Angry Muslim…

An angry Muslim walks into a gay bar, the barkeeper asks, “What’ll you have?” The Muslim replies, “A shot for everyone.”

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Orthodox Jews Corrupt NYPD

New York Times: The core of the bribery scheme detailed on Monday, however, relates to the gifts showered on the police by two businessmen, Jeremiah Reichberg and Jona S. Rechnitz, both of whom have been generous supporters of the mayor. Mr. Reichberg, 42, of Borough Park, Brooklyn, was charged along with the officers, the papers said. Mr. Rechnitz, 33, of the Upper West Side in Manhattan, had been a target of the fund-raising investigation until recent weeks, when he pleaded guilty to corruption charges and began cooperating with the federal authorities, people briefed on the matter have said.

…Some of the conduct detailed in the court papers veers toward the bizarre. It describes the two businessmen, both Orthodox Jews, visiting the deputy inspector’s Staten Island home on Christmas Day in 2013, wearing elf hats to deliver a video game system for his children and a piece of jewelry for his wife valued at $1,000. On the same day, the two men visited the deputy chief’s home and delivered a video game system for his children.

Far from being an unwelcome intrusion, it was the start of what Inspector Grant apparently hoped would become a Christmas tradition. When Christmas rolled around the next year without any gifts for his family, Inspector Grant expressed his disappointment to one of the businessmen, Mr. Reichberg, during a phone conversation in January 2015, captured on a wiretap.

“First of all, first of all, the two elves didn’t come” for Christmas, he said using an expletive for emphasis, according to the papers. During the same conversation, Inspector Grant complained that Mr. Reichberg had not invited him to the Super Bowl again this year, choosing instead to extend the invitation to another police official.

“See, you don’t love me anymore, bro,” Inspector Grant complained, according to the complaint…

Mr. Rechnitz’s cooperation with federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents has already helped prosecutors bring corruption charges in another case linked to the same fund-raising investigation, people briefed on the matter have said. In that case, a criminal complaint unsealed on June 8 charged Norman Seabrook, the powerful head of the union that represents city correction officers, and Murray Huberfeld, a hedge fund financier, with honest services fraud and conspiracy.

That complaint said Mr. Rechnitz had pleaded guilty to committing honest services fraud in connection with the scheme in which Mr. Seabrook and Mr. Huberfeld were charged, “among other things,” suggesting he was involved in additional criminal conduct, and that he was providing information in the hope of obtaining leniency when he is sentenced.

While the document does not identify Mr. Rechnitz by name, referring to him only as CW-1, or Cooperating Witness 1, several people with knowledge of the matter said CW-1 was Mr. Rechnitz. Mr. Rechnitz’s lawyer, Alan Levine, declined to comment. At a news conference announcing the arrests of Mr. Seabrook and Mr. Huberfeld, Mr. Bharara, whose office filed the complaint, would not answer questions about the identity of CW-1 or the degree to which the witness could be helpful in other cases. Mr. Bharara described him only as a “real estate friend” of Mr. Reichberg…

The criminal complaint in the earlier case details two trips that Mr. Rechnitz, Mr. Seabrook and another businessman — also a supporter of the mayor — took to the Dominican Republic. On the first one, in November 2013, they were accompanied by an unnamed officer from the Police Department. On the second one, in December 2014, the four men were accompanied by a fifth unnamed person. Mr. Rechnitz paid for the airfare for both trips.

Then, in March 2014, Mr. Seabrook, Mr. Rechnitz, the police officer and the other businessman — Mr. Reichberg, who was identified in the criminal complaint as Co-Conspirator 1 or CC-1 — traveled to Israel, with Mr. Rechnitz paying the airfare, according to the complaint. In July of that year, he paid for the same group to travel to Las Vegas and then Burbank, Calif., the complaint said.

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The usual suspects in the NYPD: A series of scandals weave a tangled web


Harry Siegel writes for the New York Daily News:

In real life, the scandal has been less cinematic but even uglier. For starters, it wasn’t rank-and-file cops but members of the brass, inspectors and chiefs, who were arranging chauffeur service for Jona Rechnitz, a businessman and cop buff who in turn provided them with, among other things, a private flight to Vegas complete with a full-service flight attendant.

Quite literally, this is a mile-high scandal involving top cops taking diamonds for their wives, and hookers for themselves from Rechnitz. It turns out he’s also the very high-end bagman who delivered $60,000 in cash — inside a Ferragamo bag — to Norman Seabrook in exchange for the powerful prison guard union boss steering $20 million from his workers’ pension fund into Platinum Partners, a failing hedge fund.

Back to the Vegas flight: One of the cops on it was reportedly Philip Banks, the former chief of department, the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the NYPD – who’d been widely mentioned as a potential commissioner before Bill Bratton got the job and he walked away.

Banks, who also flew to Israel and California with Rechnitz, is good friends with Seabrook, who joined him on those trips and who’s well known for his taste in both finer things and baser pleasures. And — try to keep up here — Banks, who had a lucrative for-profit business while he was a cop that charged subordinates in the department for promotion exam preparation, signed on with a pot firm hoping for a cut of Gov. Cuomo’s new medical marijuana program in New York after he left the NYPD…

Speaking of criminal conduct, did I mention that Banks’ patron Rechnitz was also a major bundler for de Blasio’s 2013 election campaign and now-shuttered non-profit political operation?

