Steve Sailer: Airbnb Says It Can’t be Discriminatory Because It Was Born Without Original Sin in the Year Obama Was Elected

The sharing economy aka Uber and AirBNB depends upon high social trust. Certain peoples are more trustworthy than others.

Growing up in Australia, people rarely locked their homes or cars because Australia was safe.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* If an AirBnb guest refuses to leave, it can take 2 months or more to evict him. You have to be very wary who you rent to, much more than a hotel.

* Are Black guests more likely to trash the place, clog up the toilets, and or steal items & furniture from the Airbnb houses and apartments that they vacation at?

There has to be a reason why Black guests on average have a bad reputation in the world of Airbnb.

If Black lives matter, than Black manners should also matter.

* How close are we to shaming people for racial and sexual discrimination on “dating” apps?

If a white woman has never accepted any black men on Tinder, isn’t it in everyone’s best interests that she be exposed as a racist?

“Racism somewhere (including a bedroom) is racism everywhere” – MLK

* I wonder which racial and ethnic groups on average make for the best Airbnb house guests? Meaning they don’t leave your place in a pigsty when they leave and they didn’t steal anything.

* I wonder if Uber drivers are discriminating against hails from MLK Boulevards across the country?

* I just can’t imagine having strangers in my house. Irritating relatives are bad enough. Not a snowball’s chance in hell some tranny is staying for a couple of nights.

* Tragedy of the Privates:

Renting properties to vibrant houseguests may have (foreseen) consequences.

Shots rang out at a rented Lynnfield mansion last month, and dozens of party guests scattered.

Officers who raced to the gated property tried to intercept the fleeing crowd just after 3 a.m. May 29, but no one would stop. Some hurled expletives at police as they jumped into cars or ran from the party at 8 Needham Road.

Inside the gates, officers found a man lying face up near the pool. Keivan Heath, 33, had suffered two gunshot wounds to the chest and was left for dead.

* Can you demand a certain credit score like owners do when they rent apts?

It might take you longer to rent the room but it most likely will give you a better renter.

* I am willing to bet sex discrimination is even more prevalent than race discrimination. A single woman would likely be wary of sharing her home with an unknown male. I think sex discrimination is perfectly reasonable.

* Was 1964 before 2008?

Because, as far as letting strangers rent rooms in your home, I recall, as a boy, seeing numerous small “Room to Let” signs in the windows of houses along highway 41, which was then a major north/south arterial from Duluth to Miami.

Evidently back then, people had few qualms about renting rooms to transient long-haul truck drivers. I wonder what’s changed?

Mmmm, what was that message I saw earlier today on the Telescreen right after the Two Minute Hate?…..Oh yes, “Diversity is Strength, Every One is Everyone, My Home is Your Castle”…hmm, I’ve got to remember to take my pill, now where did I leave them? It’s getting so hard to remember things anymore…..

* Eventually we’ll be back to colonial days, when you couldn’t refuse lodging to anybody the king sent you.

* Speaking of B&E, I am a host, and after 4 years had my first B&E this weekend. Guest checked out, but kept his key and came back in the next night and passed out drunk on the couch after checking if his room was available at 3am. It was not.

I won’t go into all the details, but to make a long story short, the guest was still drunk in the morning and refused to leave for a while as he made phone calls. He complained to his girlfriend who complained to me that my wife was “behaving badly” and that’s why after offering to pay for this additional night, he rescinded his money.

I am going to try to make them pay for new locks for the entire building and 4 sets of keys for 45 units–several thousand dollars. As he is Turkish, I will try to lock him out of the country forever if it comes to a court case.

My larger point on race and AirBnb was going to be this. I’ve hosted about 1000 people over the last 5 years. I’m a pretty trusting and friendly person or this wouldn’t be possible. Despite the story I lead with, I’ve had very few negative experiences and quite a number of especially positive ones.

But I will tell you this. With White guests, I have problems about 1 in 50 guests. With Black guests, I have problems with half of them. Roughly half. And there are some rather funny stories out of those. Quite a few who never got through the front door as they started off with a story of how their suitcase was lost and wallet stolen and needed a place to pay in cash cause they were just in town for their father’s funeral (and apparently had no one to stay with–not even the “dead father’s” empty bed, I guess.) For six months already, I have been keeping a file of positive reviews from Black guests so that I have a case when I am inevitably accused of treating the group who causes problems 50% of the time from the group who causes problems 2% of the time.

I can tell you this with experience of 1000 guests. When I book a straight, white male, I shout hallelujah. Never a problem. Never ask for a discount. Friendly and courteous. If I had to choose from a foreign country, I would say that French are the meekest, Swedish are the most self-sufficient, Dutch are super easy.

In my experience, 1000 guests, probably 5% black (I mostly keep them at bay by being priced out of their range in Manhattan), here is what the problems are:

1. Asking for a discount (Israelis are worse, though, and I try to avoid them just as bad).

2. Some totally unreasonable request: Can I bring 12 friends over, they’ll be out before bed, so they’re not staying as overnight guests (this is in a shared 3-bedroom apartment).

3. Some sketchy pity story that I know is a set-up for something worse: my credit card was stolen, can I pay you in cash?

4. Mistakes: Didn’t realize it was a shared apartment. Got the dates wrong. Came home drunk and left pizza in the oven and it caught fire.

