Chicks Can’t Stop Loving Jerkboy Killers

From the Chateau:

Tragically comic story coming out of Orlando. Noor AkbarMySnatchbar Salman, wife of murderous Muslim Omar Mateen (son of Afghan immigrants who is now the post-mortem proud jihadi owner of the worst mass shooting in American history), texted him during his rampaging massacre of a club full of gay latinos to remind him that she loved him. To death? And apparently she texted him her love after she was aware he was in the middle of a killing spree.

The Orlando shooter and his wife exchanged text messages during the Pulse nightclub rampage, a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation told CNN.

Around 4 a.m. on June 12, about two hours after he started the attack and while holed up in a bathroom, Omar Mateen texted his wife, Noor Salman, asking if she’d seen the news, the official said.

At one point, she responded with a text saying that she loved him. Salman also tried calling her husband several times during the standoff, a second law enforcement official said.

The timing of her calls came after reports of the attack had emerged, and apparently after she realized her husband might be responsible. He didn’t answer, the official said.


Noor: I love you Omaaaar!! ❤️?

Omar: *crickets* *reloads*

Skittles Man, you may have been bested in the aloof and indifferent alpha male jerkboy sweepstakes. Having a girl lovingly swoon for you while you’re mowing down fifty gays is the kind of hold over a woman that few men achieve.

Who doubts that Omar would have drowned in marriage proposals from prime fertility cuties if he had survived to see time in the slammer? Anyone? You sir, in the back? No? Ok then.


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Physiognomy Is Real

From the Chateau: Pman sells the science of physiognomy short. There’s evidence (re)emerging from the labcoats’ mental masturbatoriums that a person’s looks do say something about his politics, smarts, personality, and even his propensity to crime. Stereotypes don’t materialize out of thin air, and the historical wisdom that one can divine the measure of a man (or a woman) by the cut of his face has empirical support.

For instance, facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is a reliable cue to dominant social behavior in men. Another study found that wide-faced men are untrustworthy. You CAN judge a book by its cover: ugly people are more crime-prone.

Shitlibs have a look. Shitlords have a look. And you can predict with better than 50/50 chance which 2016 presidential candidate a person supports based on nothing more than their photograph.

Physiognomy is real. It needs to come back as a legitimate field of scientific inquiry, and the snarling equalists who lied and slandered good men to suppress the investigation of physiognomy should have their faces rubbed in the realtalk. Physiognomy isn’t just an illusion of confirmation bias, or of backwards rationalization of evoked emotions. The connection between facial appearance and character is observable and measurable, not a figment of cognitive self-bias. There are exceptions, of course, but the existence of exceptions should not be used as an excuse to sweep the reality of the rule under the rug.

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What Makes Mike Cernovich A Risky Guest For A Podcast?

Armin Rosen writes for Tabletmag:

Then the conversation lurched in a less savory direction. This sometimes happens on The Rubin Report, given some of the riskier guests Rubin has hosted since his show launched in August of 2015—people like English Defense League founder and anti-immigration activist Tommy Robinson, or pro-Trump author and Twitter pugilist Mike Cernovich.

What makes Mike Cernovich a risky guest for a podcast? Because he’s an eloquent supporter of Trump? That’s just the surface reason. The real reason that Cernovich is a risky guest is that he is a threat to Armin Rosen’s hero system.

Let us step back a bit. Can you imagine a right-winger saying anybody is a risky guest for a podcast? No. Right-wing people don’t talk and think that way. They’re not afraid of anybody’s ideas. Only the left consider people “risky” guests for a podcast.

So the risk is to whom? The risk is to a hero system.

The stronger the Japanese identify as Japanese, the more likely they are to have negative views of outsiders. The stronger the Australian gets in his Australian identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of outsiders. The stronger the Muslim gets in his Muslim identity, the more likely he is to have negative views on non-Muslims. The stronger the black gets in his black identity (Nation of Islam, etc), the more likely he is to have negative views of non-blacks.

Not only will a goy with a strong racial/national/religious identity be more likely to dislike Jews, he will be more likely to organize around that view and to take action on it.

So when Armin Rosen says people like Mike Cernovich and Tommy Robinson are risky guests for a podcast, he’s implicitly recognizing that populism and nationalism are an easy sell to goyim because they naturally incline to strong identities that are likely to be anti-Jewish.

Jewish survival and prosperity in the West has usually been based on deals with elites. Jews have rarely been popular. Organized Jewry has cut deals with elites such as kings and nobles and the ruling class. In exchange for protection, Jews contribute money and other resources to the rulers. But always under the surface, populist, nationalist anti-Jewish sentiments are busting to get out. These anti-Jewish tendencies are usually strongest in corporate countries (Muslim, Catholic, East Asian countries) and weakest in individualist Protestant countries.

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Steve Sailer: Wise Latina Justice’s Supreme Court Opinion Cites Teh-Genius Coates

Steve Sailer writes: From Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in Utah v. Strieff:


For a dissenting view on the philosopher of “black bodies” and “people who believe they are white,” see my “The First Rule of White Club.”


* These Sotomayor footnotes are so vague they are a joke. Why doesn’t she just say whatever she wants, and then footnote reference the 11th Edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica, with copious Ibid.s thereafter? Alternatively, she could cite the Nancy Drew books or the complete Perry Mason series, now, on DVD.

* This business about “the talk” is unintentionally revealing of the parenting attitudes of some minorities. My parents never explicitly told me to be deferential to the cops, not because of white privilege, but because it was literally unthinkable that I would act otherwise. If you have to sit your 16-year-old down and say, “Look, son, if the cops approach you, don’t run, yell, ball up your fists…” you’ve probably already bungled things beyond saving. I imagine there are many black families who would agree with this and who are put off by this idea that black kids have to have this spelled out to them.

