‘The @juliaioffes you will always have with you’



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Pointing ‘n’ Sputtering at Trump’s Idea Man, Stephen Miller

Steve Sailer writes:

Julia Ioffe in Politico has a long article about Donald Trump’s immigration idea man and warm-up act Stephen Miller. She intends to insinuate that the young staffer is some kind of Goebbels / Father Coughlin / Huey Long enemy…

One problem is that she has to quote Miller a lot to fill out her space, and he’s awfully reasonable and she can’t think of much except to point ‘n’ sputter…

Another problem for Ioffe is that Miller is Jewish…

What an extremist wacko! Who believes immigration will tend to make America more Democratic-voting, other than all Democratic politicians and strategists?

Seriously, it’s really not that complicated why a patriotic Jewish kid from Santa Monica like Stephen Miller would support Likud Lite immigration policies for his own country. The Jewish immigration restrictionist intellectuals from Southern California such as David Horowitz, Mickey Kaus, and various low-key friends of Ann Coulter tend to be aware that the kind of immigration policies that are good for Israelis would also be good for Americans.

A more difficult question is why other American Jewish pundits are so oblivious to this straightforward logic.

Julia Ioffe has spelled out her own motivation — she takes Miller’s proposed restrictions on Muslim immigrants coming to America as a personal insult because her family arrived in the United States in 1990 as refugees from the post-Berlin Wall Gorbachevian Soviet Union. The Jackson-Vanik act had singled out Jews from the Soviet Union for special immigration preferences:

So, America has a tradition of immigration policies based on religion/ethnicity.


* I wonder if Julia Ioffe and Cathy Young ever hang out, since they are both female Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union. I do think the more recent Jewish immigrants from the former USSR tend to be more socialistic and elitist than the “huddled masses” that came a century ago. The net effect is that they won’t want to restrict immigration (because they benefited from it) but at the same time they don’t think that they will ever have to pay for it, since they are by nature card carrying members of the white elite.

* The irony is that he looks like a Bolshevik commissar or NKVD operative.

* Julia Ioffe’s Twitter feed and writing seems to be almost entirely made up of belittling comments about Russian Goys and American Goys. She manages to be a lousy citizen of two countries. Oh well, there’s apparently still a market for this stuff.

* Funniest thing I ever read from Ioffe was her trying to caricature the Russian position regarding homosexuality and political correctness. I was like “wow, when she’s being sarcastic, she actually makes a lot of sense.” Sort of like this article, where a supposed takedown of Miller makes him seem sane, to us at least.

“As I’ve written earlier, this is indeed how Putin and many Russians see the problem: that homosexuality is a Western import, one that degrades the fabric of (newly) Christian Russia. That, in the West, there is a powerful gay cabal that protects its own and crushes its religious critics. That people are so scared to offend gays and other minorities, that they lie and say it’s normal even though they all know it’s not. That the culture of political correctness, which most Russians believe is not a product of historical striving for tolerance, is nothing but a bullshit machine. That political correctness is not about acceptance, but about being false and lying to yourself about the world around you. And that Russians are just the only ones who see things as they are and who call things by their real names.”

* Jews are highly intelligent and intensely political, and naturally some of them are going to try to get in front of shifts to more right wing politics so that the right-wing politics are Likud Lite, rather than Alt-Right.

We’d all be better off though if the Stephen Millers and Julia Ioffes stayed out of politics and stuck to being dentists and homemakers making briskets instead.

* Masha Gessen and Max Boot are another two members of that ex-Soviet dream team. Having them in positions where they influence American-Russian relations would be like having militantly pro-IRA Irish-Americans, who immigrated from Northern Ireland as kids, now in charge of US-British relations.

* I know a lot of Russian Jews. All of them hate communism and most are not overly fond of leftists or NAMS. If they had gone to Israel they most would have joined Avigdor Lieberman’s party which is to the right of Likud. I guess some of their children could have been brainwashed in school though. They are quite a contrast to the grandchildren of 1900 emigres.
I think it is interesting that there are some southern CA Jewish intellectuals who are not fans of increasing migration. You could include Dennis Prager and even Dr Drew (who usually agrees with Adam Carolla). I guess having real world experience of what mass immigration is like makes a difference.
When I was a kid, I knew a lot of Jews and Swedes who lived on the south side of Chicago and were forced to flee their neighborhoods like Steve’s father in law. They were the only Jews/Scandinavians I knew who were Nixon supporters.

