed that the visuals of Nazi propaganda — replete with hunch-backed, leering, long-nosed Chasidic Jews — had vanished. Then came the internet.
Virulently anti-Semitic imagery has made its way into the presidential campaign, materializing, for instance, in Julia Ioffe’s inbox and social media feeds after the Jewish reporter wrote a profile in GQ of Melania Trump, who found the article unflattering.
Now, members of the Jewish world who pay close attention to hate speech — anti-Semitic and otherwise — are posing an unsettling question: Will Donald Trump make America hate again? For some, the answer is that he already has.
“Trump’s rhetoric resonates with white supremacists,” said Joanna Mendelson, an investigative researcher with the Center on Extremism, a branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
“They’ve been essentially energized about Trump’s candidacy, and they’ve been very vocal about their support of Trump and his policies on immigration and globalism,” Mendelson said.
In February, the ADL published a list of 10 prominent white supremacists who actively support Trump. Then, in April, it urged the candidate to drop the phrase “America First” as a campaign slogan, pointing out it had been used by Charles Lindbergh, a prominent Nazi sympathizer, in the 1940s.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, another prominent Jewish organization monitoring hate speech, has stopped short of calling out Trump by name.
But in an emailed statement to the Jewish Journal, Rabbi Marvin Hier, the center’s founder and dean, wrote, “No political candidate for high office of any sort should allow hate groups and bigots to pollute their campaign by peddling their hatred.”
Trump’s tough stance on immigrants, paired with his anti-establishment ethos, seems to have made him the most palatable candidate in decades for white supremacists, who otherwise have been slowly fading into the country’s political fringe.
William Johnson, who was named on the ADL list, explained that Trump’s promise to put American interests first speaks to the concerns of white nationalists (he rejects the term “white supremacist,” calling it “the worst swear word out there”).
As the chairman of the anti-immigrant American Freedom Party, Johnson favors the creation of a white ethno-state.
A corporate lawyer in downtown Los Angeles, Johnson became entangled in the Trump campaign last month when he applied to become a California delegate to the Republican convention, and his name was accidentally included in the list of Trump convention delegates sent to the California secretary of state.
“Virtually all of the white nationalist movement is behind Donald Trump,” Johnson said in an interview with the Journal at the time.
In a second interview with the Journal, Johnson said the support stems from the fact that every other major presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan has promoted a globalist agenda of open borders and multiculturalism.
“They’re all promoting the globalist platform that Donald Trump is now tearing apart,” he said.
He added that many members of his community are also tacitly rooting for Bernie Sanders because of his anti-establishment stance.
In the interview, Johnson drew a line between white nationalists who see Jews as benign, saying Ashkenazis “would probably be considered white,” and those who see them as problematic non-whites. Johnson said he belongs to the first camp.
On the other side of that split is David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader.
Last month, Duke praised Trump on his radio show for exposing “Jewish supremacists who control our country.”
“Many people are upset with the Zionist elite,” Duke wrote in an email to the Journal, describing himself as “a Gentile who loves his own people as much as Jews love their own people.”
Duke declined to comment further.
Mendelson, the ADL researcher, questioned the existence of a clean divide between white supremacists who hate Jews and those who don’t.
“I look at many of those folks as ecumenical haters,” she said. “You can’t parse out their hatred for Jews, because really their hatred extends across the spectrum.”
While some haters are willing to speak out in public, she said, many “might not do so boldly in their workplace or on the street corner or at that rally.” Instead, they take to the internet.
“I’ve talked with many who agree with my opinions on Jewish influence, but it’s a very tricky subject to talk about in public,” a 22-year-old engineer from Houston, who declined to be named for this story, wrote in a private message on Twitter.
Posting under the handle @NationalismRise, the engineer has described a target of his ire as a “filthy kike,” tweeted pictures of swastikas and referred to The New York Times as the “Jew York Times.” He describes himself as a Trump supporter and a member of the alt-right movement, a fringe group of ultra-nationalist ideologies that challenges mainstream conservatism.
Asked why he believes Trump will stand up to Jewish political interests, he said, “The proof is in the pudding.”
“The amount of hate & vitriol aimed at Trump from Jewish members of the media & high finance has been constant for the last year,” he wrote.
He echoed Johnson’s sentiment that Trump would do away with the pervasive globalism of America’s foreign policy: “I believe his America First foreign policy and criticism of the neoconservative movement implies he will be much less likely to carry water for Israel.”