* Well, back when she was running for SCOTUS, Sotomayor talked up Nancy Drew and Perry Mason as her inspirations. So I guess if that’s your intellectual base, Teh Genius Coates will seem Kantian in comparison.

I have to agree with another poster, too, that bringing up this vague list of titles to deliver similarly vague pronunciamentos about the plight black youths, in a dissent that concerns a white guy, bespeaks a political/cultural agenda that is really inappropriate for a SCOTUS justice.

As per the case in question, the issue was whether an illegal search that revealed a search warrant on the suspect as well as meth was legal. Who cares. I’m tired of criminals getting off on technicalities. Save the SCOTUS for serious cases.

* I have little doubt That Teh-Nisisisisisi will crow about this for years to come, and will probably one day host a “symposium” where it will consist of him onstage with J. Sotomayor in front of a sympathetic TED-esque audience, where he makes comments about “black bodies” being “invaded” by whitey, and she grins like an idiot and nods her head and gives judicial approval.

How far lefty jurisprudence has fallen—-now it doesn’t even rely 0n logic, just one guy’s feeling about something. She’s literally citing articles that have no statistical backup to them, just the rantings of a token-black, blame-whitey writer who apparently can read the minds of others.

At least when Louis Brandeis gave the famous “Brandeis brief”, it was chock full of social statistics that could be, ya know, falsified, and were, ya know, pretty persuasive as an argument. But I guess arguments about legislative restrictions on working hours are a bit easier to prove with hard facts and figures than that the evil (white) police are shooting up thousands of “innocent” black men.

(She’s also blatantly violating more advanced jurisprudence rules —by citing “legislative” facts in her opinion, as opposed to being concerned solely with “judicial” facts. But citing her for that error here would be like citing an NFL player for trespassing after he breaks into his ex’s place and beats her up.)

* It’s standard-issue tribalism. No universal principles. Just who vs whom.

Of course to be a Progressive in good standing these days, one may not complain about any double standards that favor any Victim Group.

* It was very common back in the ’80 and ’90 (I don’t know about now) for adult black crack dealers to have children run (literally) product for them. Children wouldn’t be punished much for this. I am not surprised that Coates would have seen or heard about innocent black kids at play being harassed during that time when police swept the neighborhood on drug stings.

But who called 911 on the dealers to begin with?

* Justices Sotomayor & Thomas are both beneficiaries of affirmative action at Yale Law. A school that we now know gave extreme preferences to black & presumably Puerto Rican students in the 60s & 70s.

I guess Thomas is preferable as he had the good sense to shut up and follow Scalia’s lead. What an embarrassment & a window into our horrible future ahead.

* This section of the dissent is absurdly unnecessary and it looks like Sotomayor, or more likely her law clerk, had written it out for some other reason and simply could not wait to put it in an opinion, despite the fact that there is no connection between the actual case and these words. I note that the other dissenters did not join in this section; Kagan wrote her own dissent which is far more nuanced, and Ginsburg excluded herself from this section of Sotomayor’s opinion. Even those two liberals were probably embarrassed by this outburst. I also note the petulant “I dissent” and not the normal “I respectfully dissent”. Sotomayor looks very foolish.

* This grandstanding idiot Sotomayor with her big dissent today. No black or minority is involved this case. Just a white man who was stopped by the police and found to have meth or other drugs in his automobile. She piggishly seized this as her opportunity to show solidarity with BLM, by going off on her own racial tangent. I hear the libs loved it immediately, commented immediately and this is whom she is playing to.

Ironic given the firestorm that hit Trump when he complained about a biased Hispanic judge. Sotamayor is a fine example of one.

* Justice Ginsberg co-signed all of Soto’s dissent except the last section about black bodies and TNC.

The point seems to be if you are detained walking out of a drug dealer’s house, have an outstanding warrant for your arrest for a “minor traffic offense” and are found to have a pocket full of meth, the search should be tossed out.

Interestingly, this is not just the liberals on the Supreme Court’s view, but also the Utah Supreme Court’s majority.

It is nice to see Judge Breyer jointing the conservatives in the case.

The liberals on the court make a basic math error. They say if California has 2.5 million warrants that is 9% of its adult population, so the fact of a warrant alone should not be enough to justify a search if there were no grounds of the initial stop.

The problem is that of that 2.5 million, a lot will be for residents of other states, or duplicates, or the deceased.

* RE: Sotomayor’s struggles with English,

Judge Sonia Sotomayor said in a 1996 speech at Princeton University’s Third World Center (now called the Carl A. Fields Center) that when she arrived at Princeton in 1972 as her high school’s valedictorian, “I found out that my Latina background had created difficulties in my writing that I needed to overcome. For example, in Spanish we do not have adjectives. A noun is described with a preposition…. My writing was stilted and overly complicated, my grammar and vocabulary skills weak.”

You know, I don’t even speak Spanish, but….

libro rojo

red book

pluma roja

red pen

libros rojos

red books

plumas rojas

red pens

Maybe Sonia is semi-literate in two languages?


After John Walters wrote a Weekly Standard article on President Obama’s commutations of incarcerated drug offenders, I asked him to take a look at Michelle Alexander’s dreadful but influential book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. I noted the Walters article and discussed Alexander’s book in the post “Meet the new Jim Crow, same as the old BS.”

Now Mr. Walters has turned his attention to Alexander’s book. Together with his Hudson Institute colleague David Murray, he has written the important essay below on the book. The essay will be posted in footnoted form on the Hudson Institute site this Wednesday. In the meantime, we are pleased to present this essay that fills a gap in the literature on the controversy over “mass incarceration.” Walters and Murray write:

This book (hereafter, TNJC) is careless. The carelessness produces misdirection and it undermines the argument. Facts are stretched, the scholarly apparatus is weak, and the core argument is often contradicted by its own evidence.