* Yeah, the Goebbels allusion was fairly well crafted, as political hit pieces go. The theme fell apart when she couldn’t find anything in his past with which to Richwine him. He comes across as a bright, mainstream conservative with the balls to make the case against mass immigration.

But I guess that’s the point of the article; you’re not allowed to have the megaphone. To paraphrase Sailer, “the first rule of the white club is to never question mass immigration.”

* Stephen Miller is like a straight Milo Yiannopolis with more political ambition and an extra 10 IQ points. Ann was right to be happy to have him on the Trump Train. Now Trump just has to read his stuff.

* A much better historical comparison could be made: Miller is like Samuel Gompers, the Jewish American labor leader who fought hard for immigration restriction in the 1920s. But this would be too much to expect from professional victim, Julia Ioffe.

* In my moments of naive absent-mindedness, I wonder why our newspapers’ op-ed pages depend on a mere three or four Russian emigres—with seemingly permanent column-inch franchises—to explain to us what is happening over there in Russia.

After all, it is 2016, there is no Iron Curtain, and there are many highly qualified Russian political scientists and observers over there, a mere email away, who can write well in English and explain matters and their point of view with depth and nuance.

Trump should sharpen his sword and go after our entrenched globalist/hegemonic foreign policy elite that controls the extent and terms of all public debate. Hillary is one of them and it will work well as a tactic.

* I think if you look at American Jews as being like the GOP circa 2004, it makes sense. The problems are coming from the established elite, or JewE. Most rank-and-file Jews are blue-pilled folks who tend to follow the elite out of inertia or a sense of camaraderie, and then there are some red-pilled Jews who are realizing that their tribe is being led in a bad direction.

* American political discourse basically consists of Jews arguing with other Jews, but now with the new twist of anti-Semitic Alt-Right NEETs harassing them on social media outlets like Twitter that they can’t control.

* There is no plan or conspiracy. Just as there is no plan or conspiracy for blacks to play in the NBA.

* I’ll admit that I’ve been critical of Jews, to the point where Steve has held certain comments of mine for a few hours. I’m not trying to be nasty, it’s just that it’s freakin’ exasperating living in a constant who/whom battle with a certain talented, intelligent, often quite admirable people who sometimes brazenly work against the interests of whites (gentiles). But I also realize that of course, many Jews are true American patriots, fair minded, and defenders of freedom. So if Stephen Miller is on the up-and-up, I want him on my side.

Consider Julia Ioffe. Attractive, intelligent, well spoken. Nothing off-putting about her demeanor. In many ways, an ideal human being. And yet ungrateful that the US fast-tracked her group specifically to immigrate from Russia. And now she’s working against us here. As Trump would say, “Sad!”

* Soviet Jews from the post-1980s exodus are probably among the most politically conservative Jews in America, virulently pro-Israel, and often hold very negative feelings towards African-Americans. They tend to be from provincial (and often Ukrainian) cities like Zhitomir or Odessa. Ioffe and Masha Gessen are both from Moscow and I believe their families moved in elite artistic/creative circles back in the USSR. Once elite, always elite.

* Interesting how the former Republican staffer says he doesn’t know what this anger is about, and this magazine thinks that’s something they should print.

I mean, aren’t our rulers supposed to know who we are, what we want, and what we are angry about? You’d expect them to put their staff to work finding out as much as they can about this anger, at least to figure out how to manipulate this anger in some direction away from them. That should be job one for someone interested in staying in power. But they don’t know, they admit they don’t know, and neither the staffer, the writer nor Politico seem to think there’s anything wrong with that.

* My guess is that Ioffe is smart enough to find crimestop a little painful: she’s aware that the Sailer/Miller view of how the world works makes more sense than the conventional wisdom, but she also has her career to consider.

Ioffe reminds me of a conversation I had with a Russian immigrant 15 years ago who was very relieved when I told him American journalists were hypocrites:


“Hypocrite I understand. I grow up in Soviet Union. Lying to save your job, that’s life. No, I was very worried smart people in America weren’t hypocrites. You know, this country is supposed to be land of free, home of brave. I was scared that smart Americans weren’t hypocrites, but instead were hallucinating. I am very happy to hear they’re just hypocrites. Hypocrisy much less scary than mass hallucination.”