5. Surly. Just surly.

6. Accusing you of discrimination.

7. Scams. One kid, looked about 17, shirt-off with a neck tattoo in his profile pic and a confrontational gesture to the camera. He did Instant Book, the only time I requested to cancel an automatic booking. I called him back with the name he gave, but changed the last name and he confirmed that it was his last name. I don’t know what he thought he was going to do when he got into my apartment, but I wasn’t going to let it happen.

You do judge people by their photos and their language. There are some whites (and Israelis) that get the boot right off the back. But Blacks are subject to extensive background checks, and sometimes, when I just don’t have the energy, I decline straight off the bat.

* It is absolute lunacy that a business can’t discriminate however it wants, including race, religion, sex, age, sexual disorder, etc. The fact that the government outlaws it is in violation of natural law. Sheer lunacy, I say.

The 14th A. really needs to be repealed. It has long been used by the left to promote nonsensical discord and misery.

* We are constantly involved in the War on Poverty.

And the War on Racism.

And the War on Inequality.

And the War on Terror.

So we are always in a time of war . So—presto!—the government can now just pass a law and stick a soldier in everyone’s home. To keep us safe, of course.

And don’t think this idea isn’t being bandied about in lefty legal academia right now.

* Univision appears to be doing the job that American journalists just won’t do. After seeing this guy’s apartment, I now believe he was gay. He has a perfume collection worthy of Liberace.

Notice how his concealed carry license is right there on the kitchen counter.

His father, an apparently failed perennial candidate for the President of Afghanistan, has a pretty sweet fleet of cars. I spot what looks like at least two Mercedes and one BMW. Where does the money come from for these cars? Might he be a protected intelligence asset? Otherwise, if this is the lifestyle that one can afford as a cornball Youtube crank in St. Lucie, Florida LARPING as a Presidential candidate for one of the poorest countries in the world, then maybe I need to move down there.

The shooter’s former lover is straight out of Brian DePalma’s Body Heat.

* This is like San Bernardino when the cops didn’t secure the killers’ apartment.

And now they say the FBI has lost track of Mateen’s widow, who may be guilty of abetting him.

As someone noted on Twitter, losing the widow would avoid an embarrassing trial of her.

* I’m sure the Airbnb people understand exactly why this is happening, and also understand that any serious pressure to make people accept guests they don’t want in their own homes will simply lead to hosts bailing out of the service. They also know that they have to be seen to be saying the right things, and hiring the right sort of people–especially since they can’t actually do anything effective about it without destroying their business.

There are probably a couple cushy executive-chair-of-diversity jobs and some nice donations to the right sort of political foundations ahead, as well.

* Maybe Noor Salman is in an AirBnB somewhere.

She is officially missing, per Loretta Lynch today at her presser. Clips from that presser are all over the news but not the tidbit about Noor, widow of Mateen:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted today that the FBI is unaware
of the whereabouts of Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman.

Salman has indicated she suspected Mateen was about to commit a
terrorist attack, and even accompanied him to buy the weaponry he used
to carry out the massacre. She insists, however, that as he left she
tried to hold onto his arm so he wouldn’t leave.

If the FBI believes she was aware of the impending attack, she could
be prosecuted.

“Has the shooter’s wife left the state of Florida?” a reporter asked
Lynch during her press conference Tuesday.

“Right now, I don’t know exactly the answer to that,” Lynch candidly
replied. “I believe she was going to travel but I do not know exactly
her location now.”

* I just looked at for the first time. The revolving home page has a smiling, young black female as the presumed guest of a smiling, clean-cut, White male welcoming her into the home.

* AirBnB is like a newspaper – the law prohibits them from publishing explicitly discriminatory listings, but since they do not control the decision-making with respect to accepting guests at any of given property, they are not liable for any discriminatory decisions the landlords make. Though if a particular landlord is sued, they could be compelled to turn over records relating to him.

And the law for landlords is that one can discriminate as much as one likes if the rental is a space within the dwelling unit actually occupied by the landlord, but discrimination is prohibited when renting out self-contained units.

I vaguely recall hearing about a four-unit rule, but it’s not in the federal statute. It could be that as an interpretive/enforcement matter if you own a building with four or fewer units and live in one of them you can treat the other three self-contained units as part of your own occupied dwelling (that is, allowed to discriminate), but I don’t know if that’s still current practice in the Obama administration. Federal mortgage programs traditionally treated owner-occupied buildings of four or fewer residential units like single family homes, so it could be a category holdover from that area.

AirBnB is still well advised to get out ahead of the bad press by hiring the right insiders and making the right political donations, of course. The usual sort of low-grade corruption found in over-regulated economies.

Posted in Blacks, Crime | Comments Off on Steve Sailer: Airbnb Says It Can’t be Discriminatory Because It Was Born Without Original Sin in the Year Obama Was Elected

WP: ‘Before they opposed Muslims, Europe’s far right targeted a different minority’

You can always count on Ishaan Tharoor to produce an obtuse column. Today’s does not disappoint.

Washington Post:

In March, a party led by a neo-Nazi won 14 parliamentary seats in elections in Slovakia, accounting for more than 200,000 of the ballots cast and almost a quarter of first-time voters. Marian Kotleba, the mustachioed politician at the helm of the ultra-nationalist People’s Party Our Slovakia, was known for his propensity to don distinctly fascist attire, his admiration for the Third Reich and his contempt for the European Union, NATO and other institutions of the West.