Nonetheless, TNJC is a very popular book—rising to The New York Times best seller list, required reading for incoming students at Brown University, said by the San Francisco Chronicle to be “the Bible of a social movement.” Is its power rooted in a deeper truth or in a revealing lie that many of us want to believe or need to believe in the face of an ugly reality?

Full disclosure: We have lived through and remember the drug and crime problem of the 1980’s onward. We have done our best to make the problem smaller from positions within the White House, serving for at least a time in every Administration from Reagan to Obama. We know from personal experience that TNJC is built on falsehood. We also recognize that those who want to believe TNJC may view our experience as a cover-up of the great wrong alleged. But we write with the hope that open-minded readers can and will judge the facts for themselves.

In a nutshell, TNJC argues that “[w]e have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it.” From the book jacket: “By targeting black men through the War on Drugs, and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control—relegating millions to permanent second-class status.” A primary concern is the loss of the right to vote.

The specific list of factual misstatements is long. For a book with scholarly pretentions, it is noteworthy that the book lacks a bibliography, and that its endnote citations are woeful.

Consider that we are told: “The Reagan administration hired staff to publicize the emergence of crack cocaine in 1985 as part of a strategic effort to build public and legislative support for the war.” The point is not a minor one, since it is offered in support of a core thesis: when there really wasn’t a drug problem in our cities, in order to achieve “social control” over blacks through “mass incarceration,” President Ronald Reagan created and then hyped a crisis using the media. This claim is found in the Introduction. Turning to the endnote, however, one finds no documentation, but rather a simple line that Reagan’s action “is discussed in more depth in Chapter 1.”

That’s a bit cheesy, but what then happens in Chapter 1? There, after reading about “code words” for race, we find again that Reagan “launched a media offensive to justify the ‘War on Drugs.’” And there’s another endnote which, when pursued, leads nowhere. It is a reference to the 1992 National Drug Control Strategy—produced after the Reagan Presidency.

This is cat-and-mouse. It anticipates an unserious, unquestioning reader, one willing to be led.

What about the author’s claim that the “War on Drugs” was initiated by Reagan (detractors of Richard Nixon will be disappointed), or the even more dramatic claim that Reagan’s “ambitious federal policy” in fact turned into “an actual war.” How are we to take this hyperbole?

The author cites fears “in poor black communities that the War on Drugs was part of a genocidal plan by the government to destroy black people in the United States.” She calls these “conspiracy theories,” but what does the professor actually believe? She tells us: “While the conspiracy theories were initially dismissed as far-fetched, if not loony, the word on the street [i.e., genocide] turned out to be right, at least up to a point.”

To forward the concept of a policy being “genocide up to a point” (that point being the intent to kill a race and actually trying to do so) is such extreme overstatement it should be self-discrediting.

Still TNJC plunges forward. Evidence that the crack epidemic was “genocidal” is supposed to be be contained in the claim that “[t]he CIA admitted in 1998 that guerilla armies that it actively supported in Nicaragua were smuggling illegal drugs into the United States.” The CIA further “admitted that . . . it blocked law enforcement efforts to investigate illegal drug networks” funding its covert war.

Whatever the claimed involvement of the CIA, its actual significance—how much illegal drug supply this “conspiracy” dumped into American streets—is something the author tellingly declines to explain or quantify. If you are old enough to remember the Medellin and Cali cartels (which really did traffic massive amounts of cocaine into the United States during that period), you are supposed to forget them here.

Assumptions like these, in which every development suggests the existence of a full-scale “plot,” might incline us to dismissiveness when the author finally gets to actual data. Blacks are disproportionately incarcerated for drug crimes on a straight per-capita basis. That’s certainly true. But it’s not a phenomenon peculiar to drug statutes; blacks are incarcerated for (and, crucially, victims of) almost every Index crime at depressingly higher per capita rates.

Even though TNJC’s attack ostensibly focuses on drug laws, it’s argument ultimately embraces the whole of American criminal justice: it is all “a tightly networked system of laws, policies, customs, and institutions” that produces “mass incarceration” to achieve “social control.” Here, Ms. Alexander quotes Michael Tonry: “Governments decide how much punishment they want, and these decisions are in no way related to crime rates.”

But this claim that blacks are subordinated and controlled creates an obvious problem. TNJC must explain away the election of Barack Obama within a system allegedly dedicated to keeping blacks from power: “Many will wonder how a nation that just elected its first black president could have a racial caste system,” and “[i]t’s a fair question,” she acknowledges. Indeed, it is. But her answer is odd: “[T]here is no inconsistency whatsoever between the election of Barack Obama to the highest office in the land and the existence of a racial caste system in the era of colorblindness. The current system of control depends on black exceptionalism; it is not disproved or undermined by it.” We have no idea what exactly that’s supposed to mean, but it does seem to suggest that for America, where Ms. Alexander is concerned, it’s damned when you do—and double-damned when you don’t.

Caste or Conduct?

TNJC opens with a compelling anecdote about a man named Jarvious Cotton:

Cotton’s great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Ku Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation. His father was barred from voting by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Jarvious Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a felon, and is currently on parole.

The idea that the state of Mississippi, home to Jarvious Cotton, has deliberately designed its laws to create a systematic racial caste system would have been undeniable 50 years ago. But has there been no progress since? Yes, Mississippi continues to deny the ballot to any person convicted of “murder, rape, bribery, theft, arson, obtaining money or goods under false pretenses, perjury, forgery, embezzlement or bigamy.” If this is a caste system—unless you consider “murderer” and “arsonist” perfectly acceptable synonyms for “African American”—it’s an oddly leaky one.

