Soros Bets Against Europe While Funding The Mass Migration He Admits Will ‘Collapse’ The EU

George Soros apparently embodies the behavior that makes many people want to keep Jews out of their country because they see them as parasites. He profits off policies he advocates that will destroy the host (Europe and the USA).

Breitbart: The Wall Street Journal has reported that leftist billionaire and Democratic mega-donor George Soros, a convicted insider trader, has stepped back into trading personally in recent months, betting big on his view that Europe is underestimating the cost of the current illegal immigration crisis from Muslim-majority countries – at the same time he calls for increasing that cost and acknowledges groups he underwrites are pushing to worsen that crisis, the worst since World War II.
In October 2015, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Soros’s native Hungary charged that the Muslim-majority “invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by [human rights] activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state…perhaps best represented by George Soros,” according to a report in Bloomberg, “Orban Accuses Soros of Stoking Refugee Wave to Weaken Europe.”

Orbán stressed, “His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle.”

In response, Mr. Soros issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business saying his groups viewed “protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

Granting that Mr. Soros views “national borders as the obstacle,” is the protection of the overwhelmingly Muslim refugees the objective?

Mr. Soros admits that “Realistically, it will be difficult for Europe to absorb more than one million migrants,” and his view is further that:

[EU] officials have not recognized the full cost of dealing with the migration issue—the crisis. And they have a blind spot: We estimate that the cost exceeds 10 billion euros a year, and they are nowhere near this figure officially. And one of the reasons why they don’t recognize this is because they don’t know where they would find the money.

Mr. Soros states flatly that in part as a result, “The EU is on the verge of collapse,” and that “the very survival of the EU is at risk.”

Yet virtually simultaneously, Soros insists that Europe “has to accept at least a million” of the Muslim-majority illegal immigrants a year – and “cover the cost of housing health care and education for each refugee for the first two years.”

In another interview, Mr. Soros has further admitted that “It would be impossible for the EU to finance this expenditure out of its current budget,” and so advocates their taking on additional debt instead.

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Ann Coulter: You Can’t Say “Mexican Judge”, But You Can Sure Say “White Jury”!

Ann Coulter writes: Annoyed at federal judge Gonzalo P. Curiel’s persistent rulings against him in the Trump University case (brought by a law firm that has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches by Bill and Hillary), Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that maybe it’s because the judge is a second-generation Mexican immigrant.

The entire media—and most of the GOP—have spent 10 months telling us that Mexicans in the United States are going to HATE Trump for saying he’ll build a wall. Now they’re outraged that Trump thinks one Mexican hates him for saying he’ll build a wall.

Curiel has distributed scholarships to illegal aliens. He belongs to an organization that sends lawyers to the border to ensure that no illegal aliens’ “human rights” are violated. The name of the organization? The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association—”La Raza” meaning THE RACE.

Let’s pause to imagine the nomination hearings for a white male who belonged to any organization for white people—much less one with the words “THE RACE” in its title.

The media were going to call Trump a racist whatever he did, and his attack on a Hispanic judge is way better than when they said it was racist for Republicans to talk about Obama’s golfing.

Has anyone ever complained about the ethnicity of white judges or white juries? I’ve done some research and it turns out … THAT’S ALL WE’VE HEARD FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS.

The New York Times alone has published hundreds of articles, editorials, op-eds, movie reviews, sports articles and crossword puzzles darkly invoking “white judges” and “all-white” juries, as if that is ipso facto proof of racist justice.

Two weeks ago—that’s not an error; I didn’t mean to type “decades” and it came out “weeks”—the Times published an op-ed by a federal appeals judge stating: “All-white juries risk undermining the perception of justice in minority communities, even if a mixed-race jury would have reached the same verdict or imposed the same sentence.”

In other words, even when provably not unfair, white jurors create the “perception” of unfairness solely by virtue of the color of their skin.

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‘America First’: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy

I expect Muslims to put Muslims first. I expect Bhai to put Bhai first. I expect Japanese to put Japanese first. I expect Jews to put Jews first. Why shouldn’t Americans put America first? If Americans don’t put America first, what should they put first? Israel?

Those American Jews who get nervous about the phrase “America First” are probably Americans who don’t want to put America first.

JTA: Donald Trump is doubling down on “America First.”

After Trump used the term “America First” in late April to describe his policies, the Anti-Defamation League sent him a letter urging him to drop the historically tainted slogan — speaking for Jews and others who remember it as the name of the isolationist movement championed by a notorious anti-Semite to keep the United States out of World War II.