* I always wondered about the position of ethnic Jews in the Soviet Union. They seemed to go from many of the early leaders to supposedly discriminated against refuseniks and emigrants, and then became prominent as oligarchs after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I read that Khruschev made comments that there were too many “Abrahamoviches” in positions of power so there must have been a reaction against them by the majority Slavs at some point.

* Sales 101: Find an underserved market and sell to it. The nationalist right has been limited to white goy spokesmen. With Miller they have a chance to see Jewish powers of persuasion and rhetoric and are impressed.

This phenomenon (preference for the superior race) screwed local black businessmen. Drove ‘em crazy. When Jim Crow was eliminated, black folks stopped patronizing local black businesses and started patronizing white businesses because white folks’ stuff was better in some indefinable way. Maybe it was partly the thrill of having white folks wait on black folks, instead of the other way ’round. Maybe it was the sheer novelty. Elizabeth Wright discussed this post-WWII phenomenon at length and how it was the death knell for black bankers, lawyers, accountants, stores, and other businesses.

Young Jews see an underserved sales/rhetoric/policy market and make the leap. Miller now, but before him Ben Shapiro, and before him, bunches of young Jews who saw the huge career opportunities in neo-connery.

And let’s be honest: they are good. By the time Miller was in college he had a few dozen radio and TV appearances (likewise Shapiro). As Jews, they have the intelligence, the gift of gab, the rhetorical chops, the drive and the ambition to become the leaders of the nationalist right. Think of them as pioneers. Much to gain, little to lose.

Further, Miller’s presence (and the presence of other Jews) in Trump’s inner circle will go far in allaying Jewish fears. With plenty of Jewish advisors around the Prince, it is far less likely he will go do something stupid (from a Jewish perspective). More Jewish money into Trump’s campaign coffers.

* Jews like Shapiro & Miller are as easily dismissed by the larger Jewish community as black conservatives are by the larger black community. Jews like Blacks thrive on nurturing a perpetual sense of victimhood & Jews love to be on the “right side of history”. Being progressive and undermining traditional ethnic states is very important to them. I can’t say I blame most Jews in being weary about an emerging nationalism, globally.

It’s just that America has never been like Europe in regards to Jewry so in this case their behavior is borderline paranoia & duplicitous. To me it’s very much in Jewish interests that America retains & even strengthens its Anglo identity but most Jews won’t agree.

* If the goal is to save Western Civilization then it is important to focus on the principles involved, not on who is saying them. If S. Miller helps in this regard then he should be complimented. What people ought to do is focus on the prize–the presidency– because you can be assured that the Left is extremely focused on that. If the right will not concentrate to the same degree we are likely to lose everything. Civilization itself.

* Does Julia Ioffe have anyone overseeing her ignorant hack diatribes? The Nazi theme is SO tired.

Anyone who’s somewhat versed in WWII history knows Goebbels was a real piece of work, with quite a backstory, and doesn’t reflect Miller’s life, or ambitions, worth noting.

Miller’s glare doesn’t make Miller any more like Goebbels than Julia Ioffe being an hysterical cunt makes her the new Eva Braun.

* Theory is that Stalin was shocked when Israel’s first Ambassador, Golda Meir, arrived in Moscow and went to synagogue, where she was surrounded by 50,000 ecstatic Russian Jews chanting her name in the streets. Loyalty to any non-Soviet entity (never mind an ethnic group) was not considered A Good Thing.

* Stalin’s realization might be part of the answer but it can’t be the whole story. After all, anti-Semitism only got worse after Stalin died. I think the real answer is that once the initial, internationalist fervor of Communism wore off, Russians reverted to their historical norms of behavior, one of which was anti-Semitism. Add in the fact that Communism tends to bring out the worst tendencies in people, rather than appealing to their “better angels” as Lincoln said. You can see (although anti-Semitism doesn’t seem to have made a big comeback) that post- Communist Russia is even more Russian acting now.

You can see the same thing in China – Communism is just a thin veneer on top of 5,000 years of Chinese history so as time goes on Chinese communist governments act less communist and more Chinese. People really do revert to type.