* Trump is not a politically correct person. That doesn’t mean he is a fanatic. He just tells it like it is. Just because someone labels Trump as a crazy or fanatic doesn’t make it so. Actually, Trump is a very successful business person who has hired thousands of people. How many people has Hillary hired or how much money has she made in the private sector to give her an inkling on how to make America great again. Hillary has put our secrets at risks with her private server and failed to protect Amb. Stevens and brave Americans in Benghazi. The buck stops with her on those matters. Americans are tired of the same old line given by the same old people saying they will change America for the better. When? Hillary has been around for decades and became very rich holding public office. When is she going to make America better, now?

* I remember that ‘anti-semitic’ president, Nixon. When Israel was ‘on the ropes’, in 1973, He quickly loaded C-5’s with the needed re-supply, thumbed his nose at our European ‘allies’, and flew them non-stop, direct to Israel.

And now, we have a ‘pro-Israel’ POTUS, who, during Arab Spring. initiated the shipment of M-1 tanks, F-16 fighter planes, and Apache helicopters, to Egypt’s Morsi (read Moslem Brotherhood). At the same time, he embargoed spare parts for Israel.

There is written evidence that if FDR was still alive in 1947, the creation of Israel would never have been passed in the UN.

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Bernie Sanders, the Non-Jewish Jew and Non-American American

Dennis Prager writes: If you want to understand Sen. Bernie Sanders, this is what you need to know:
He is the quintessential modern identity-free man.
He is a non-Jewish Jew and a non-American American.
In Sanders’ speeches and interviews, there is virtually no mention of his being a Jew (unless he’s asked about it), and — what’s truly amazing for an American presidential candidate — there are few mentions of America, except to lament American inequality, Wall Street corruption and other American evils.
The term “non-Jewish Jew” is not mine. It is generally attributed to a Jewish historian, Isaac Deutscher, who wrote an essay by that name in 1954. The term describes individuals who are born Jews (Judaism consists of a national identity and peoplehood identity, not just a religious identity) but identify as citizens of the world rather than as Jews, either nationally or religiously.
Once the walls of Jewish ghettos broke down and European Jews were allowed to leave Jewish enclaves, many Jews became non-Jewish Jews. In most cases, either they or their children assimilated into the societies in which they lived.
However, a small, but significant percentage became radicalized. They loathed religion (especially all Judeo- and Christian-based religions), traditional middle-class (“bourgeois”) values, capitalism and all Western national identities (they supported anti-Western national identities), and they particularly hated the Jewish religious and national identities.
What, for example, do socialist Karl Marx, Soviet politician Leon Trotsky, linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky and billionaire George Soros have in common? They were/are all radicals who were born to Jewish parents, had/have no Jewish identity and did/do harm to Jews and non-Jews.
Marx was the grandson of two Orthodox rabbis (his father converted to Christianity), yet he wrote one of the most significant anti-Semitic essays of the 19th century, “On the Jewish Question” in 1844. In it are such statements as:
“Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face which no other god may exist. …The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. …The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.”
Trotsky, born Lev Bronstein, was the intellectual father of Russian, and later Soviet, communism. He, along with Joseph Stalin and three others (two of whom were also non-Jewish Jews), fought to succeed Vladimir Lenin as leader of the Communist Party.
When Trotsky was head of the Red Army, Moscow’s chief rabbi, Jacob Mazeh, asked Trotsky to use the army to protect the Jews from pogrom attacks. Trotsky reportedly responded, “Why do you come to me? I am not a Jew,” to which Mazeh answered: “That’s the tragedy. It’s the Trotskys who make revolutions, and it’s the Bronsteins who pay the price.”
Chomsky is hostile to the two identities with which he was born. He has devoted much of his life to working against America and Israel. To cite but one example, he traveled to Lebanon to appear with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and lend his support to a group that is committed to the annihilation of Israel, which the United States lists as a terrorist organization.
Soros is another man who was born Jewish and later became a radical world citizen, a man who was alienated from America and his Jewish origins and damages both. Martin Peretz, former editor-in-chief of the New Republic, described Soros: “George Soros is ostentatiously indifferent to his own Jewishness. He is not a believer. He has no Jewish communal ties. He certainly isn’t a Zionist. He told Connie Bruck in The New Yorker — testily, she recounted — that ‘I don’t deny the Jews their right to a national existence — but I don’t want to be part of it.’”
Soros supports Palestinian nationalism. A consistent belief of radicals is that anti-Jewish and anti-American nationalisms are good, and Jewish and American nationalisms are bad.
Sanders is a milder version of these radical non-Jewish Jews. He, too, is alienated from his Jewish and American origins.
And that explains his attitudes and policies. People with no national or religious roots who become politically active frequently seek to undermine the national and religious identities of others, especially those in their own national/religious group. In the case of Sanders, that means those with Jewish and American identities.
That’s why non-Jewish Jews are far more likely to work to weaken Christianity in America than Jewish Jews, especially religious Jews. Religious Jews celebrate religious Christians. The same holds true for American non-Jews who have rejected any identification with Christianity, many of whom in fact seek to weaken Christian influence and identity in America.
Non-Jewish Jews like Sanders are alienated from Jews who strongly identify as Jewish and Christians who strongly identify as Christians. And non-American Americans like Sanders and others who identify as “world citizens” more than they identify as American citizens, are alienated from Americans who strongly identify as Americans.
The radical non-Jewish Jew and the radical non-American American love humanity, but they hurt real humans, especially Jews and Americans.