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Haaretz: Trump’s Desire for America to Emulate Israel Is Bad for the Jews

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve always admired Israel and have frequently recommended that Americans study Israel’s hard-headed policies and attitudes for models for our own country. Donald Trump appears to feel much the same way. From the Israeli broadsheet Haaretz:

On Walls and Racial Profiling, Trump Damns Israel With Loud Praise

His tributes could turn off critics as well as admirers of Israel, who loathe the presumptive GOP candidate.

Chemi Shalev Jun 20, 2016 10:43 PM

– Trump says U.S. should consider racial profiling, cites Israel as a role model
– Israeli minister justifies security ‘profiling’ hailed by Trump
– If ISIS wills it, Trump can still be president, as Israelis well know
– Is Trump blowing his big, post-Orlando opportunity?

One can argue whether Israel is or isn’t a light unto the nations, but it has certainly served as role model for Donald Trump in recent weeks. On Monday, Trump cited Israel’s “success” as a reason for American to rethink its attitude towards racial profiling. In the past, he has praised the efficacy of Israeli barriers in keeping out terrorists and illegal immigrants as an inspiration for the controversial wall he wants to build along the U.S. border with Mexico. “If you think walls don’t work, just ask Israel,” he says.

Mike Huckabee, one of Trump’s few vocal supporters in the GOP, told Fox News this week why, when it comes to Muslims, Israel was a paragon of virtue. “In Israel, they don’t play the political correct game,” Huckabee noted. “When everybody acts like ‘Oh what Trump has said is so amazing,’ it’s not that amazing in Israel.”

Many Israelis will be proud to serve as a kosher certificate for Trump’s declarations. … Citing Israel as paragon would certainly please Sheldon Adelson who, like Huckabee, remains rather lonely as one of the few big donors to openly declare support for Trump.

But as for the rest of the world, allow me to quote my late father, who, in such circumstances, would have muttered “moykhl toyves”, which, loosely translated, means don’t do me any favors. Trump’s compliments damage Israel’s name in the very places where it isn’t all that great in the first place, such as liberal Democrats. The rarely highlighted “racial profiling” that Israel employs at Ben Gurion Airport and other security bottlenecks is simply adding insult to the many injuries that Israel’s critics already discern.

But the negative impact of the close identification that Trump is trying to forge between Israel and his policies could spread much wider. Even with increased criticism from the left, Israel remains much more popular in American public opinion than the presumptive Republican nominee. His reputation is still far worse than ours. In the eyes of Trump’s detractors, his tributes are a stain. His compliments damn Israel with loud praise and drag it into the mud, where he currently finds himself.

This didn’t seem to bother Yisrael Katz, Israel’s transportation minister, who was eager to own “racial profiling” in a meeting with foreign correspondents on Tuesday. Katz was careful not to relate to Trump or the presidential race, but headlines in the U.S. nonetheless cited him as endorsing the GOP candidate’s suggestions. Profiling is necessary and effective, Katz said, when asked about Trump’s statement. When there is Islamic terror, he noted, “You can only look for it among Muslims.”

But even if one accepts that singling out Muslims in general and Israeli Arabs in particular is a necessary evil, as Israel’s High Court of Justice decided last year, and even if one views the profiling as a main ingredient in the high level of security achieved at Ben Gurion Airport – there’s no reason to be boasting about it in public. Israel, with its unique challenges and singular solutions, is not America. It doesn’t even speak the same language.

The United States, unlike Israel, has a constitution, which seems to frown on racial profiling, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, according to most interpretations, in a 2012 case involving illegal immigrants in Arizona. Moreover, America has other issues to contend with, besides terror, and other minorities to consider, besides Muslims. Latino Americans despise racial profiling when they are automatically stopped as illegal immigrants. African Americans fight racial profiling when it gets them arrested for standing innocently on a street corner. Now with the help of Trump and his endorsers, they will know that Israel is the source of inspiration for the practice that they detest.

Many Israelis will agree with Trump and Huckabee’s diagnosis of politically correct as the mother of all evils. Many seem to associate the term with the unpopular President Obama. Of course, Israelis and other PC-critics seem to ignore the fact that politically correct discourse does not apply only to Muslims. In America it prevents politicians from stereotyping Hispanics, African Americans, Asians and, of course, Jews as well.

As I wrote in Taki’s Magazine awhile back:

Trump’s backers tend to believe they have more to gain from frank, outspoken debate (whether in pragmatic advantages or simply in entertainment value), while his opponents assume that they, personally, have more to lose from a return to a freer market for ideas.

This is one of those rare cases in politics where both sides may be right.


* Since all the 9/11 hijackers, the Orlando shooter, the Fort Hood shooter, the San Bernardino shooter, the first set of WTC bombers, and the Chattanooga shooter were all swarthy ME types, it seems a good place to start. I have yet to see a gray haired, white grandmother hijack a plane or commit a mass shooting. Yet the TSA treats both of them the same.

Cut out the swarthy ME types, then end immigration by Africans and South Asians. Ship the Central Americans back and build the wall. Soon many of our problems will be solved.

* …reading articles from Israel is pretty disorienting. Somehow here is a developed nation with a more or less white population that unaccountably is not hell-bent on self-destruction. How can you have such a nation in the current year? (You might argue that there are similar nations in Eastern Europe, but looking at their fertility rates will disabuse you of the notion.)

* Not many people with Nordic Scandinaving looking phenotypes become Islamic Jihadists. So it is a lot easier to racially profile Muslim terrorists when the vast majority of them are various shades of Brown people and swarthy people.

Even the Whitest looking Muslim terrorists The Tsarnaev Brothers do not look like blond Aryans from a Nazi Germany poster.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev looks like he could be Bob Dylan’s son and his brother looks like he works at a Greek restaurant.

* Does this article even need comments? Practically every line translates as, “yes, Israel is a success, but don’t copy us.”