* Where is the acknowledgment of the outsized Jewish role in Bolshevik philosophy, politics, and execution? Jewish groups were among the few spared by the initial decade of terror when Orthodox Christians, Kulaks, and intellectuals and aristocrats of all (other) stripes were targeted. Of all times, some certainly warranted, why focus on anti-Semitism in Communist Russia? If anything, Russian Jewish groups should do some soul searching on their role in the second largest mass murder (Mao being first) of the 20th century.

* Steve seems to kinda like her, but I’ve always found Ioffe to be pretty detestable. She’s too blinded by narcissism and prejudice to be a reliable commentator. Being a narcissist, she’s written more than one article citing herself as a great example of how beneficial immigration is for the United States, but she actually illustrates one of the pitfalls. Immigrants come to a new country for many reasons, but commonly one of them is because they have serious grievances against their old one, and those grievances don’t necessarily die in their new environment. In fact, this fresh new country of theirs can seem like a great weapon to settle some old scores back in the Old Country.

Our cuckoo foreign policy towards Cuba is the clearest example of this phenomenon, but Ioffe has been working hard to make her tortured family history with Russia one of the defining events of the Russo-American relationship. Probably 80% of her journalistic oeuvre is devoted to trying to ratchet up tensions between Russia and the United States, with the ultimate goal the destruction of Vladimir Putin and the social groups he represents. Why some white kids in Dubuque (the weapon to be used against Slavic Russia, even though she clearly doesn’t like those WASPs either) should care about these faraway ethnic squabbles is a problem Ioffe is too self-absorbed to contemplate.

If you want Ioffe in a nutshell, her fabulously titled “The Russians Think I’m a Russophobe? They’re Right: A Response to Myself” is maybe the key text because it contains so much subtext. Despite considering herself a lucky acquisition for us in other venues, Ioffe concedes here that she doesn’t know or care a great deal about America. It’s all Russia in her world. The last couple paragraphs in particular are more self-revealing than she consciously intended.

* Julia knows very little about American history, Jewish or otherwise, because she has almost no interest in it. It’s Russia that fires her mind.

* For me the most telling Julia Ioffe quote was from her farewell piece to Moscow, written after she went to TNR and relocated back to America

“I won’t miss living in a city where virtually everyone is white and wearing an Orthodox Christian cross, where the only places of worship you see are the onion domes of Orthodox churches, and where the Church and the state are in such close cooperation. The medieval beauty of the architecture wears thin when there’s nothing to contrast it to, and when you know of the abuses happening under its aegis. A monopoly is a monopoly is a monopoly.”

Just try for a second, to envision the reaction if a western journalist wrote the following about Bangkok:

Look, pagodas are nice and all, but seriously, this city would be so much better if there weren’t so many Buddhists here. Also, why is everyone brownish-yellow?

Also, Ioffe gets the architectural history of her hometown wrong. There are perhaps three truly medieval buildings remaining within Moscow, with the vast majority of Moscow’s religious buildings dating from later periods. Unlike Ioffe, I wasn’t born in Russia, have never been there, and certainly don’t have a degree in Russian studies from Princeton, yet somehow I’m aware of this fact.

* His brother Peter [Hitchens] claimed that they were only 1/32nd Jewish but I’m not sure I believe him either. In any case Judaism is matrilineal so you could (theoretically) be 1/32 Jewish but still Jewish.

Once the societal advantage flips, some people will go from hiding a considerable minority background to emphasizing a minimal (or sometimes non-existent) one. It may be that Peter and Christopher had different ideas about whether it was more advantageous to be seen as Jewish or not Jewish in British or American society. It’s also a glass half-empty/half-full thing – Peter the devout Christian prefers to see himself as mostly Christian and Chris the atheist sees himself as partly Jewish.

Supposedly Hitchen’s mother hid her Jewish background in order to insure that her kids grew up as perfect English upper class gentlemen. It’s possible I suppose but I’m always skeptical about these stories. Madeline Albright claimed that until she became Secretary of State she had no idea that she was Jewish despite the fact that 3 of her 4 grandparents died in the Holocaust. Didn’t she notice that grandma and grandpa weren’t around anymore after the war was over? Even if you could pull the wool over the eyes of a child, didn’t she put 2 and 2 together as an adult?