Like other far-right politicians of the moment in Europe, Kotleba has inveighed against the supposed perils posed by immigration and seeks to ban Islam from Slovakia, where the majority of the population of 5.4 million is Catholic. But before he championed anti-Muslim sentiment, Kotleba’s political success was in part anchored in the demonizing of another group of people: the Roma.

He came to prominence in regional elections in 2013, leading marches against “Gypsy criminality” and grandstanding over Bratislava’s supposed coddling of the community. “We don’t like the way this government deprives polite people in order to improve the position of parasites,” he said at one rally.

Kotleba tapped into prejudice that is widespread throughout much of Europe. The Roma, the descendants of an ancient migration from India who number about 10 million to 12 million people across the continent, still face considerable discrimination in virtually every country where they live. The bias against the Roma is both systemic and societal, stepped in centuries of distrust. Recent polls in different parts of Europe have found that huge proportions of people hold unfavorable views of the Roma.

Those attitudes have dovetailed with growing anti-Muslim sentiment. A survey published last week in Germany found attitudes hardening against differing minorities in the country. “The focus of resentment toward asylums seekers, Muslims as well as Sinti and Roma, increased,” the study’s authors said.

It’s perhaps most acute in nations where the Roma are most populous, including Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, despite concerted E.U. efforts to promote Roma inclusion.

In Hungary, for example, the far-right Jobbik party has pushed the envelope for years against minorities, including the Roma. Its brand of ultra-nationalist populism has led more mainstream politicians, such as Prime Minister Viktor Orban, to also inveigh against the perils of Islam and refugees.

“The reason why Hungarians are anti-immigrant is that we live in a place where people who speak our language and share our religion have not integrated with the rest of society,” Marton Gyongyosi, a Jobbik lawmaker, wrote in a 2015 op-ed that spells out the link between anti-Roma and anti-Muslim views. “It’s natural that we don’t want to integrate with some sub-Saharan immigrant who might be a member of a terrorist organization and could have some disease I’ve never even heard of before.”

Unlike countries to the West, Eastern and Central Europe have little experience of Muslim immigration. When warning against Syrian refugees, Orban had to resort to talking about the invasions of Ottoman armies hundreds of years ago.

“Both Muslims and Roma are seen as barbarian, as non-modern,” says Cas Mudde, a Dutch political scientist and author of “On Extremism and Democracy in Europe,” which examines the present gains of the populist far right. “The threat is in the numbers rather than the individual.”

Gee, why would anyone have negative views of gypsies and Muslims? Hmm. That’s tough to figure out.

WASPs are the best behaved group. They are the best at waiting in line and they are the best, in general, in acting like good citizens. They create the best countries (think England, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand).

Bad Behavior Index

Blacks 106
Mexicans 85
American Indians 85
Italians 70
Irish 67
Jews 64
Germans 56
English/Welsh 47

Racial diversity destroys social capital. The more diverse Europe becomes, the more frayed it will be.

As Jason Richwine wrote in 2009:

[Robert] Putnam began by telling us about one result he encountered that was thoroughly upsetting to him—the more ethnically diverse a community is, the less social capital it possesses. When a person lives in a diverse community, he trusts everyone less, including those of his own ethnic group.

So how did Putnam come to conclude that ethnic diversity is so problematic? The answer begins with the notion of “social capital,” which Putnam defines in simple terms—“social networks and the associated norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness.” Social capital turns out to be an exceptionally valuable commodity. Building complex networks of friends and associates, trusting others to keep their word, and maintaining social norms and expectations all grease the wheels of business by enabling cooperation.

But the value of social capital goes well beyond economics. Many of the activities from which people draw the most deep and lasting satisfactions are stronger and more prevalent in areas with high social capital. People living in these places tend to have more friends, care more about their community, and participate more in civic causes. Where social capital is greater, Putnam says, “children grow up healthier, safer, and better educated; people live longer, happier lives; and democracy and the economy work better.”

Gypsies have lived in Europe for hundreds of years and they still have not assimilated. Is that Europe’s fault? Gypsies, like Muslims, have low IQs and are not assimilable.

Jews have assimilated to Europe in superficial ways, but as long as a Jew identifies as a Jew, his primary identity, in all likelihood, will be as a Jew, as a nation within nation if he lives in the diaspora and his primary loyalty in all likelihood will be to his fellow Jews, not to his Gentile nation.

Jews see themselves as a people apart. As long as they maintain their identity, they will only assimilate in superficial ways.

All peoples assimilate in only the most superficial ways. In the end, they tend to act like their genetics. Blacks act black, the Japanese act Japanese, and Jews act Jewish, wherever they live.

Christians have been struggling with Jews and Muslims for over a millennia because these individual groups have different interests that repeatedly clash with each other. You can argue about whether or not Jews are conducive to a Christian country, but there is no argument that Muslims are a bad fit.