“I wish I never met the guy,” the mayor said of Rechnitz, who has pled guilty to federal charges in connection to federal prosecutors’ case against Seabrook (whom de Blasio had previously called “a friend” and “a great leader”).

If this were a movie, some of the overlapping probes of NYPD brass that began in the Bloomberg-Kelly years would get cut out to keep the audience from getting confused. Like the one with cops taking bribes from a member of the Shomrim, the Jewish pseudo-cop community patrols that have long been supported by the NYPD and de Blasio himself, in exchange for gun permits.

The thread that ties the plotlines together, and explains how the feds found the guy de Blasio wishes he had never met, runs through Hamlet Peralta, owner of the Hudson River Café in Harlem that became a clubhouse hangout for NYPD brass. Peralta’s now charged with setting up a $12 million Ponzi scheme — one that sucked in Rechnitz — as he lived high on the hog and also apparently tried to get right on a debt to the mob.

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Museum of Tolerance gives up its New York lease

New York Post: The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which lost out on a $500,000 government grant due to its connection to a corruption scandal, is giving up its lease on the Midtown Museum of Tolerance next month, The Post has learned.

On Thursday, Center officials wouldn’t say if the funding setback contributed to the decision, instead attributing it to a “very steep rate hike” at the East 42nd Street site.

But on Friday, a museum representative said the decision not to renew the lease was made on March 31, 2015 — long before reports surfaced of a federal investigation involving city government.

Officials said the museum would continue to operate until it finds new space.

“We are not closing the Museum of Tolerance in New York. The lease in our current location expired and was not renewed because of a very steep rate hike. We are seeking a new space to develop new cutting-edge museum quality exhibits that will support our world-class training. As we are looking to develop a new facility, we are not minimizing out Simon Wiesenthal Center presence in New York. We are continuing to offer our dynamic programming including traveling exhibitions, film premieres and special events in the interim,” the museum said in a statement.

“We will have an office in New York and we will be hosting exhibitions and programming in prominent pop-up New York locations, including universities, churches, synagogues and film venues — until we find a new venue for the museum….”

The City Council yanked a proposed grant to the museum after ex-board member Mark Huberfeld was indicted for allegedly paying a bribe to direct correction-union pensions to his hedge fund.

JTA: NYC cuts funding for Wiesenthal Center after trustee’s corruption indictment

The trustee — Murray Huberfeld, a hedge-fund manager — was arrested last week for allegedly raising $20 million from a New York City correctional officers union through kickbacks. A real estate investor who allegedly conspired with Huberfeld was also a contributor to the Wiesenthal Center and had helped secure city funding for its programs.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center noted in a statement that Huberfeld resigned from its board on June 15.

The City Council apparently got cold feet over the connections.

“Given some of the investigations and some of the recent news about certain things that have been happening with regard to some of the people that have been affiliated with it, the council decided it wasn’t prudent this year to be funding something with the center,” Council Communications Director Eric Koch said following the budget vote.

Federal prosecutors claim that Norman Seabrook, the head of the union that represents New York City correctional officers, invested $20 million of the union’s pension money in Huberfeld’s hedge fund, Platinum Partners. Huberfeld allegedly agreed to pay kickbacks to Seabrook. Both men have been charged with honest services fraud, and both are denying any wrongdoing, NBC reported.

A spokesman for Mayor Bill De Blasio said there will be no mayoral allocation for the center this year.

Huberfeld is acquainted through Jewish philanthropic circles with Jona Rechnitz, a Brooklyn real-estate investor who helped arrange the union’s investment in Platinum, The Wall Street Journal reported. Rechnitz has pleaded guilty to conspiracy in the case and is cooperating with federal investigators, The Journal reported.

Rechnitz had helped secure $655,000 over two years from the council to fund law-enforcement sensitivity seminars at the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance, The New York Post reported in April. The Los Angeles-based center has a museum branch in midtown Manhattan.

Rechnitz and his wife donated $9,900 to De Blasio’s 2013 campaign — money the mayor said in April would be returned, the New York Daily News reported.

In a statement sent to JTA Friday, the center said: “At no time was the Simon Wiesenthal Center aware of any alleged unethical or illegal activities regarding our donors. The institution is vigilant and adheres to all city, state and federal laws. We are conducting our own review and will determine if any further action is appropriate.”

The statement noted that the law-enforcement training program has been in place in New York since 2004, “long before Jona Rechnitz had any connection with the Museum of Tolerance New York.”

“There was no impropriety in receiving $655,000 from the City Council of New York. Those funds were used to train front line Criminal Justice professionals and meticulously followed all lobbying laws and protocols of full disclosure to the City Council,” the statement continued. “We plan to continue to applying for funding in future for this highly praised and important training program, so that we can continue to provide this training to Criminal Justice professionals in New York.”

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‘If some nutter swore allegiance to Zeus, the Feds wouldn’t change that to “God” in his official 911 transcript.’



Also from my Twitter feed:

* As long as shouting “racist!” can discredit true observations and reasonable arguments, we will never again achieve sane public discourse.

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