* Primarily name. Muslims prefer a fairly narrow range of given names.

Even the family names are in a much narrower range than in the West, due to cousin marriage, and a database of family/clan names by country and religion could be >98% accurate.

Plus, the identity documents from most Muslim countries–which foreigners should have to present to get a visa–often specify the person’s religion explicitly. (Muslim countries racially/ethnically/religiously profile all the time as a matter of policy, but apparently no SJWs care.)

Finally, for the educated observer, there are smaller tells, such as manner of dress, speech, neighborhood, etc. Locals know this stuff because they are profiling each other all the time. Westerners are oblivious. We don’t need to be.

* When my dad had to go to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf to fix a Lockheed airliner in the late 1970s, he had to dig up a baptismal certificate from 1917 to prove to the locals that they could be sure he wasn’t Jewish.

* I think even the media knows not to trumpet this stuff too loudly, because they’ve long been in the tank for Israel, so the American people have swilled the Israeli Kool-Aid; they’re likely to find Trump’s logic persuasive.

I’ve been saying for years that a truly patriotic American pol could make a lot of hay by doing this, so I’m glad to see Trump taking up the mantle (again).

* I wouldn’t say Ha’aretz is in favor of eliminating The Wall. They do like to do a lot of hand-wringing about the treatment of goys at the checkpoints, though. Not too much, however. Just enough to know that their heart is in the right (universalist) place. It’s like your granny grumbling about how fast you are driving to get her to the airport on time.

* The Israelis are smart. They just put your racial/ethnic identity on your official ID card. No need for a yellow star or anything.

* I suggest removing from our soil all the people from terror-exporting countries that we can, blocking further immigration of same, and profiling the ones that remain. What people in and from those countries say about them is secondary.

* Greg Gutfeld’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, but Greg was raised Catholic. Same as Rachel Maddow exactly.

These days, you pretty much have to be Catholic to host a talk show (whether MSNBC, Fox, or late night).

Greg is also a little bit Mexican. He’s got a big California melting pot in his ancestry.

* This was a great article Mr. Sailer. You should probably take it easy though. If people get into a habit of writing about Jewish hypocrisy, there is a good chance of world-wide server meltdowns.

Do you really want to be responsible for destroying the Internet?

* Trump blows. He should’ve been all over the phony transcript of the Orlando 911 call released by the Ministry of Truth.

Instead his Twitter congratulated the winning PGA golfer and not much else.

So Rick Scott and Paul Ryan got credit for forcing Obama to release a full transcript.

Trump blows another one!

* I don’t suppose Mr Trump could take a step back and see that all the problems we are now having with radical Muslims has to do with our one-sided policies in the Holy Land.

No, I didn’t think so.

* I’m good with using percent Muslim nationality and banning some Africans and SE Asians in addition.

Of course, with the influx of “refugees” to Europe, it might be fortress America time.

Want a visa? Please come from Poland or Japan only. Thank you.

* But what are we to making of the fact that one third of the Forbes 400 are Jewish? Is this “bad” on the part of the Jews? If Trump were to say the above fact, would this be a “problem” to be “addressed”? Would the U.S. then implement laws to take money away from those super-wealthy Jews, as well as to put in other laws making sure Jews don’t become billionaires ever again?

Of course, taxes to redistribute income from the very rich are one thing – but presumably you would tax them regardless of their ethnic background (and obviously, I’m pretty sure most American Jews support such taxes – ask Bernie Sanders).

What’s also interesting is that out of the top 25 American billionaires, every single one whose wealth was inherited was non-Jewish. Most of the top Jewish billionaires have companies that “make something” – Oracle, Facebook, Bloomberg, Google, etc. – people who became billionaires because a mass of Americans chose to indulge in their products.

Interesting that mass murder and making a lot of money selling products that people buy are considered equal offenses against the American character.

* I watched the Mike Huckabee interview. It seems that he has the radical idea that Americans could benefit from having Israeli-style immigration and security policies (Ann Coulter has also expressed this radical idea). We need Charles Krauthammer, Max Boot, and Jennifer Rubin to explain why this is a radical, un-America idea, that only anti-Semitic lunatics have!

* It’s the same the world over. Ask the Hutu about the Tutsi, the Igbo about the Yoruba, the Xhosa about the Zulu, and vice-versa. Stereotyping doesn’t seem to guilt any of them.

* I’m a Jewish American, and when I was single, and traveled to Israel alone, I was given a difficult time. I was taken to a small room, I was asked what I did on my Bar Mitzvah and given other questions about Jewish ritual practice, most of which I did not know. I even had to give hand writing samples. (This all ended after I was married and travelled with my wife). But I did not get angry at the questioning. I knew it was for my own protection as Muslims have the very nasty habit of trying to smuggle explosive devices onto Israeli commercial planes. There was even one Muslim who put a bomb in the luggage of his pregnant Irish Catholic “fiancé” and told her he would meet her in Tel Aviv. The questioning of this poor, innocent, Irish Catholic girl is how they found the bomb. Any intelligent person, especially someone with CIA ties, would understand this is not bullying but a practiced way to ferret out very bad people.

* Intelligence is based on pattern recognition. How the sheep detect a tiger, how the tigers detect a sheep. It’s what brains do. If it looks like a snake and acts like a snake, it might really be a snake. Maybe there are tigers that are trying to express their inner sheep, but they probably starve pretty fast eating grass.

I think in the past, in addition to documentation, border, customs, and visa people actually talked to people. It wasn’t just a glassy-eyed stamping ritual.

In the past people solved these problems, so we can do it! Yes we can!