Aiming for Clarity writes:

Let’s take a sort-of metrics-based analysis. I worry that the author of this thesis – Dr. Peter Hammond, who wrote “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat”- may be/ is a biggot. But it’s hard to argue with these numbers:

As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States — Muslim 0.6%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1.8%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in: Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and ***ya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

COMMENT: This led to a book on Amazon and a review of the contents of said book: “Among the interesting items in the book:
– one of Muhammad’s wives was 6 when he married her and 9 when he consummated the marriage.
– most of the historical Biblical stories related in the Koran are factually incorrect.
– Muslims are forbidden from having Jewish or Christian friends.
– Jihad is the second most important duty of every Muslim.
– only 5% of all slaves involved in the slave trade were sold in the United States.
– half of all children born today in Belgium are Muslim.
– there may be as many as 25,000 Al-Qaeda supporters in the UK.
– Muslims comprise 4% of the population in Denmark, but consume 40% of the welfare spending.
– 75% of the convicted rapists in Denmark are Muslim.
– Muslims comprise 95% of the convicted rapists and 85% of the convicted murderers in France and Italy.
– the average European woman has 1.5 children, the average Muslim woman living in Europe has 7 children.
– non-Muslims have virtually no rights in Muslim countries.
– since 1948, the 21 Arab countries have been involved in 30 wars, 63 successful revolutions, at least 75 failed revolutions, and the assassination of 36 heads of state.”

Dr. James Thompson writes:

I never spent much time thinking about gypsies. I had assumed that gypsies were gypsies, lived in caravans, bred horses and played violins in restaurants. People do stuff. It is probably better to earn money in a restaurant than to spend it there. With the passage of time I became more curious, particularly when definitional battles began to rage about travellers, itinerants, and the Romany peoples, with various spokespersons claiming priority in representing their interests, which often seemed in direct contradiction to other more settled people’s rights. Although all peoples are as ancient as other peoples in chronological fact, the Roma sometimes seemed to be claiming chronological priority, at least as far as their nomadic way of life was concerned.

So, it was with interest and some trepidation that I opened Jelena Cvorovic’s “The Roma: A Balkan Underclass” Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2014…

Cvorovic concentrates on the Serbian Roma, with whom she has worked for 10 years. I had previously seen a film she had produced, in which different gypsy leaders spent much of their interview time explaining that their particular group were the real thing, and that the other gypsy groups lacked racial purity, and were giving the true Roma a bad name. Somehow, this clashed with the narrative I was expecting, and was possibly willing to support, that they were a minority who had been given a hard time. The film showed disordered settlements, and children living in severe poverty, some giving every appearance of mental backwardness.

Books are a better medium than film to get into details (though the film certainly had an impact). Cvorovic gives the quick background: the Roma are socially excluded (and exclude themselves) with life expectancies 10 to 15 years lower than the European norm, high infant mortality, and an 80% unemployment rate. The Roma, Gypsies, Travellers, Cigani, Manouches, Sinti showed up in Europe from the North West of India between the ninth and fourteenth centuries. No-one knows why. There are an estimated 10 to 12 million living on the margins of European society, either in niche occupations or “living off the land” which in some cases means living off other people’s property. Their code of conduct minimizes contact with non-gypsy people, and particularly abjures marriage with non-gypsies.

With great craftiness they found that Europeans in the Middle Ages received them with Christian charity, and deduced that these kind Europeans would sympathise with Egyptians, who after all had left Egypt searching for the promised land, as the Bible explained. Hence, they called themselves Egyptians, from which eGypt-sies derives, and cast themselves as dispossessed dukes, kings and princes from that land. Christians required documentary proof that these early asylum seekers were legitimate, and the gypsies willingly proffered a forged document from King Sigismund of Hungary, which represented them as penitent pilgrims atoning for their ancestors in Egypt who had rejected Christianity. As a result of the sins of their ancestors they were reduced to wandering the earth as pilgrims seeking charity.

Call me naive, but I think this an intelligent strategy, deficient as it may be in a moral sense. Incidentally, Roma morality is flexible on these sorts of matters: Non-Roma are seen as unclean and polluting, interactions with them are to be avoided, and theft and crimes against non-Roma are not morally wrong…

Assume, if only for a moment, that the Roma are not, as they are painted, a dependent lot of good–for-nothings, but a plucky minority who have been set upon by Europeans, though not set upon so badly that they wish to return to India. In terms of cultural theory, if the locals despise you and won’t let you participate, then you stick to your own kind and your own ways, and do the jobs the locals will not do or cannot do, and charge them the highest prices they can afford. On that account, the Roma should have gone on to great things: specialist crafts, entertainment, controlling the music business, money-lending, gambling, casinos and the like. Their schools should have been hothouses of talent. Indeed, they should have turned out like European Jews.

On the contrary, assessments of their abilities are uniformly low. Cvorovic explains that Roma children are assessed pre-school, and about two thirds diagnosed with “light mental retardation”. She gathers together published intelligence results, mostly using Wechsler tests, on reasonably sized samples and with local populations as comparison groups. After some 8 centuries one ought to be able to put aside the notion that the results are due to delayed acculturation. Adult Roma have intelligence scores very similar to the South Asian stock from which they separated centuries ago. Integration was not sought, and successfully rejected when imposed, programs of improvement failing to have any impact, even under strict Communist command.

For a wide variety of samples the average adult IQs are in the IQ 70 range. There is variation in terms of the countries assessed but as a rule of thumb the scores appear to be two standard deviations below the local norms. This is a very sizeable difference….

Scholastic attainments are usually 1 standard deviation below the mean. However, Roma children seem to be street wise, particularly on their home territories, and observation not investigated further. Their poor scholarship seems to be due to a mixture of low ability and a strong belief that education beyond primary school is of no interest or benefit. Their behaviour in school is often very disruptive. The table below shows English data for school exclusion…

To my mind it shows that if a group of immigrants stick to their own extended family for marriage partners, restrict contact with the host population to the absolute minimum, and stick to their own cultural practices, there is almost zero impact from living in Europe for almost 8 centuries. The climate has done nothing detectable to them for 32 generations, nor has the spurned European culture rubbed off on them by some osmotic process.

