What Motivated The Orlando Killer?

Comment: … lost in all the excitement yesterday was the FBI’s announcement that they can’t find any evidence that Omar Matteen ever had any gay lovers. The Manuel guy seems to have been a fabulist. Or, perhaps, a fffffabuliiiiiiist!

Anyway. So much for the whole “self-hating gay man driven to murder by homophobia” angle, as well as the “revenge for giving me AIDS” angle.

Maybe it’s time to focus on what he repeatedly said his motivation was.

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Brexit: It’s a wonderful day for Britain – and its Jews

From the Jewish Chronicle of London:

By Stephen Pollard, June 24, 2016
As editor of the JC, I kept my views on the EU referendum off its pages. In so important a vote, I didn’t think it appropriate for the paper – let alone the editor – to take sides. But now that it’s over, it’s time to deal with some of the bizarre myths that are being created about what Brexit will mean for Israel and British Jews.
As PM, David Cameron has grown into one of Israel’s staunchest allies, defending her when there was no political gain. That has been wonderful to observe. Whoever takes over, one hopes, will have a similar view. But whatever their view of Israel, they will form it irrespective of EU membership. In Mr Cameron’s case, it was seeing the terror threat against British citizens that woke him up to the threat faced daily by Israelis. Our membership of the EU was irrelevant.
Irrelevant up to a point – because one could argue that, away from the Brussels bartering and negotiations that lie behind the EU’s foreign policy, Britain will be free to carve out an even more supportive stance, should we wish to.
And that is the crucial point: should we wish to. At root, it’s all about democracy. The Friends of Israel groups will have exactly the same job to do post-Brexit as they do now. No more, and no less. And if we ever ended up with Jeremy Corbyn in No 10, it would be domestic politics – and his own prejudices – that formed his policy towards Israel, not the fact that we are no longer members of the EU.
As for our place in British society as Jews and the threat of extremism: I have rarely read more rubbish than the idea we as Jews will suffer from Brexit.
While it’s important not to overstate it, antisemitism is a problem now – today, as EU members. I don’t argue that it’s the EU’s fault. But it’s ludicrous to pretend that it doesn’t exist, and that extremism will be a product of Brexit.
It’s certainly a truism that when times are troubled, the Jews are often the first target. But the referendum demand from voters that we regain control over immigration isn’t an attack on immigrants, on foreigners – or on Jews. It’s an attack on people being denied any say on a core issue of politics.

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Who Is a Jew? Maybe Not Woman Converted by Esteemed New York Rabbi

I laugh that the article calls Rabbi Haskel Lookstein “esteemed.” Esteemed by who? Like all major rabbis, he has people who esteem him and people who loathe him. Everything is a matter of perspective.

New York Times:

JERUSALEM — Critics of Israel’s chief rabbinate have long complained that scores of American converts to Judaism have trouble getting approval to marry in Israel. Now, one such case with a celebrity connection could break open the rabbinate’s longstanding secrecy over which foreign rabbis are approved to conduct conversions.

The case involves an American who, shortly after her Orthodox conversion in New York, became engaged to an Israeli, only to have the local rabbinical court in his hometown reject her status as a Jew when they tried to register for marriage.

As it turns out, the rabbi who signed the woman’s conversion certificate also converted Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, and officiated at Ms. Trump’s 2009 wedding to Jared Kushner, the newspaper publisher now planning the presumptive Republican nominee’s potential transition to the White House.

The rabbi, Haskel Lookstein, is one of the most respected Orthodox rabbis in New York, where he has led Manhattan’s Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun for decades, after taking over the pulpit from his father. He recently received an honorary doctorate from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University in recognition for what it called “the influential role he has played in deepening Jewish values and heritage among American Jewry.”

The case raises the question of whether Ms. Trump — who said in a Vogue magazine interview last year that she and her husband were “pretty observant,” keeping kosher and the Jewish Sabbath — would be accepted as Jewish herself in all quarters in Israel.

More broadly, it illustrates a growing divide between Israel’s increasingly strict ultra-Orthodox religious establishment and many Jews abroad over the age-old question of “who is a Jew” that has complicated Israel’s relationship with the diaspora for decades.