I’m a bit reluctant to bring it up, but we don’t really have this problem any more. There are only something like 7 to 8 billion people on the planet. Small computer database these days. Computer facial detection is getting pretty good. Fingerprinting is apparently very good. Retina scans have a lot of promise. There are other things. Point being, everyone on the planet is probably pretty close to living with “their papers” and “permanent record” all the time today already, only all the papers are in government computers. So the governments just share (probably in a limited way) their computer data… problem mostly solved, but not in a nice way… of course, all the governments in the low-trust societies of the world have probably already sold their files to marketing companies… pretty depressing, eh?

* Israeli opposition leader Herzog planned to essentially abolish Israel with a secret deal with the PA, giving up the West Bank and Jerusalem and agreeing to a right of return to all Arabs expelled in 1948.

So there is considerable opposition within Israel to borders and walls. Get a generation of Matty Yglesias types and you get … surrender. At the least bit of aggression. Want a border wall, enforcement, your society better be all macho type fighters with little or no female influence at all.

* Of course the United States should adopt more of the policies of Israel!

1. Border walls and immigration limited to high-IQ culturally and ethnically compatible people

2. Affordable family formation domestic policy

3. Strong participation in foreign commerce and culture, but avoidance of sovereignty-destroying organizations and treaties (EU, TPP)

Trump is the man to do it. He has his flaws, but he is the one who stepped forward to lead and his been endorsed by a majority of one of our parties.

* The funny thing is that go back 20 years and the Israeli Left was triumphant. Every aspect of turning Israel into a post-Zionist state was in place and the Right was completely strategically defeated (of course huge amounts of money from the US State Dept. helped out here). It is no exaggeration whatsoever to say that if Hamas had not responded to the Oslo Accords with a wave of bus bombings then Israel would be worse off today than USA and Western Europe. In that respect, there isn’t really much Americans can learn from Israel.

* Why do Moslems get credit for preserving classical texts, when the Greek-speaking Byzantines had them all along, in the original language?

* One of the under-recognized facts of history is how Yitzhak Shamir’s stodgy 1980s Israel rapidly fell to what, in retrospect, could be fairly described as a left-liberal political and cultural coup akin to the demises of the Franco and Salazar regimes, albeit less dramatic.

The early 90s saw the birth of Aharon Barak’s activist Supreme Court (still a thorn in the right’s side to this day), leftist Meretz with 12 seats in the Knesset (a number that seems unthinkable today), and the Labor government shamelessly using bribery and the Arab vote to pass deals with the Palestinians.

Those years also saw the launch of privately owned commercial television channels and cable television after decades of one channel government monopoly, followed a short few years later by the rise of the World Wide Web. It felt like suddenly everything was changing, and a lot of people were swept up in that momentum.

This process would have continued unabated if not for Hamas’ terrorist campaign, the appearance of a charismatic political alternative in the form of Benjamin Netanyahu, and some might say, an assassin’s bullet

* White men being sucessful is double plus not good and sign of unearned privilege, despite being the majority.

So what to make of Jewish success? It is a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

* Steve Sailer: I can remember the first time I saw Netanyahu on TV, during the 1991 Gulf War. My wife and I turned to each other to ask: Who is that guy?

That he’s still around a quarter of a century later isn’t surprising.

* For the most part, people resent Jewish success because they feel that a good portion of it is the result of cronyism among Jews themselves and favoritism on the part of certain white gentiles.

There is some evidence that this is at least partially the case. There are already three Jews on the Supreme Court, for instance. Obama’s latest nominee is a potential number four. The last three Fed chairmen have been Jewish. You can say that’s a result of them being smarter than the rest of us, but that explanation just doesn’t hold water when you take into account what a small percentage of the population Jewish people are. Both Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are smarter on average than white gentiles, but there are probably a hundred and seventy or eighty million white gentiles in the United States; the idea that there just aren’t any non-Jewish American whites who are qualified to occupy these positions is nuts. And that’s just the political realm.

You would expect such a talented group to be over-represented, but not to such an astounding degree. No man is an island, and no success is one hundred percent individually earned.

* Actually, you can run the numbers and you’d be surprised. Take the average American IQ (100) and standard deviation (15), an estimate for the average Jewish American IQ (115) and standard deviation (15) and the percentage of Jews in the population (say 2%) and just by doing an integral of a Gaussian function you can calculate the percentage of Jews among people above a certain IQ. The numbers are:

IQ Percent of pop. above that IQ that is Jewish:
120 8.1
130 13.7
140 25.2
145 35.3

Pick a profession in which you think Jews are overrepresented and think about what the minimum IQ to enter that profession is. With something like a leading scientist it is probably around 145, and so you would expect from IQ effects alone that Jews would be 35.3% of leading scientists. This sounds about right. Then there are all the effects of working hard, a culture where parents expect achievement, etc, and so high numbers of Jews in these various positions need not be attributed to nepotism.

* Haaretz is like the NYT of Israel. Always pretzels. Quite amazing stuff in there. Israelis had the left bombed out of them–literally. They were originally very, very leftist and many intellectual types in Tel Aviv still are. It took decades and endless war and terrorism to bring the Likud to power; even then, the voting base was at first Arab Jews, and not the Ashkenazi socialists. Now, the demographic shift to orthodoxy is making Israel even more right wing. The same thing is happening in New York, which is now less leftist among Jews than the rest of the country due to Hasidic growth rates. This is pretty shocking stuff for anyone acquainted with NYC in the 20C. But times change. In general, Trump’s tactic is a good one. Silence the aging liberal American Jews in the media by invoking Israel every time you advance a controversial idea.