The contrast with European Jews is instructive: both are minorities with distinctive cultures and world views; both have inbred to some degree; both have been subject to prejudice, ostracism and very much worse; both have struggled to find a niche in Europe, and yet both have (mostly) remained in Europe. However, there the similarities end, and the differences multiply. European Jews venerated scholarship, the Roma cannot see its purpose. Jews made themselves useful at the highest levels of the economy, barely tolerated but sourly respected for their financial and scholarly acumen. Gypsies made themselves resented at the lowest levels of the economy (though some recently became metal recycling millionaires after the fall of Communist heavy industry) and little respected for wheeling and dealing. Here is a thematic apperception test: what made the difference?

Perhaps it was only a difference in root stock: Roma from India, Jews from Italy.

Although they have made very modest contributions to European culture, and even less to the economy, there is one way the Roma have met with contemporary approval: they have maintained their genetic and cultural purity for roughly 32 generations, the essence of multiculturalism.

Posted in Europe, Gypsies, Islam | Comments Off on WP: ‘Before they opposed Muslims, Europe’s far right targeted a different minority’

‘I really just want to be left alone. I don’t want billionaires lecturing me every time I use their stupid products.’



How did Google become the internet’s censor and master manipulator, blocking access to millions of websites?

By Robert Epstein:

Google, Inc., isn’t just the world’s biggest purveyor of information; it is also the world’s biggest censor.

The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives, generally without input or authority from any outside advisory group, industry association or government agency. Google is not the only company suppressing content on the internet. Reddit has frequently been accused of banning postings on specific topics, and a recent report suggests that Facebook has been deleting conservative news stories from its newsfeed, a practice that might have a significant effect on public opinion – even on voting. Google, though, is currently the biggest bully on the block.

When Google’s employees or algorithms decide to block our access to information about a news item, political candidate or business, opinions and votes can shift, reputations can be ruined and businesses can crash and burn. Because online censorship is entirely unregulated at the moment, victims have little or no recourse when they have been harmed. Eventually, authorities will almost certainly have to step in, just as they did when credit bureaus were regulated in 1970. The alternative would be to allow a large corporation to wield an especially destructive kind of power that should be exercised with great restraint and should belong only to the public: the power to shame or exclude.

If Google were just another mom-and-pop shop with a sign saying “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,” that would be one thing. But as the golden gateway to all knowledge, Google has rapidly become an essential in people’s lives – nearly as essential as air or water. We don’t let public utilities make arbitrary and secretive decisions about denying people services; we shouldn’t let Google do so either.

Posted in Google, Homosexuality | Comments Off on ‘I really just want to be left alone. I don’t want billionaires lecturing me every time I use their stupid products.’

Was the Juice on the Juice?

Steve Sailer writes: Seriously, the reason the conventional wisdom has such trouble making sense out of the Simpson story is because O.J. epitomizes how beloved blacks had become by American whites in the last third of the 20th century…and how often blacks then let whites down…

There is an interesting story of an adolescent O.J. endangering his athletic career in San Francisco due to his gangbanging tendencies, so the San Francisco Giants’ all-world center fielder Willie Mays called him up. Willie didn’t try to argue the young O.J. out of being a thug. He just had the kid hang out with him for a day. Mays’ implicit message to Simpson was: This kind of life can be yours, too…if you don’t screw it up.

Eventually, after being given countless second chances by white society, O.J. screwed it up.


* Steve has written about this at various times, but it’s really striking how different California’s racial consciousness was in the 50s and 60s from the rest of the country; that was part of Willie Mays’s story (my dad grew up in the Bay Area worshipping Mays). I was looking up something and ended up watching a 1957 montage of local San Francisco TV news and there’s one part where the Governor of the US Virgin Islands comes on as part of the Debate on Segregation and talks about how much he valued being in integrated schools in California growing up. Racial progressivity was something Californians were obviously expected to be proud of even in 1957.

My favorite book about education and race, The Way It Spozed To Be, about teaching school in a black school in Oakland in 1958, makes clear that while the school is a mess, it’s not because of material deprivation or obvious discrimination. It’s very short and might be of interest to iSteve readers- pdf here.

* Juiced athletes of the 1960s become enraged psychopaths 30 years later… It would make for a great plot, on the model of “Concussion.” In fact, maybe it will turn out that the two delayed-reaction syndromes are related?

* Norm MacDonald hosted the ESPY awards a long time ago, when the OJ trial was still fresher in people’s minds. At one point during the ceremony he congratulated the recent Heisman winner, saying, “You’ve won something that no one can ever take away from you… unless you kill your wife and some waiter.”

The camera panned to the audience and there were some looks of shock. It was glorious.

* Violent jealousy of a particularly black male kind. Which is partially why he went free—the prosecution couldn’t mention it, because political correctness kept them quiet.

Let me explain.

If you read black message boards on these here interwebs, black women are constantly trying to ward white women off from dating black men. One thing black women bring up a lot is the fact that black men get frighteningly possessive of white women once they date them, even after break ups.

Black women tell white women that a black man sees a white woman as a “prize” and as proof they are better than other blacks and better than whites; subsequently, if the white woman breaks up or leaves him, or is seen with another man, black women say the black man will get extremely violent, thinking they have lost the ultimate prize and are not worthy anymore.