Prager is misguided. It’s a big mistake to lump any of them in with the others, as they really had nothing in common. There is a common thread between Marx and Trotsky in that Marx was the leading economic/political theorist who advocated for a communist state and Trotsky helped install a nascent one in the Soviet Union. And of course one of the things that Prager neglects to mention is that unlike under the Tsar, the Jews were liberated within the Soviet Union, even if the regime itself was atheistic.

Chomsky is a different bird altogether. He is of course probably the leading thinker on linguistics, who has radical tendencies that give him a particular world view, a world view that does not coincide with Pragers. And of course Soros is sui generis. He was raised in Hungary and was persecuted as a Jew and he and his father apparently acted as informers once Horthy was deposed during WWII and the Arrow Cross took over the government. Considering that he was willing to sacrifice other Jews to save his own skin, is it any wonder he feels estranged from Judaism?

Prager would believe that for all of these persons, their Jewish identity is paramount. All of them, excepting Chomsky, had to deal with anti Semitism in a way that Prager never experienced. In each case their reaction was rational, even if possibly immoral, again by Jewish standards.

Sanders has little in common with any of these (with the possible exception of Chomsky.) Sanders grew out of the New York East Coast Jewish leftist (communist and socialist milieu). Unlike Prager, as a young man and as some sort of idealist, he did work on one of the most radical kibbutzim in Israel. It’s rich that out of the experience, Sanders is willing to view Israel as any other nation, and not entitled to any sort of special treatment because Sanders was born a Jew, yet Prager who is wedded at the hip to the Likudniks wholly rejects the legitimacy of Sanders personal experience and the knowledge he has gained through being a congressman and Senator.

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Hannibal Bateman writes: Muhammad Ali’s recent death will be just another moment for White liberals to collectively mourn another link to their “golden age” in the 1960’s. When their opponents where “the real racists” and they had such “titans” as Martin Luther King jr. and John F. Kennedy leading America inexorably towards progress.

The Guardian has a typical display of this mindset:

Born in the south before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white bus passenger, he died at the age of 74, having seen the first African American elected to the White House. Barack Obama led tributes to the incandescent athlete, activist, humanitarian, poet and showman with a statement that caught the mood of many.

But reality, unlike Cultural Marxist ideology is always more complex. Ali was of course, a radical Black muslim whom most of us would be hard-pressed to find much common ground with on the surface.

However, Ali in fact, had racial views that are far more akin to a race realist than to the smug White liberals who use his picture to decorate his dorm room today. Just take a look at this interview below.

Ali would go even further in a Playboy interview , sounding closer to Dr. Pierce than Dr. King by a mile:

>PLAYBOY: You’re beginning to sound like a carbon copy of a white racist. Let’s get it out front: Do you believe that lynching is the answer to interracial sex? 

ALI: A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman. And white men have always done that. They lynched n****rs for even looking at a white woman; they’d call it reckless eyeballing and bring out the rope. Raping, patting, mischief, abusing, showing our women disrespect — a man should die for that. And not just white men — black men, too. We will kill you, and the brothers who don’t kill you will get their behinds whipped and probably get killed themselves if they let it happen and don’t do nothin’ about it. Tell it to the President — he ain’t gonna do nothin’ about it. Tell it to the FBI: We’ll kill anybody who tries to mess around with our women. Ain’t nobody gonna bother them.

All this weekend there are going to be celebrations about the ‘legacy’ of Muhammad Ali. They will more than likely focus on race more than anything to do with boxing. But for the smug leftists who celebrate Ali, the man himself stands in stinging rebuke to the “post-racial” dream they so love to articulate.

It’s no surprise that we are seeing a resurgence in street violence this election season. This is something Ali would have predicted, because like White identitarians today he understood that diversity leads to conflict.

So let’s do a littleculture jamming and throw these words back into the faces of Ali’s so-called admirers. They could use the tough love!

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