The Israeli rabbinate, which controls Jewish marriage and most Jewish burial sites in the country, does not recognize non-Orthodox streams of Judaism like Reform and Conservative, with which the majority of affiliated American Jews identify. In rejecting Rabbi Lookstein’s conversion and those of others in similar positions, the rabbinical authorities now risk alienating Jews abroad who practice modern Orthodoxy according to Halakha, or Jewish law.

Continue reading the main story
“Ten years ago, if an Orthodox rabbi in good standing performed a conversion, it would have been a given that it would be accepted here,” said Rabbi Seth Farber, the founder of Itim, an Israeli organization that has been critical of the rabbinate and is pressing the case of Rabbi Lookstein’s American convert.

He added, “I’d say this is unprecedented in Jewish history, that one group of rabbis rejects another.”

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Blame Trump For Brexit?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Left Wingers on social media and discussion boards are already blaming Donald Trump for The U.K leaving The European Union.

Haters gonna hate.

* They may have a point.

Trump gave Brexit credibility, and now Brexit will give Trump credibility.

Thus are taboos broken.

* Many die-hard Labour supporters must have realized it is now or never to to make a stand against the elites & their open borders/cultmarx agenda. It is a lot easier to vote one way in a referendum than it is to explicitly abandon a political that your family may have supported over several generations (esp since some Labour MPs did support Leave). Still this is a damn good open for a broader ‘wake up’.

* This is Merkel’s doing. Trump haters are insane. I just went to buy breakfast. My Cypriot neighbours were stunned and then happy. They all knew this is down to Merkel’s crazy decision to invite in the entire Muslim world.

* The closer the dominance gap in terms of which tribe controls, the more attentive people become to the importance of preserving their tribal power/protection base. Just ask a southerner. It is only members of a dominant tribe with a large demographic advantage in a region and total control of the political mechanisms who can prioritize virtue signaling over tribal preservation.

* Wow, Obamesty voted down, Brexit voted up, and the Freddie Gray rough riders acquitted. Now this is really an iSteve kind of day.

* I can tell you what my Brit friend has said. It’s not Donald Trump. It was the onslaught of third world immigrants with no end in sight. My friend has a posh retail store in London, and he’s been the victim of strong-arm robbery attempts in his store in broad daylight by African immigrants. His son has been shook down for his wallet and iPhone by African immigrant kids. Again, in upscale areas of London! That would be unheard of 15 years ago.

I guess a lot of Americans are still in a bubble, and don’t understand what being around hard-core third worlders is like on a daily basis. Mexicans aren’t like the Pakis or Liberians who arrive in Britain. They’re twisted by poverty, and stupidity. Where they congregate, you can’t relax. It’s unpleasant, and exhausting. At least your Mexicans know what side their bread is buttered. They want to live amongst you, they don’t stare at you on the street like they wish you would die. Trump has fuck little to do with it he Brexit win. If anything, Brexit will encourage Americans to grow a pair, and elect Trump.

* Well it at least takes the option out of the UK elite’s hand to shove 10% of the EU’s refugees down the throats of the British people. That to me is the main win for them. But it will still require more political will than the British people have to now actually stand up to self-inflicted third world immigration. It wasn’t the EU that forced all those poor Northern cities to be overrun with Pakistanis.

* I’d like to know the breakdown on the vote by ethnicity. Not just percentages of a bloc, but percentages of total votes so that you know not just that immigrants voted heavily to Remain, but how many votes that means.

Also, were the heavy votes in London mostly due to immigrants, but was it also the finance/business people who voted Remain.

* I’m a native Brit based in both the UK and South Africa, and a somewhat chuffed Brexit voter.

I don’t think Trump had significant impact on Brexit vote. Rather that both Brexit and Trump’s popularity are a reflection of the same phenomenon. That is to say a critical mass of us bitter clinger, nativist, racist, Hitleriate, Xenophobes… taking a wrecking ball to our betters.

The establishment reaction to Trump mirrors that against Nigel Farage, and for exactly the same reasons. Though Trump is a far more formidable player and better persuader than Farrage, if not nearly as an adroit, informed debater. Both cause pretty much identical pointing and spluttering by the bien pensantry.