The countless incidents involving black men and their estranged white girls attest to this stereotype being more than a little true.

Anyway, this kind of stereotype about black men who had white women used to be more prevalent in society. The Black Buck stereotype (google it) was part of this: the stereotype of black men who’ve tasted a white women becoming crazed in protecting it and utterly bloodthirsty if it’s taken away.

Had this been an earlier time, the motive would have been easily grasped and spoken of: OJ walked in in on his blond ex-white wife with another white man, and despite the fact that he wasn’t her husband, he snapped and flipped out on them due to his sexual embarrassment at losing possession of her and being cuckolded by another man (and a white man at that)—he had gone back to the ghetto and been degraded.

However, by the 1990s not only was this stereotype not prevalent in any non-black community, the prosecution couldn’t even mention it. Much like the stereotype of “rough trade” about gays was known, but as Steve pointed out, pcness has purged from our GoodThinking minds, so if we hear about a gay killed in seedy circumstances, we only think “hate crime.”

* Having OJ try on the gloves was Christopher Darden’s idea. No one, including fellow prosecutor Marcia Clark and at least one member of the jury, thought it was a good idea.

In the ESPN documentary (which is really good) they interview two jurors, both black. One is an ice-cold elderly woman who freely admits that her vote of “not guilty” was intended, at least in part, as revenge for the Rodney King beating (she claims “about 90%” of the jury was similarly motivated.) The other is a comparatively reasonable woman in her 40′s.

Here’s the younger juror recounting the day OJ tried on the gloves (brackets added to explain what the filmmakers communicated through courtroom footage):

It was later in the afternoon. The person who they had giving the testimony regarding the glove- you could see where it was leading up to. Obviously it was too big [when Johnnie Cochran put it on.]

At 24 years old, I could see: “This is a trick. Don’t fall for it. We could see that that glove is big on his [Cochran’s] hand. You don’t have to do anything.”

Defense lawyer F. Lee Bailey tells of baiting Christopher Darden into asking OJ to put on the gloves: “You’ve got the balls of a stud field mouse … If you don’t [ask him], I will!”

Marcia Clark begs Darden not to fall for it: “I told him in no uncertain terms why we should not be doing this. He said, ‘If we don’t, then they will,’ and I said, ‘Then let them.’” “It was the biggest fight I think Chris and I ever had.”

We then see the footage of OJ struggling to put the gloves on. As another member of the defense puts it, OJ goes into “Naked Gun mode.”

The juror’s reaction afterwards:

I looked at him [Darden] like, “I can’t believe you did it. You let him play you. You are the weaker one. And you didn’t have to be.”

… If OJ never put that glove on, I would have assumed it fit. I saw how big it was. And that’s when I just knew, you know- “Why is this guy here? He’s ruining this case.”

Posted in Blacks, California, Football, Los Angeles | Comments Off on Was the Juice on the Juice?

Why NorCal Beat SoCal

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* But the primary reason that the Bay Area beat the East Coast metros for tech supremacy is because California courts don’t enforce non-compete agreements. This makes it far easier for workers to jump from firm to firm, dispersing innovation. Best practices tend to spread quickly raising the average quality across all firms.

The reality is that 99%+ of non-competes don’t exist for their explicit legal purpose. The notion that a 22-year old college graduate is somehow essential to the existence of the enterprise is laughable. Non-competes exist as small print so that large corporates can use their extensive legal departments to discourage workers from looking for higher-paying jobs. Thus keeping wages down.

If any state wanted to compete as a major tech center, they’d adopt California’s policy and recognize non-competes as restraints of trade. But it’s highly unlikely: corporate lobbyists would obviously be opposed, Democrats have no interest in labor issues affecting white-color workers, and Republicans would somehow conceptualize it as anti free-market.

* The comparison between the two urban areas on the immigration front is even worse than it looks, and goes beyond illegal immigration from Latin America. Immigration to each place from outside the Western Hemisphere looks very different. In the Bay Area, you get high-IQ, high-productivity, “symbolic analyst”-type workers drawn by the tech industry. LA’s immigrants (not counting illegals from Latin America): more likely to be cutthroat small-businessmen, or out-and-out scammers, from the Middle East, former Soviet Union, and other low-trust, institutionally weak societies. This is increasingly a factor in doing business in the LA area, and is probably going to be an increasing factor of life other places that follow the LA demographic and urban model: count the silver and don’t risk more than you can afford to lose when you get ripped off. Places like the Bay Area may look like Star Trek. Places like LA will look more like the souk or bazaar.

* It’s partly that Southern Californians believe in individual taste, usually with unfortunate results. Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills is hilariously non-cohesive. The movie business meant that rich moguls would call in their set designers to design their mansions and tell them whatever crazed inspiration would come to mind to distinguish themselves from their neighbors : e.g., Think 12-bedroom Tongan hut!

I can recall visiting Florence, Italy in 1980 and realizing with a shock that centuries of Florence citizens had cared about what their ancestors had thought about design and tried to put up building that complemented the great buildings that were already there in order to make the entire city a unified work of art rather than each building as an assertion of ego and whim as in Los Angeles.

* Reverse snobbery is at war with admiration for architectural standards protected by well thought out regulations that protect quality of life. Reverse snobbery always settles for the safe middle ground which in a production/consumption culture based on human rights minus high culture apparently leads to a surfeit of duller, poorer people.