But in a speech Tuesday night following his victories in the last six state primaries, the presumptive Republican nominee for president made clear he’s not about to take the ADL’s advice and abandon the slogan.

“America First,” Trump said, reading from a teleprompter, means protecting American jobs from “unfair foreign competition,” tapping America’s energy resources (including coal), instituting protectionist tax and regulatory policies, loosening regulation, reducing taxes for middle-class Americans and businesses and protecting American workers from immigrants.

“It’s important to understand what ‘America first’ means,” Trump said in his speech, as if directly addressing critics of his use of the term.

At its core, Trump’s policy shares some elements with the isolationism promoted 75 years ago by leaders of the America First Committee.

Created in 1940 after Hitler already had invaded Poland, the America First Committee argued that the U.S. should take a neutral approach toward Nazi Germany, and even do business with it, because the Nazi regime did not threaten America directly. Among its most noteworthy leaders was aviator Charles Lindbergh, who publicly espoused anti-Semitic viewpoints. Lindbergh warned that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence over the media, movies and government.

The echoes of the America First Committee in Trump’s own America First policy include but are not limited to foreign policy. Lindbergh argued in 1941 that America shouldn’t help Britain because Britain was destined to lose the war and the effort would deplete America’s defenses. Trump says he would not have intervened in Libya to topple Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi (though video from 2011 recently surfaced showing Trump endorsing U.S. intervention in Libya) and he opposed the war in Iraq.

As Lily Rothman has noted in Time, Lindbergh, like Trump, said he had the backing of a silent majority of Americans who weren’t being given voice by a hostile media. Back in 1941, Lindbergh fingered the Jews as the culprits, saying they were pushing the U.S. toward war through their control of the media. In this year’s campaign, Trump believes the media is against him, too – not because they’re Jews but, he says, because they’re liars.

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Hate-Speech Attack Plan Draws Serious Fire

Bob Unruh, WND, June 8, 2016:

Religious and secular activists both are taking aim at a new plan by the European Union to require tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter to attack “hate” speech online.

And for the same reason: The vague definitions could give people with nefarious agendas the power to censor speech.

WND recently reported the agreement tech giants Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others reached with the European Union to crack down on what some regard as “hate speech.”

The Associated Press reported the newly approved “code of conduct” will have the tech companies “quickly” remove “illegal hate speech directed against anyone over issues of race, color, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.”

The companies agreed “to strengthen their partnerships with civil society organizations [that] often flag content that promotes incitement to violence and hateful conduct,” the report said.


However, Barnabas Fund, a Christian organization that supports Christians suffering from discrimination or oppression, said the agreement is providing grounds for “serious concerns that the definition of hate speech is so vague it could effectively censor anything deemed politically incorrect, including for example, any criticism of Islamism, mass migration or even the European Union itself.”

The group said it could have serious implications for Christian organizations such as Barnabas Fund that report the persecution of Christians, including converts from Islam.

The Christian organization said that by adopting the policy, the EU “is therefore restricting freedom of the press, something that has existed as a historic national value in countries such as the UK for over 300 years.”

“It is giving Islamic organizations the power to censor any online comments critical of Islam, including those discussing the rapidly spreading persecution of Christians in Muslim majority contexts. Even worse it is doing so not directly, in a way in which it might perhaps be held to account by the electorate, but via commercial companies,” Barnabas Fund said.


IT companies will have to set up processes to remove material that draws complaints, specifically material that promotes “the incitement to violence and hateful conduct.”

They are to train staff members on “current societal developments,” but they don’t clearly defines “hate” speech, which drew criticism from the National Secular Society.

“The plans rest on a vague definition of ‘hate speech’ and risk threatening online discussions which criticize religion,” the group said.

“The agreement comes amid repeated accusations from ex-Muslims that social media organizations are censoring them online. The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has now begun collecting examples from its followers on Facebook censoring ‘atheist, secular and ex-Muslim content’ after false ‘mass reporting’ by ‘cyber jihadists.’”

NSS communications officer Benjamin Jones said: “Far from tackling online ‘cyber jihad,’ the agreement risks having the exact opposite effect and entrapping any critical discussion of religion under ague ‘hate speech’ rules. Poorly trained Facebook or Twitter staff, perhaps with their own ideological bias, could easily see heated criticism of Islam and think it is ‘hate speech,’ particularly if pages or users are targeted and mass reported by Islamists.’”