Farage and his party – UKIP alone – caused this vote to happen. Cameron offered the Remain/ Leave vote as a Tory party referendum promise in last year’s general election to head off the threat from UKIP. This was somewhat successful, UKIP only won 1 seat in the election – though it did secure nearly 4 million votes – but these were spread across the land rather than concentrated in constituencies.

Offering this sop was, Cameron thought, a safe bet, as he had a double-lock to make the offer moot political theatrics.

Firstly, Cameron didn’t expect to have to deliver on the election promise, as he expected to be in another coalition government – however the Tories won a narrow overall majority, larely due to UKIP taking votes from the Labour party in the blue-collar North of England. Secondly a year ago EU in/ out polls showed a clear majority for remaining in the EU, and Cameron knew he could apply a full-on establishment fix-up if it did go to the polls.

He could bring a formidable battery of guns to bear, as he had done successfully in the Scottish in/ out referendum. This ‘project fear’ included threats of much woe, including financial market meltdown, compromised state pensions, punitive taxation, healthcare cuts, public service spending and welfare cuts and even war….all credibly backed up incessantly by the mandarins in the Establishment, including the EU, UN, the World Bank, the Bank of England, big businesses, Unions, senior military, other world leaders and of course President – back of the queue – Obama.

However, 3 things happened that Cameron did not expect. Firstly the Tories won an overall majority in last year’s general election, so he had to deliver on his promise or an EU in/out election. Secondly, some senior persuasive heavyweight, patriotic Tories from his own government joined the Outers – specifically Boris Johnson (likely the next Prime Minister) and Michael Gove. Thirdly last Summer the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, unilaterally invited into Europe a million and a half, mainly young male, largely economic Muslim migrants from the middle East and North Africa.

This so much pissed-off many of us primitive backward, thick, xenophobic, racist, don’t know what’s good for us ….natives, that it trumped the effects ‘project fear’. This was exacerbated by the insufferably smug, sanctimonious tone of many remainians, perhaps best epitomised by President Obama’s astonishingly patronising haughty threats.

And we are where we are. That is the short version, it’s a little more complicated in reality, but that’ll do as the gist.

But…. it isn’t over yet. Much could happen during the 2 year negotiation period before the UK actually leaves the EU. But there is no doubt about it, this is an astonishing coup and it has driven all the right people apoplectic with yet further disdain for us backward hicks; which is, I confess not to being really quite pleasant, given I’m not so noble as to be beyond a healthy enjoyment of Schadenfreude.

* It’s not just the migrants, Steve, although they are the rancid icing on the cake.

A commentator on a business channel just put it simply and succinctly: “it’s about teapots and toasters and hairdryers.”

The Brits had just been told they couldn’t use the hairdryers that poof their hair–it was, in the eyes of Brussels’ bureaucrats, too powerful. Same with their toasters and teapots–they didn’t meet the regulations of the bigwigs in Brussels. Daily intrusions into their lives, daily reminders that choices were being taken from them led to their “leave” vote, not just the latest indignity of being told the migrants would “enrich” their lives.

Daily injustices and affronts to freedom led to “Get the hell out of my bathroom and my kitchen! And, btw, if you think we buy that your pronouncements from Brussels are arrived at from some altruistic interest in saving the planet, get your corrupt asses out of our lives.”

In short, if you don’t have choices, you have no freedoms. Finally, the people of a very old Empire Strike Back.

Question: will the people of much younger one do the same? Fingers crossed. Perhaps they have given us courage ….or, perhaps what they have witnesses going on her gave many of them the push they needed.

* Stuck in traffic on the way home this arvo, flicking through the stations, I caught the end of an interview on one of the government owned “yoof” stations here, Triple J. It’s a way way waaaay left station, yet the convo went (paraphrasing):

Q. So why did the English majority vote to leave?

A. Immigration was a big factor, especially north, what with jobs being threatened.

Q. So, basically, racism was a huge factor…

A. Being worried for your job isn’t a racist position, it’s an economic argument as well as stems from cultural concerns.

Q. Basically anti-immigrant attitudes, xenophobia…

A. Some would have been moved by xenophobia but most were concerned for their own security, whether jobs or culturally.

They then moved on to playing some shit-house hip-hop dirge from USA.

