Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016

Media treatment of Trump vs Hillary:


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Worked for a Japanese company. Still deal with Japanese customers.suppliers, banks. They are genuinely negative on Trump which is understandable, as his rhetoric calls out inherent bias of Japanese US trade deals. But ironic that even though Trump rhetoric and immigration proposals are considered “extreme” by RightThinking People, Inc., trump’s views are to the left of Japan’s current immigration policy.

It’s hard to treat Japanese views credibly. It’s all “for me , but not for thee” hypocrisy. Japanese people say to me, “we should open up our immigration system”. They jest (lie), of course. They are so dang polite, its impossible for me to call out their bs.

Seems that Japan is resigned to take their lumps from terrible demographics with high taxes , slow economic growth, piddling bond and stock returns, inefficient markets (job, rice, agriculture), turbulent yen exchange rate, etc. But poisoning the demographic well is an absolute non starter for Japanese. I admire their collective decision.

Why doesn’t Trump play this “see what our allies do” card more? Trump should say….

“I want the same immigration policy as our crucial allies Japan, S. Korea , Israel. Are you saying our friends in those great countries are racist ????”

By the way Steve. That video is perfect example of peculiar Japanese infantile pop culture. Quite gay actually. I can never treat a Japanese colleague seriously after he comes to work with a hello Kitty iPhone case….

* Great video!

Trump’s numbers look like they’re tanking.

I don’t want to fall into a trap of saying the polls are wrong. But a post-Orlando slide seems really odd to me. Even Steve was calling it Trump’s luck again.

The left’s rhetoric has been transparently bad, while Trump’s responses were spot on, in my opinion.

Obama was clearly rattled by Trump, but he did score some good points. Trump replies that Obama was more mad at him than the shooter. Perfect.

Then a poll says only 25% approved of Trumps response to Orlando, but then another poll found that 50% support the Muslim ban. Go figure.

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Hitler Learns that the Journal of American Greatness Has Shut Down

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Old Married Couple

This old married couple is in bed. The wife feels her husband’s hand on her neck and then it travels down her shoulder and over her chest and finally down to her thighs, where it stops.

“Why you stop?” asks the wife.

Husband says: “Because I found the remote.”

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OJ: Made In America

I’ve watched the first three parts of this ESPN documentary. It is compelling viewing. It is directed by a guy who’s half black and half Jewish. His politics are all left.

The black characters in the doc are so compelling and they are usually more emotionally affecting than the others. Whites seem dull by comparison. The blacks have such a strong sense of peoplehood, kinda like Jews and Chinese and Koreans and Australians, while the whites seem all about abstract principles such as “fair trial” and other legalisms and procedures.

There’s this Jewish journalist and USC professor, Joe Saltzman, who proclaims how he was as ignorant about black rage prior to the Watts riots as the white guy. Such Jews claim to be white when it is an advantage to them, and to not be white when that’s useful.

Prior to his 1994 arrest for murder, O.J. Simpson never seemed to care about being black. He seemed to prefer the company of whites.

Brentwood is described as a white place without crime and without blacks. Until 1994, OJ is treated by America as an honorary white, as a celebrity who transcends race (like Barack Obama was regarded before he took office as president and used his power on behalf of his race and against whites).

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Rich Lowry: Heed Trump’s Warning

Rich Lowry writes: One of Donald Trump’s political skills is giving widely condemned speeches.
His post-Orlando jeremiad fit the pattern, but the speech was a little like Wagner’s music as described in the famous Mark Twain line: Not as bad as it sounds. There is something so inherently inflammatory in Trump’s delivery that he could read the Gettysburg Address and some listeners would wonder how he could possibly say such a thing.

The kernel of Trump’s speech was rather obvious: “The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to talk about.”
The reaction of much of the opinion elite was nearly instantaneous: Whatever we do, let’s not talk about that fact.
Countless articles have been written on how much better we are at assimilating Muslim immigrants than Europe is, usually with a heavy element of back-patting over our openness and fluidity as a society in contrast to the self-defeating insularity of a country like France.
This may well be true, but the assumption that we have the magic formula is, at the very least, under stress now that we’ve repeatedly suffered mass killings by second-generation immigrants. Read on.

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