* Southern California has become like Italy south of Rome, while northern California has become like northern Italy. Once you acquire a large population of low-IQ black or brown people, your region becomes economically unremarkable and stays that way for hundreds of years.

But I’m not betting against the drooling and voracious real estate market. After seeing what’s happened to many coastal areas of the US in the last 30 years, I doubt LA can avoid hardcore gentrification. It has a good location, good weather, plenty of culture, and certain areas of the city are noticeably cheaper than others. The Hispanics now giving the boot to the blacks may have inadvertently cleared the way for younger whites fleeing expensive areas like San Francisco to give the boot to the Hispanics, move in, and start gentrifying the place well beyond the economic reach of any brown or black person in California.

Whites won’t move into a black area, but some of them have no problem with Hispanic areas. Once the wedge is in the door, other whites are more likely to follow once an affordable neighborhood becomes safer and the public schools whiter.

* As a Bay Area native (actually born in SF), this whole idea of Frisco beating out LA strikes me kind of amusing. When I was a child we were actually jealous of LA, because it got all of the attention, and why not, successful sports franchises, Hollywood, all of those rock groups on the Strip, etc., while SF could barely muster 750 K people (I think it’s still around there) and no one paid attention to us. That’s how it seemed, anyway.

I started to notice a change in the late ’70′s, before I left. I think it was because SF became the site of a larger financial sector. At any rate, that’s when things seemed to become more expensive and perhaps more decadent. The general vibe you were supposed to have was loyalty to the Bay Area, and a respect for its seafaring/prospecting roots, which also involved broad tolerance for weirdos and eccentrics. The general sense was that the economy was depressed because Harry Bridges had destroyed it as a port city during the longshoreman’s strikes.

But by the late ’70′s that had all morphed. Financial centers were everywhere, prices were rising, gays, who were once tolerated as “our weirdos” became practically oppressive (hence, PC evolution), bean sprouts started turning up in tunafish sandwiches, and the overgrown small town loyalty of the old days turned into the smugness ever since, usually by people who weren’t even natives.

In terms of development, remember there’s only so much you can do with all the hills around, and the threat of another devastating earthquake. It’s true that they didn’t build subdivisions all over Marin or Mt Diablo or the Berkeley Hills, but but that would be hard work to do so, and because of the configuration of the land, there would be a lot of traffic bottlenecks wherever you built. It’s not surprising that most of the expansion has been on the bayshore peninsula, the bayshore East Bay, and the San Jose area: nice and flat.

Again, I think the financial sector and then the fortuitous siting of the computer sector is what has made SF a winner. And that’s a rising tide that floats all boats.

* The fortuitous circumstance of Stanford and the pioneers of electronic circuitry being located in Santa Clara was critical in making the Bay Area the tech capital of the world but San Francisco was the banking and finance capital of the West Coast. Bank America, Wells Fargo,Crocker bank and the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange were in SF. Southern California was savings and loan territory.

There was also the LA smog. I well remember people in Northern California refusing to take jobs in LA because of it. It was unnerving to be unable to see more than a few blocks down the street on a sunny day and toss in the burning sensation in one’s eyes and other deleterious health effects I wouldn’t underestimate the adverse impact smog had on Southern California’s economic development at this critical time when California transitioned to a post industrial economy.

While LA kept the film and entertainment industry it is really not that big of an employer. I’ve read that the entire film and TV industry accounts for fewer than 250,000 jobs nationwide.

* It’s not just “blacks and poor Mexicans” who are being priced out of LA, at all.

As far as downtown LA in particular, many people with good-paying professional jobs (disproportionately white and Asian) are also having trouble affording to live here.

And by the way, there are still plenty of obnoxious, intimidating, rude Africans all over downtown LA, many of them homeless. So one can have the privilege of paying $2,000 to $3,000 per month in rent and still being aggressively panhandled and sometimes harassed by the Bruthas on a daily basis, smelling urine on the sidewalks, and having trash float by.

* If he [Steve Sailer] starts hustling now, he can get it [novel] out in time for the thirtieth anniversary of The Bonfire of the Vanities.

Wolfe’s novel is often said to have captured perfectly the vibe of the go-go Reagan ’80s.

What’s a good title for a book encapsulating the zany zeitgeist of the multiculti transformative Obama teens? The Brushfire* of the Inanities?

*How does this plot sound?

In August 2012, with the president’s re-election campaign about to heat up, a Mexican laborer casually tosses a cigarette onto some trash that he dumped on the ground. His carelessness sparks a raging wildfire that torches large parts of Southern California.

The police launch a massive manhunt for the accidental arsonist. They find him hard at work, scrubbing toilets in a stadium at which a heavily-attended, nationally-televised college-football game is being played on Labor Day. When they swoop in to arrest him, he runs into the crowd and tries to make his escape. A white cop shoots at him, but misses.

At the moment that the cop fires the shot, the game is in its final moments. The home team’s star black running back is making an 82-yard rush for a game-winning touchdown, and the crowd leaps to its feet in anticipation.

The bullet hits a 300-pound black woman, standing on the edge of a balcony in the nosebleed section, in the head. Her body falls to the ground. Incredibly, she lands atop the running back as he rushes by below. The impact leaves him grievously injured. He does not make the touchdown, and the home team loses the game.