This Brexit vote, like the Trumpening, is a harbinger of an awakening in the collective White mind.

Tragedy is though that alt-right really thinks that they will win through democratic process. That reason or rhetoric will persuade and win out in the end. That there will be an end. That all the vested interests will suddenly go “You know what, you make great points. Here, take my power and wealth from me.”

* *Angela Merkel, in her underground bunker, marries her longtime mistress*

* The thing about elites, whether in government or the media, is that they think they know better, because they are usually smarter and better educated than everyone else. So they will push such things as the current immigration policy with no regard for its impact on common people because they do not even feel its effects.

When The People push back as they did yesterday, the elites are stupefied that anyone would ever question them, that’s why the internet if full of elitists calling those that supported Leave “racists”, “uneducated”, “fearful”, etc. It’s surprising they aren’t calling them “EU Deniers” or “Globalism Denialists”. If that level of name calling doesn’t make them feel better, they wheel out the End of the World artillery, as did Felix Salmon today:


Anyone with a level head can see that this is above all nothing more than the common people signifying loud and clear their opposition to the levels and rates of immigration into the UK. That sentiment is entitled to respect, which it is not getting from the elites. Until the elites get it through their heads that most people do not want this much change, this much “diversity”, this fast, they will continue to throw hysterical fits, and allow the “love everyone” mask to slip, to reveal the petulant and arrogant bullies that they really are. If and when they calm down, then they can negotiate on how to limit the damage, and slow the change.

I only wish the people in the United States had as much of an opportunity to spit out the “Globalism is Good For You” koolaid. And maybe, in November, we will.

* One of the striking things that everyone has pointed out about the Brexit vote was how aligned with age the voting was, with over 55 going 70% for Leave and under 25 going 75% for Remain. This is nothing unusual– we’re used to talking in terms of generation gaps and age-specific economic and cultural interests.

What does seem to me a profound change in the world is the simple fact that the leaders of both major political parties and pretty much everyone respectable in British politics was firmly on the Remain side– ie, on the side of the young. This reminded me strongly of something the French novelist Michel Houellebecq said in his interview with Paris Review this week:

“I am persuaded that feminism is not at the root of political correctness. The actual source is much nastier and dares not speak its name, which is simply hatred for old people. The question of domination between men and women is relatively secondary—important but still secondary—compared to what I tried to capture in this novel, which is that we are now trapped in a world of kids. Old kids. The disappearance of patrimonial transmission means that an old guy today is just a useless ruin. The thing we value most of all is youth, which means that life automatically becomes depressing, because life consists, on the whole, of getting old.”

You could say that the old people voting “Leave” are responding to this depression with meaningless, symbolic nationalism. Or you could say that they recognize that the globalist, EU elite feels deep contempt not only for national identity but for them as aging representatives of vanishing culture. But it seems like a remarkable thing that political respectability has moved from the domain of the old to the young.

* Boris Johnson is a remarkable politician.

He’s gone from being a journalist to member of parliament, to twice mayor of highly europhilic London to convincing nearly every provincial region of England and Wales to vote to leave the EU and thus defenestrating the most successful Tory prime minister since Margaret Thatcher.

Also successfully hung onto his wife despite having a four year affair with one employee from 2000 to 2004 (resulting in two abortions) on the Spectator and fathering another child in 2009 with an arts consultant.

* The Corbyn Out brigade are seizing on the result to do what they would have done anyway i.e. try and get rid of him. Having the IRA to tea after they’ve killed a few MPs is no problem at all for Labour’s fundraisers, but sharing a platform with Hamas is beyond the pale.

So far today I’ve heard him attacked on the radio by two senior Jewish Labour figures, Peter Mandelson and Margaret Hodge, who is calling for a vote of no confidence in him.

Some German minister (Fuchs? not Klaus I trust) was implying that the EU would offer a (deliberately?) really poor trade deal which might be put to a second referendum, in the style of “do you want to stay in the EU or have all your fields ploughed with salt?”.

You tend to think they wouldn’t be so stupid, given that the EU sells more to Britain than it buys from them, but we’ve seen Europe’s leaders happy to take a financial hit to keep the political project going.