The EU said hate speech is “public incitement to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons . . . defined by reference to race, color, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.”

However, Jones said, “Incitement to violence and incitement to ‘hatred’ are very different things.”

The Index on Censorship noted, “Hate speech laws are already too broad and ambiguous in much of Europe. This agreement fails to properly define what ‘illegal hate speech’ is and does not provide sufficient safeguards for freedom of expression.”

When the announcement was made, Bloomberg reported: “A French Jewish youth group, UEJF, sued Twitter, Facebook and Google in Paris this month over how they monitor hate speech on the Web. In the course of about six weeks in April and May, members of French anti-discrimination groups flagged unambiguous hate speech that they said promoted racism, homophobia or anti-Semitism. More than 90 percent of the posts pointed out to Twitter and YouTube remained online within 15 days on average following requests for removal, according to the study by UEJF, SOS Racisme and SOS Homophobie.”

The AP said the company was telling customers to use online reporting tools to monitor speech.

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The Donald & the la Raza Judge

Patrick Buchanan writes: Before the lynching of The Donald proceeds, what exactly was it he said about that Hispanic judge?

Stated succinctly, Donald Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a class-action suit against Trump University, is sticking it to him. And the judge’s bias is likely rooted in the fact that he is of Mexican descent.

Can there be any defense of a statement so horrific?

Just this. First, Trump has a perfect right to be angry about the judge’s rulings and to question his motives. Second, there are grounds for believing Trump is right.

On May 27, Curiel, at the request of The Washington Post, made public plaintiff accusations against Trump University — that the whole thing was a scam. The Post, which Bob Woodward tells us has 20 reporters digging for dirt in Trump’s past, had a field day.

And who is Curiel?

An appointee of President Obama, he has for years been associated with the La Raza Lawyers Association of San Diego, which supports pro-illegal immigrant organizations.

Set aside the folly of letting Clinton surrogates like the Post distract him from the message he should be delivering, what did Trump do to be smeared by a bipartisan media mob as a “racist”?

He attacked the independence of the judiciary, we are told.

But Presidents Jefferson and Jackson attacked the Supreme Court, and FDR, fed up with New Deal programs being struck down, tried to “pack the court” by raising the number of justices to 15 if necessary.

Abraham Lincoln leveled “that eminent tribunal” in his first inaugural, and once considered arresting Chief Justice Roger Taney.

The conservative movement was propelled by attacks on the Warren Court. In the ’50s and ’60s, “Impeach Earl Warren!” was plastered on billboards and bumper stickers all across God’s country.

The judiciary is independent, but that does not mean that federal judges are exempt from the same robust criticism as presidents or members of Congress.

Obama himself attacked the Citizens United decision in a State of the Union address, with the justices sitting right in front of him.

But Trump’s real hanging offense was that he brought up the judge’s ancestry, as the son of Mexican immigrants, implying that he was something of a judicial version of Univision’s Jorge Ramos.

Apparently, it is now not only politically incorrect, but, in Newt Gingrich’s term, “inexcusable,” to bring up the religious, racial or ethnic background of a judge, or suggest this might influence his actions on the bench.

But these things matter.

Does Newt think that when LBJ appointed Thurgood Marshall, ex-head of the NAACP, to the Supreme Court, he did not think Marshall would bring his unique experience as a black man and civil rights leader to the bench?

Surely, that was among the reasons Marshall was appointed.

When Obama named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, a woman of Puerto Rican descent who went through college on affirmative action scholarships, did Obama think this would not influence her decision when it came to whether or not to abolish affirmative action?

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” Sotomayor said in a speech at Berkeley law school and in other forums.

Translation: Ethnicity matters, and my Latina background helps guide my decisions.

All of us are products of our family, faith, race and ethnic group. And the suggestion in these attacks on Trump that judges and justices always rise about such irrelevant considerations, and decide solely on the merits, is naive nonsense.

There are reasons why defense lawyers seek “changes of venue” and avoid the courtrooms of “hanging judges.”

When Obama reflexively called Sgt. Crowley “stupid” after Crowley’s 2009 encounter with that black professor at Harvard, and said of Trayvon Martin, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” was he not speaking as an African-American, as well as a president?

Pressed by John Dickerson on CBS, Trump said it’s “possible” a Muslim judge might be biased against him as well.

Another “inexcusable” outrage.