The angry (mostly-white) crowd turns on the cops. One cop misfires his gun, killing an 82-year-old white man, sitting in a seat on the 50-yard line, who happens to be the team’s biggest booster. In the ensuing chaos, the Mexican immigrant escapes.

(All of this is broadcast live as part of ESPN’s exclusive prime-time coverage of America’s favorite pastime.)

Overnight, an overworked Filipina nurse at the hospital accidentally administers an overdose to the paralyzed running back, killing him.

This incident sparks massive BLM-type protests around the country, and opens up fissures between blacks, Hispanics, and Asians that threaten to split the Democratic anti-white-man coalition. Black anger is stoked by the attorney general, who makes a series of inflammatory speeches.

The president attends the black football star’s funeral. There, his brilliant Jewish chief-of-staff meets the black football star’s hot-and-slutty-but-not-totally-brainless Hispanic girlfriend. They begin having a torrid love affair – a relationship driven solely by his lust and her greed. He draws up a plan to parlay her inadvertent fifteen minutes of fame into a political career.

In the weeks before the election, she headlines a series of rallies designed to draw blacks *and* Hispanics to the polls to END (Eliminate Nefarious Discrimination) the Hate and EARN (Eradicate All Racism Now) a Brighter Tomorrow. (Hispanic turnout at the rallies is disappointingly low, but black turnout is even heavier than expected.)

Her career is threatened when, on the Friday before the election, her father-in-law (a white, mentally-unstable bodybuilder transitioning into transwomanhood) goes berserk and shoots up the biggest EARN rally to date. (Ironically, it is being held in the same stadium as the fateful football game.) He escapes. A massive manhunt fails to find him.

The Democratic Party now threatens to burst apart at the seams.

On Sunday evening, the girlfriend makes a dramatic prime-time speech in which she tearfully claims that her father-in-law was physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive toward her, her mother, and her sisters for years and that she is a victim of white-male racism and sexism. At the end, she announces that she is bisexual.

This speech stops the political hemorrhaging, but the election is now too close to call.

On the day before the election, a white computer nerd living in Los Angeles uncovers documents suggesting that the whole sequence of events, beginning with the wildfire, is a black-ops scam designed by the president’s chief-of-staff and implemented by the CIA. The operation is designed to create enough chaos in the country to give the president a pretext to suspend the Constitution and cancel the election.

The final twist in the plan is this: On the morning of Election Day, the girlfriend will attend an END/EARN prayer breakfast with a bunch of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton types. The deranged transsexual bodybuilder – a CIA operative – will set off a bomb at the event, and issue a declaration that he has struck the first blow in the Great Patriotic War* for White Supremacy. The crime will spark massive race riots, disrupting voting all across the country. The president will declare a state of national emergency, institute martial law, announce that he is postponing the election “until calm returns”, and establish dictatorial rule.

As the nerd is about to post the documents on his WikiLeaks-ish site, henchmen burst into his house and start shooting. They blow up his house.

He barely escapes with his life and the documents (on a USB stick) and hops in his old, beat-up car, with the henchmen hot on his trail. He has no phone or computer, having had no time to grab either, and he cannot stop, even for red lights. He must keep on driving, or die.

CIA operatives issue a false report that the nerd is, in fact, the deranged transsexual bodybuilder, and that he killed three police officers while making his escape. The cops pursuing him are given orders to eliminate him with extreme prejudice. (These orders come directly from the president’s chief-of-staff himself.)

Within minutes, the cops’ pursuit of the nerd turns into a massive televised chase.

As fate would have it, at the very moment that the cops are about to stop the nerd once and for all, the Mexican immigrant who started the wildfire, drunk out of his mind, is driving home on the same freeway, but in the opposite direction. When he sees the dozens of police cars and helicopters, he assumes that they are coming for him, freaks out, and loses consciousness. His car swerves across the median and plows into the police car directly ahead of the nerd’s car; both cars erupt in a massive fireball. The nerd, his reflexes honed by many lonely nights playing video games, swerves to the right at the last second and careens down into a ditch. The cops on his tail simply plow head-on into the wreckage. The chain-reaction crash leads to a 152-car pileup.

When the nerd comes to, he is shaken but unhurt, and he realizes that, in the confusion, he has a narrow window of opportunity to escape.

After a few frantic seconds, he finds the USB stick and makes his getaway mere seconds before the car explodes. After peering through several windows of a nearby apartment building, he spots a laptop. He smashes the window, grabs the laptop, and runs to a nearby McDonald’s, to access its free WiFi.

Crouching in a bathroom stall, he finds that the WiFi is agonizingly slow – almost as bad as an early-’90s dial-up connection. It will take several minutes to upload the 100K worth of documents, and the upload page hasn’t even finished loading yet. But he dares not leave.

Preoccupied by his bandwidth troubles, he fails to notice that the stall next to him is now occupied by a petite Filipina – the same Filipina who administered the overdose to the football player at the hospital. He also fails to notice that she is holding a syringe, and that she is reaching under the stall, preparing to stab the syringe into his leg…

What happens next? You’ll never know, unless someone writes an ending.

*In the end, the U.S. government will expose the bodybuilder as a Russian operative, giving the president an excuse to launch World War III.

* My guess is that Asians can tell that Conquistador-Americans have Miami locked up tight via ethnic nepotism and won’t play fair with Asians, much less let Asians get away with ethnic nepotism.

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