Look at what they’ve done to Greece and Spain – and they’ve kept them in.

(Gove’s better than Boris IMHO. Boris is great fun but wholly out for Boris. I wouldn’t put it past him to become PM, announce a Damascene conversion to the “in” camp in 18 months time and call Referendum 2.)

* All those dreaming of a do-over are just in the denial stage of grief. There isn’t going to be another referendum. You know damn well that if it was the other way around, there wouldn’t be another referendum.

Same thing with Scottish independence – the idea is that if you don’t like the answer that you got the 1st time, you keep asking. Once you get the answer that you want, then that’s the final answer for all time.

Leftists feel justified in doing things like this because they know that they are smart and their answer is the right one and others are just too stupid too see it, but the stupid can be brought round to the right side of history if you keep trying. Everyone knows that calling people stupid racists is the best way to persuade them to change their mind.

I’m hoping that Hillary will be able to get all the white men in swing states to vote for her by calling them stupid racists. Democrats are always giving Republicans “helpful advice” about how they need to court the Hispanic vote, so that’s my helpful advice to Hillary.

* There is no difference in the worldview of self-regarded elites – white proles on both sides of the Atlantic need to be led if not cajoled, coerced, and hoodwinked. They’ll never come to the correct conclusion if presented with the relevant information and allowed to speak plainly and honestly and will stand as the obstacle to progress in a free and fair democratic political system. They object to decisions being made before the voting takes place. Why, in America prole whites are throwing a tantrum at the prospect of their demographic displacement!

* 70% or more of Muslims and blacks voted Remain, as you could guess by the electoral geography and exit polls confirm.

* One of the stories of the night was all the safe Labour districts (Rotherham included, voted Labour 52% in the last two MP elections) that voted Leave with huge margins. I am really interested in margins and differentials, paradoxes and contradictions, in fact, it’s partially how I make a living. Many times, it is in the margins and differentials and within the paradox and contradiction that a moral of the story can be learned. I think there’s a lot to be learned from white English voters that vote Labour all the time yet voted Leave, in spite of their official party admonition. It’s also an opportunity for those who are paying attention.

I think these same kind of people in our own country largely fueled the Trump upset.

* This is big. This is very, very, very big. The forces of enlightened, reasoned nationalism have taken a lot of beatings lately, and quite a few near, margin-of-fraud misses. We have finally prevailed, and on the same day as a victory over Obama’s blatantly unconstitutional amnesty. Drink a glass, savor the moment, and get right back to work fighting the neofeudalists.

* It’s been a real hat trick for shitlords kinda day…Brexit wins, Obama’s amnesty defeated, and another cop in the Freddie Gray case found not guilty. The only thing more heartwarming would be seeing Trump rise a few points in the polls.

* I’ve got a great idea for a new BBC series. Robert Hood, a young schoolmaster sacked from his position in Nottingham for refusing to take pork off the menu, makes common cause with a gang of down and out raffies. They establish a base in Sherwood forest. To avoid British gun laws, they become expert with the longbow, and make lightning forays into town to save young white maidens from the muzzie gangs.

* If only the BBC had spent more time calling Britons racist for wanting to leave the EU, this never would have happened.

* Standing by for the WSJ & NYT to tut tut & tisk tisk the Brits for their ‘little England’ petty parochialism & xenophobia. Also expect some shaming from all the usual transnational eggheads esp some big SJW-infected multinationals. There will likely be some short term threats to punish England by relocating offices, banks from London to the continent. Hopefully some nationalists on the continent can draw strength from this victory, and create their own Brexits or radical EU reforms giving border controls. Holland & Denmark would be best able. Watching the UK media tonight, one is reminded of its contrast with the US legacy media: the US media hive is way more pc, condescending, and pablum-peddling than what I watched tonight. It is also that the Leave coalition had many articulate, impressive spokesmen. Compared to UKIP & the euroskeptic wing of the Tory party, the Paul Ryan GOP is a pitiful, mealymouthed, approval-seeking succubus. Trump needs to almost start a new party from scratch.