* As an investigator and someone familiar with airline security I can tell you that the only way to elicit nefarious intentions is through extensive questioning. The TSA’s $200 million/year behavioral detection program is a huge waste of money. It is based on a bogus theory of non-verbal communication (micro-expressions) of psychologist Paul Ekman (Ph.D., Adelphi University). El Al has 40 flights a day. There are 40k flights in the U.S. per day. It is impractical for the TSA to use large-scale extensive questioning. Or even small-scale questioning. And TSA’s policy is to treat a U.S. Senator or 90-year old WWII veteran with the same level of security screening as a 20-year old male coming through on a Saudi passport. So adding this extra questioning would shut down airlines. Plus, TSA would have no one qualified to do the questioning. TSA inspectors are made up of former TSA supervisors, the majority of whom have no college degree and were working at Home Depot or Walmart prior to being hired by TSA at $27k/year. The TSA would be a million times more effective if they scrapped the behavioral detection program and brought in bomb-sniffing dogs at the checkpoints and baggage screening areas.

* There are several reasons why we could not use the Israeli method, beyond scale.

First, the Israelis take their screeners right out of the army, and they have access to their IQ tests and psychological profiles, and their records while serving in the army. So they can pick the most intelligent and observant and perceptive soldiers and it does not matter to the Israelis what the demographics are of this population. They are all Jewish, they are probably heavily Ashkenazi and they are, for the most part, in their early 20s. As you note, in the US this would be as illegal as heroin. The US profilers would have to have a population in all age ranges, that, at the very least, reflected the current racial demographic of the country. There could be no IQ component at all and we would be lucky to get the median IQ. We would also have to employ Muslims, if not members of ISIS in order to prove the system was not Islamophobic.

Second, the Israelis not only allow, they absolutely use profiling. When I was single, I was picked out and when I was married I was not picked out. Muslims or anyone they think might associate with Muslims would be given heavier screening and this would produce an immediate lawsuit in the US.

Third, the Israelis do not allow any union style rights to their workers. They test constantly and they have a one mistake rule. One mistake found in any testing if you are an employee and you are gone. There is no right of appeal. This would also be impossible in the United States, where I have read that any testing always produces massive failures and no one ever is ever fired or even probably could be fired.

* Ha’aretz is NYTimes establishment-lefty in outlook (they circulate the Int’l NYTimes in the Israeli market), and has 6.5% market share. The leading outlets, including Sheldon Adelson’s right-wing Israel Hayom and centrist Yedioth Ahronoth have between 30% and 40% each. Ha’aretz gets more attention than it deserves internationally due to its better-established English language side. There’s a reason the Netanyahu is PM and not leaving any time soon.

I’d attribute their hypocrisy to general left-wing hypocrisy (e.g. ever find an Ivy-League liberal who did not live in a mostly-white neighborhood?) and not to anything particularly Jewish or Israeli.

* A market share only slightly smaller than the population share that all flavors of gays (3.8%), Muslims (.9%) and Jews (1.4%) have in the US. And we never cease hearing about homophobia, Islamophobia, and the holocaust.

Back in 2011 I think it was, “Frugal Dad” (blogger) pointed out in his excellent infographic on media consolidation that, at the time, 232 media executives control “the information diet” of 277 million Americans.

That’s a population share of .0008375 percent.

The whole point of MSM today is to have the smallest market share with the biggest impact. It’s about delivering some content to the few and much content to the many.

I noted this morning while looking at Haaretz that the pop-out teaser to get me to subscribe showed Michelangelo’s Creation of David from the Sistine Chapel ceiling and under it, “How the Jews created God and made him great.” You have to admit, that’s some serious brass-naddery…demonstrating that the whole Jewish thing is not about God at all, at least for Haaretz readers. I.e., not about religion.

* If they say they’re Christian, ask them to recite The Lord’s Prayer in Arabic. Have an Arab Christian clergyman on hand to verify. As there’s little love lost between Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, you can count on that clergyman being motivated.

If one Muslim out of a hundred can pass the test, then we’ve solved 99% of the problem, which is pretty damned good. But we’re not dealing with a high-competency population anyway. In Israel, for instance, you can determine with 99.99% accuracy if a swarthy middle eastern type is an Arab or a Jew by just hearing him speak Hebrew. (Unless he’s over 65, in which case he could be a first-generation immigrant from the Arab world who didn’t arrive young enough to absorb the Israeli Jewish accent.)

* Jews aren’t really driven by “Is it good for the Jews”, they’re driven by its unspoken corollary “Is it bad for the gentiles”, particularly whites, as is the case here. It’s that whole scorpion/frog thing. When America is 10 per cent Muslim it isn’t going to be good for the Jews. When Europe is majority Muslim it’s lights out for Israel. The survivors can take comfort in their hate.

* If Steve Sailer is any kind of an admirer of Israel and is neutral on, if not friendly toward, the Jews, perhaps he might indicate as much to the horde of Jew bashers who praise his pieces on Takimag. You can’t control your commenters, but you needn’t pour on the fuel that feeds their fire. To be fair, Jews get bashed on every article that appears on Takimag regardless of the subject, so it’s not just Steve Sailer whose pieces elicit the reaction.

* Free speech attracts Jew-bashers, what are ya gonna do? Jews have been so successful in their propaganda efforts that few westerners will tolerate any criticism of Jews whatsoever, so all their critics are channeled into the few true free-speech venues that remain.

If you don’t like it, there’s always the other 99.99% of the web, which suits your criteria just fine.

* Apparently, liberal Jews think Trump shouldn’t mention Israel’s ethnic profiling because it is the country’s dirty secret and no one else can be trusted to use it ethically. The Haaretz tendency is aware of the West Bank where Palestinians are kept without rights or normal opportunities the Jewish settlers have, on the pretext that a settlement in which Israel will be giving land to the Arab of the West Bank for their own state is being worked on. It isn’t going to happen, and the West Bank Arabs are going to have to be given full rights, kept in an Apartheid system, or sent packing, because they will never be reconciled. They refused a genuinely serious final settlement offer from Barak; they want it all and if the the Israeli establishment is not willing to offend some important sectors of opinion in the US the Arabs will win in the end. If Clinton is elected she will continue intervening to freeze the Middle East.