* I think people who discover and/or deploy a Jewish ancestor later in life are doing it primarily to shield themselves from criticism, as in Hitchens’ case.

Part of the problem is that Jewish teachings suggest a sort of essential Jewishness if matrilineal descent is there, and cultural Judaism will always claim you (or part of you) if you have a Jewish ancestor and are successful.

On the other hand I have known many people who were part Jewish and they tended to downplay it, not for “disability” reasons but simply because people tend to make assumptions about you that are not accurate, namely, that you must be Jewish. (Which in turn makes you the go to expert on anything having to do with Jews or Israel in the news.) This can be especially tricky for people from Jewish families who converted, or who converted when they grew up.

Bottom line, I don’t believe Madeleine Albright and I don’t believe the Hitchens brothers either. But I also don’t really care. I think people have a perfect right to declare themselves English, Christian, Jewish, American, whatever. I’m less sure that people have the right to declare themselves seven year old six foot five chinese women, but that’s another thread.

* The fact that Miller is Jewish really spoils the Goebbels angle. If Ioffe (like Erdely) had free license to write her characters instead of being forced to deal with reality, no way would she have made the American Goebbels character Jewish. The fact that Trump’s daughter is converted to Judaism and that his real estate organization was full of Jews is also a messy detail if you are trying to paint Trump as the American Hitler. When you are writing to fit the Narrative, reality is so inconvenient. You can try to write your way around it, but you can only get so far with that approach. An audience of True Believers is willing to suspend its disbelief if that’s what’s necessary to keep the plot moving (oh, the last 5 episodes were just a bad dream, look over here – a squirrel) but most people see the holes in the story and stop buying into it.

* A surprising amount of Jews thought that Nixon was very good on Israel. When he basically replenished their arms during the Yom Kippur war in 73; and then went to a low-level nuclear alert when Brezhnev threatened to get involved militarily to save the encircled Egyptian Third Army and told Brezhnev to basically fuck off, many felt thay he may have saved Israel.
Only fucking ingrate liberal Jews would forget that. Those who didn’t have their heads up their ass (admittedly, and sadly, a minority of American Jews) never will forget that.

* Sean Penn claims when his family moved to Malibu it was the country/wilderness for weird bohemians. I don’t know the history.

I do know that people like Sean Penn would not have gone to Samohi in my time. Obviously the really rich would have gone to private school but even by districting I think they would have gone to a different hs–Palisades? Did Palisades not exist when they went to Samo?

Btw, Samohi may be the most diverse place in the country. Even when I went there they talked about students coming from households with 40 (or 57 or whatever) different languages at home. That’s what I find interesting about Trump’s guy. I seem to be the only old-millennial who isn’t surprised by the current millennial crazyspeak.

We had rallies on campus for oppressed Hispanic minorities. We had rallies for black youth killed by cops. We had high school teachers starting 9th grade class by having a session where we decided on “norms.”

As a high school freshman I was maybe vaguely aware of the word “norms” but I was confused as to why our teacher was telling us to sit in a circle and discuss them. Why wasn’t she just telling us what she wanted to teach that semester?

Well, because it was problematic and not ok to just foist things on people. On the other hand, she was a public school teacher with a 9th grade class she had to control since this wasn’t grad school at Cambridge. So she started with a discussion of the difference between rules and norms and how she wanted to encourage “consensus” in the slave community of students….

I’ve found that none of the “in 2016? really?” stuff surprises me because it was all there for me in 2001. I know some people my age who are surprised and confused but to me it’s just normal wink-wink propaganda. I would guess Miller also benefits/suffers from this same advantage of knowing current-year bullshit from a young age.

* Latinos are more likely to see Jews as simply a particularly overprivileged variety of white, and Muslims…well, you do the math.

I suspect the Jewish fraction of the elite has done pretty well for themselves as the brains of the Democratic Party and figures they might as well keep the good times going as long as possible. The neocons, for their part, see Hitler under every bed whenever nationalism is involved (and alt-righters bombing them with pro-Holocaust tweets doesn’t help things).