* The L.A. Times has already weighed in with a buttload of manure: “The quintessential anti-EU voter, an aging unemployed white working-class citizen in northern England, might feel a certain solidarity with a similar Trump voter in rural America.”

In short, it was idiotic, illiterate mouth-breathers who voted for Brexit. First, if they really feel that way one wonders why they work so hard to get the dumbest people to the polls. Second, compare England to Scotland. England has a per capita income of $50,556 and voted overwhelmingly for independence. Scotland has a per capita income of $45,904 and voted to remain.

* A defeat for “Remainia” … and only just in the nick of time. A few more years of open floodgates and that margin of a million might have vanished forever.

Sure, it’s an encouraging win for sanity, but so much damage has been done already. It’s a very dark day when the UK vote to leave is equated with a “polarising vote for hate” for no better reason than reformers wishing to bring some bare minimum common sense into immigration control. And it still won’t change the demographic slide.

Don’t forget that the position leavers have agitated for on immigration is towards nothing more outlandish than an end to the insanity and a move towards a points-based merit system a la Australia/NZ (i.e. they’ve hardly been pushing to seal off the borders). Keep in mind though that that’s the same points-based merit system that has seen NZ and Australia go from predominantly British/Euro stock in the not so distant past to paradises of diversity.

This is the same points-based merit system which has seen NZ go, in 1979, from drawing 8% of migrants from Asia, to 37% in 2015. In 2015, NZ increased its population by one percent off the back of Asian migration alone — i.e. something like the US bringing in 3.5m Asians in a year — and somewhere around 1.5%-2% counting all non-Euro immigrants.

This is the same points-based merit system that is resulting in the NZ Government to conservatively project that the European share of NZ’s population to fall from 67% in 2013 to 56% in 2038.

* This may have been pointed out already on this site, but it seems that the Leave victory is a very direct and significant consequence of Merkel’s Boner. Britain fought two World Wars, bankrupted itself and lost its Empire to avoid domination by Germany. There seems to be a connection between this vote and Merkel’s unilateral actions on Middle Eastern migrants.

Personally, I thought Leave was the right decision but the economic future for the UK will not necessarily be a bed of roses. The UK was stuck in an economic and poltical death spiral in the 1970s until Thatcher took over and it was not easy for her to turn things around. The Common Market and the EU was a great economic boon to the UK.

* “I wonder what the EU could have done differently that would have made British people want to stay.”

Be more pro-European? Ms. Merkel kept announcing that European Values means Europe fills up with Afghans.

* There’s absolutely nothing except fear of repercussions at the polls or on the streets — unlikely scenarios — to prevent Britain’s elites from abrogating the referendum results; legitimately via a Parliamentary vote or illegitimately via some hitherto unknown bureaucratic trick.

But even if the Brits manage to get rid of the EU tar baby there’s still an enormous job ahead for British patriots. It’s past time to implement the policies presciently suggested by Enoch Powell and do as much as possible to repair the damage that has resulted from not implementing those policies over a half-century ago.

A good start would be a complete moratorium on immigration and naturalization followed by policies that permanently remove from the UK any foreign-born troublemakers. Powell’s biggest concern, back in the day, was the conflation of Commonwealth and UK citizenship. This issue urgently needs to be re-addressed and until i is the current policy/philosophy should be held in abeyance.

Once the citizens of EU countries see the Brits control their immigration policy the Brussels bureaucrats are doomed. Eventually national sovereignty will reassert itself and the EU will return to its proper role as a Zollverein, pact for organizing cross-national public works projects, and mutual defense organization.

* This is sort of a “All Hail Dorothy, the Wicked Witch is Dead!” moment.

The Wicked Witch is gone, just a pool of rank, steaming rags on the floor. Deathly silence for a moment as the Earth stops spinning on its axis. and then the leader of the witch’s guard steps forward and with a lusty cry announces the alliance of the formerly-enslaved with their new, naturally-aristocratic leaders.

Thanks, Steve for the stirring rendering of Rule Brittania. For once, a straight version of a Nation’s anthem. No crooning high notes, overly self-conscious, self-promoting bending the song that takes one’s attention away from the subject at hand. And how did all those white people learn to sing so well what with no Negro minstrels around to carry the tune and show them how it’s done? Don’t they know that Negros invented music? And whites are just supposed to awkwardly try and follow along, half a beat behind?