The author of the Haaretz piece is by cognitive dissonance taking his people’s side against the grave demographic and political peril that leaving the Arabs in the West Bank represents to Israel as a Jewish state. Ignoring the aforementioned peril, he is pretending that Israel faces only external danger from unsympathetic gentile countries, while in the US’s only ignorance of the way Israel’s main minority is treated stops the deranged WASPs using their control of the Supreme court to facilitate a regime which will end up with a loudspeaker suddenly barking “All Jews to Times Square !”

The gentile problem for Israel is not Trump giving the game away about Arabs getting the evil eye there, it’s the mass West Bank Arabs sitting tight while the US says they must get most of the occupied territories as their own state sooner or later (this is bipartisann US policy officially). One day Israel will be forced to choose between expelling the West Bank Arabs and remaining a Jewish state. On that day the liberal armchair Jews will disown Israel for deciding to survive, because they actually look to the US as a moral exemplar. It’s the one place where they care about being respected. Going out on a limb to say what needs to be done and being willing to take the heat for it, like Trump has, is only for those who care about their country above all else. It’s never going to be about the US taking Israel’s worst practices and turning them on Jews, it might be Trump as president could give Israel the courage to do what they should have done in 1967, given a US hands off in a fluid situation.

* “not the oppressed minority that The Narrative is constantly attempting to portray them as”

-I’m not sure what you mean. Obviously, there’s a lot of anti-Semitism in the world, and much of that is ”specifically based” on the fact that many Jews are rich. So I have no idea how the fact that many Jews are rich negates the idea that people hate Jews.

If Jews were the beneficiaries of affirmative action or the like, you’d obviously have a point. But they’re not.

Although Jews have the most hate crimes committed against them in the U.S. (more than against Muslims), so I’m not sure what your point is.

“people resent Jewish success because they feel that a good portion of it is the result of cronyism among Jews themselves and favoritism on the part of certain white gentiles.”

Right, because anyone can become a billionaire through “cronyism”, and only Jews practice “cronyism”. Ever heard of “Robber barons”?

If it was so easy to become a billionaire through whatever “crony” tactics you have in mind, everybody would do it, or at least enough people to balance out the Jews.

“favoritism on the part of certain white gentiles” is a new one. So I guess those white gentiles said to the Jew, “eh, YOU take the billions this time”.

Wouldn’t the 10 non-Jews who inherited enough money to rank among the 25 richest people in the U.S. be a better example of cronyism than the 10 Jews, none of whom inherited such massive amounts of money? Isn’t this stunningly obvious?

I repeat my question. Steve Sailer said it’s “very relevant” that Jews are overrepresented among Forbes’ billionaires. To who is it “very relevant”, and what would those people do with this information? What laws would the U.S. congress pass to rectify the “problem”?

It’s this nutcase idea that diverging from the mean is bad regardless of where you diverge. If you have a super-high murder rate, higher than that of non-Jewish whites, that’s bad (well, of course it is), but if you take the opposite route and make lots more money on average than non-Jewish whites, that’s “bad”, too!

You have to conform to the mean of white Swiss-American adoptees, seems to be the message.

* If South African whites were more like Jews, they wouldn’t have imported large numbers of blacks into the country for stoop labor, thereby making apartheid necessary. And the one drop rule was stupid. Full-blooded blacks were already 80% of the population. To make mixed-blood South Africans second class citizens simply compounded white numerical inferiority.

If they had any sense, they would have created and retreated to a white rump state, and built fences to avoid being demographically overwhelmed, much as the Israelis did with respect to the Palestinians. The Israelis overran the West Bank and Gaza in 67, but mainly to achieve strategic depth. Over 90% of those areas are still populated by Palestinians. (The principal difference is Israel mans the West Bank’s external borders to prevent terrorist infiltration and conventional invasion). At 6x Israel’s territory, a 47,000 sq mile white South Africa (10% of RSA’s land area) would have plenty of strategic depth. It’s not as if ramshackle African armies could roll over a well-organized white-run military based on a population of 4.5m.

* “Steve Sailer said it’s “very relevant” that Jews are overrepresented among Forbes’ billionaires. To who is it “very relevant”,”

To Jews, judging from the American Jewish media and from Israeli media, who love to count all the Jews on the Forbes 400.

On the other hand, the mainstream media in the U.S. almost never ever touches the subject.

NYP: Why did the White House just humiliate Loretta Lynch?

Idiotic: That’s the only word for the Obama administration’s move to scrub references to Islam or ISIS from the transcripts of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s calls.

Under an avalanche of ridicule, the Justice Department on Monday relented and released the full transcripts. But what was the point? Everyone already knew that he’d pledged allegiance to ISIS and its “caliph.”

Fine: President Obama wants to make this about gun control, not terrorism — but ham-handed editing only calls attention to what you’re deleting, and to Obama’s peevish rules against uttering terms like “radical Islam.”

Just look at the redactions:

Mateen: “I pledge of allegiance to [omitted]. “I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].”

All the omissions did was make Team Obama look determined to keep its head in the sand about the nature of the enemy.

Even the “explanations” sounded dumb. Here’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch on ABC’s “This Week”: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda.”

Further his propaganda? Seriously? The answer to Islamist jihad is to black out the words?

Lynch never did anything this absurd in all her years as US attorney here in New York, so you know the order came down from above.

It’s also idiocy déjà vu: Four years ago, Team Obama made then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice tour all the Sunday shows to blame the deadly Benghazi attack on an internet video, rather than on the terrorist plot they all knew it was. She looked a fool once the administration finally admitted the truth, just as Loretta Lynch does now.

It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?

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