But does anyone think that if Obama appointed a Muslim to the Supreme Court, the LGBT community would not be demanding of all Democratic Senators that they receive assurances that the Muslim judge’s religious views on homosexuality would never affect his court decisions, before they voted to put him on the bench?

When Richard Nixon appointed Judge Clement Haynsworth to the Supreme Court, it was partly because he was a distinguished jurist of South Carolina ancestry. And the Democrats who tore Haynsworth to pieces did so because they feared he would not repudiate his Southern heritage and any and all ideas and beliefs associated with it.

To many liberals, all white Southern males are citizens under eternal suspicion of being racists. The most depressing thing about this episode is to see Republicans rushing to stomp on Trump, to show the left how well they have mastered their liberal catechism.


* It’s not “inexcusable” to bring up the racial or ethnic background of a jury, though. That’s practically de rigeur these days. In fact, the ethnic or racial composition of jury members can serve as “grounds” for an appeal.

* I’ve spent some time at a site for those laid off from Intel. It’s very instructive. Many are angry about the H1B visas. This is called “hate” by those with H1B visas. Yet those same people gloat about the destruction of whites and say they deserve it because they are lazy and stupid. “Ha, ha. You’re losing your country,” the so-called guest workers say. Oddly, they do not see this as hateful or racist stereotyping as many POC don’t think racism can ever be attributed to them.

I think this is all going to plan as far as the one world orders plans for a 1-world sweatshop, but if we are to have any debates in this election about what is best for our country, it needs to begin with the recognition that bigotry is an equal opportunity employer.

* You are right on all counts. Trump should not back down.

I have extensive personal experience with judges and can say that they are arguably worse than elected politicians. They are even more arrogant because they don’t face even a slight chance of being removed from office, which at least some of our elected politicians do.

Judges typically do not even pretend to know and follow the constitution. They legislate without the honesty to acknowledge that’s what they’re doing, without the guts to run for office, and with supreme confidence that they are equipped to dictate how the rest of us inferior people should live. Dems and republican alike, judges strongly tend to side with expansion of state power and with government thugs, whether police or irs agents or dea agents.

And I’ve seen judges be obnoxious, sarcastic, demeaning, insulting, and threatening to their staff and to attorneys many, many, many times in a number of States over the last quarter century or so. Both dems and republicans, but the worst offenders were democrats.

We need term limits for federal judges, an end to guaranteed full-salary pension, and a mandate that congress publish and publicly consider comments by the public, litigants, attorneys, and court staff about how the various judges treat people.

Our judicial system is a disgrace and a comfortable home for america’s enemies.

* In some Commonwealth countries, criticism of the judiciary, as well as criticism of judgments can be prosecuted under the concept of “scandalization of the judiciary.” i.e. creating an air of scandal around a judge or the courts.

It appears that the same impulses drive those who would tell Trump to shut up and not criticize a sitting Federal judge for possibly being biased as a result of his ethnicity. This is not a good trend in a free society.

* “Hispanic” is a misnomer applied by the US Census Bureau. It is a ridiculously broad thing that only leads to confusion.

The majority of Latin American people, including most of those invading the United States, are heavily Native American, which is a race.

Conquistadores like Judge Curiel and other political leaders of the invasion are primarily European, Spanish. Their people have subjugated and exploited the Native American race as a lower class in Latin America since arriving there five centuries ago.

They are perfectly happy to see the United States become part of their two-class, Latin world and serve as a relief valve for Latin America’s economic and social problems.

* The term “La Raza” began in an era when people of mixed heritage (usually indigenous native American i.e. Aztec, Maya, Tarahumara, etc and Spanish, generically speaking) were looked down upon as ‘less than’ so they took the term la raza and redefined it as a positive when compared to the Spanish concept of pureza de raza, usually meaning no jewish or quasi Islam background) often viewed as negative. A lie, this pureza de sangre (pure ‘blood’) when many of these people had jewish ancestry and were actually conversos trying to escape the tyranny of their Spanish/Portuguese brethren. The High Priest of the Inquisition, Torquemada was at the top of the food chain, having to be more Catholic than the Pope. imagine that.

Not unlike the N word (at best, the tonal quality of the descriptive) when compared to the Southern pronunciation and its past context of US apartheid at its best.
La Raza, meaning US , nosotros, la gente (we the people) and positive acceptance of mixed ethnicity. Nothing more or less is meant with the use of the term La Raza. In context, it is Mexican so La Raza Lawyers Organization is just a lawyers group of Mexican American formed when they were not welcomed in the white lawyers organizations!

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