What a magnificent Chorus! When people raise their voices as One. That can only be done when people FEEL as One. A Unity forged in their common history, dreams, suffering and joy.

Lately, I’ve been watching old post WW2 British war movies, and especially enjoy the Navy-themed ones. My God, those British bulldogs were brave lads. They never shirked a fight. Rule the Waves indeed! On land, maybe the Germans consistently bested them, but on the Sea, the British kicked Heinie heinie.

The English people don’t need to be enriched with foreign blood and this referendum shows that they know it.

* The economy of Texas, if it were a nation, would rank twelfth in the world to Mexico’s sixteenth.

Texas would destroy Mexico in an all-out war. Mexico would lose huge chunks of territory.

Bring it on.

* Great Britain just voted for “I don’t care if you call me racist.” Hopefully the U.S. follows suit in November.

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Opinion: On Brexit and the Jews

by David Patrikarakos | 06.16.16 11:40 am

There is an argument to be made that Brexit would be good for the Jews because it would distance them from an increasingly anti-Semitic continent. This argument would be wrong. It will undoubtedly put the whole of European Jewry at greater risk.

For centuries, savage, backwards, reactionary, and violent anti-Semitism was the norm in Europe. The last several decades are the exception. If Britain leaves the EU, this could change. Fringe movements whose main goal is Brexit—like the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), a conglomeration that contains racists and anti-Semites of all kinds—will be empowered, and their bigoted policies could threaten to become mainstream. These once-marginalized extreme forces, whose advocacy for Brexit is in reality about immigration and hostility to minorities, will have scored a victory of dangerous precedent. And this is a pan-European problem. With one of Europe’s three major nations no longer in the EU, other far-Right, anti-EU, and anti-Semitic forces across the continent, from Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France to Hungary’s Jobbik party, would receive a boost from the example of a leading country’s exit. At its heart, most anti-EU sentiment is populist sentiment, with all the prejudices that this has always carried. Just today, Labour MP Jo Cox, who was campaigning for an “In” vote, was killed by a man who reportedly shouted “Britain First” (an anti-EU far right organization) as he shot and stabbed her. The EU is seen as aloof and unaccountable: run by a small, unelected cabal of (mostly foreign) people that dictates the lives of the ordinary, hardworking man. Sound familiar?

Brexit is something the greatest geopolitical danger facing the EU today, Russian President Vladimir Putin, desperately wants. He sees the EU (as he does NATO) as a serious threat to Russian power and influence. His pervasive funding of anti-EU, far Right parties shows his clear desire to see the union collapse. Putin’s revanchist Russia, which has re-introduced Orthodoxy—with the centuries of anti-Semitism it has carried with it—as a main staple of national identity, bodes ill. A Europe with a more influential Russia would be a more anti-Semitic one.

There are genuine arguments to be made against the EU. It is bloated and in part corrupt, and does infringe on national sovereignty to a degree, though not nearly as much as its critics claim. But it is also a stabilizing force that has kept Europe peaceful, and thus safe for the Jews, for almost half a century. A Europe with a weakened EU would undoubtedly start to fragment politically and socially. This fragmentation would, over time, empower various reactionary forms of nationalism across the continent.

More immediately, Brexit would mean that the UK can no longer be an easy refuge for continental Jews whose lives are far more difficult. The UK has its problems, but it remains the best place in Europe to live as a Jew. In the last year alone, just under a thousand French Jews have arrived in London, fleeing anti-Semitism. Things may well get even worse, and without the EU’s free movement laws, the Jews would be forced to seek asylum or face a points-based entry system.

Then there is the security issue. Jihadist, anti-Semitic murders of the type seen in France and Belgium over the past two years are today’s major security threat. Jewish buildings across Western Europe are now guarded, if not by the army, then by police carrying military-grade weapons. As several leading British intelligence and military chiefs have said publicly, remaining in the EU is the best way to combat Islamist atrocities. Intelligence sharing is vital. Terror is a transnational problem requiring transnational solutions. Brexit would be a hazardous step backwards.

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