Given that I think Israel is doomed over the long term due to geography, IMHO, what is good for the Jews is that the USA be as powerful and as rich as long as possible. (I believe the Jewish People Policy Project Steve loves to cite even said as much in an aside.) But good luck telling that to these guys who have been marinating in liberal nonsense for 4 years or more.

* I don’t care. Julia Ioffe is Hot!

* You go for it IJ. A firm manly hand on her backside as foreplay. Put a baby or two or three or four in her so she has something productive to do … and *maybe* you’ll get her attitude adjusted.

(I wouldn’t call her “hot”, but Julia–unlike Kate Crawford–is actually distinctly better than average looking. If her pictures on-line are recent then she’s definitely holding up better than the typical 30+ gal.)

It’s a damn shame that these gals with good genes spend their time on punditry when they have absolutely nothing useful to say, and could be doing what nature meant them to be doing which is actually necessary and productive. (There are plenty of 20-30 something Jewish men who can do annoying, tedious, anti-gentile, anti-nationalist commentary. It’s not an “underserved” occupation.)

* Julia Ioffe’s Twitter feed and writing seems to be almost entirely made up of belittling comments about Russian Goys and American Goys. She manages to be a lousy citizen of two countries.

* And yet … they *never* leave for their own nation.

Bitch, whine, wreck, yell, accuse, bitch, moan, destroy, lie, pout, break, complain … and yet demand to live with us nasty goys, when they do not have to. What can possibly explain it?

* I kind of agree. They’re dragging a Jewish perspective into stuff like the EU that really doesn’t have a strong valence one way or the other–sure the far right is antisemitic in some countries but Muslims are much more dangerous to the average Jew right now. Do they have to pick a dog in every fight? What’s wrong with the Brexit–England was usually one of the least antisemitic countries in Europe (and British Jews seem to agree). Wouldn’t it be better if they could go their own way? Why pick fights with Russia? Putin seems fairly neutral on Jewish issues, and a war with Russia has the possibility to be not only bad for the Jews, but bad for everyone else on earth.

* One thing i wonder about is how our descendants will look back on this gay gay era?

The gay thing *will* get figured out. Even if US\Western researchers are banned–or our societies too degraded by immigration to do it–the Chinese will figure it out. And then, we’ll wipe it out like any other pathology. It will recede like Down’s Syndrome is in the process of doing.

Cause let’s face it, no one actually wants a gay kid. It’s worst case. For me worse than my kids going muslim or black. Ok, maybe not the girls. My best friend–an Indian guy–speaking of this daughter, the only thing worse is muslim. I suspect even good thought thinkers *really* don’t want to hear “I’m gay”.

I think future generations will read about this era, or see some of our media and think … those people were *nuts*. Sort of like tulip bulb mania. I think we’re near “peak gay”.

* The primary season was awful for the media pushing “KASICH’S SURPRISE SURGE” and “CRUZ SEEMS POISED TO TAKE INDIANA” right up to the day of the actual vote where both candidates collapsed out of nowhere. No one in the MSM saw it coming but there it was.

Even the never Trumpers around here couldn’t shut up about evangelicals and how some random slice of .04 of a demographic was going to make it impossible for Trump to win until he did. Rinse and repeat until the next contest.

Furthermore many of the polls play this game where they ask “Who is your preferred candidate? Trump? Hillary? OR THE CANDIDATE THAT PERFECTLY ALIGNS WITH ALL YOUR VIEWS?!”

Gary Johnson 10% in a poll and Hillary winning Arizona should be yuge signs that something is rotten in Denmark, but the media never lies.

* We have Swedish Hank Paulson who’d happily cut the social safety net and son of Erin Paul Ryan. There’s a fellow who might eventually be responsible for death panels for Gen X and Gen Y grandmas.

The Great Migration of Catholic whites, which did affect unskilled labor, was made possible by Northern white industrialists looking for cheap labor. Where were Jews then? Peddling ribbons and baubles, doing some import-export and cotton factoring down in Savannah. But not affecting national policy.

No Jews prodded the British elites who let peasants in England, Scotland and Ireland all basically die off, leave, or be hung or forced to emigrate as vagabonds. I wonder if the decided lack of noblesse oblige was a result of a largely new British elite that emerged after the Wars of the Roses and the expansion of the Tudor government that was joined by a mercantile Whig oligarchy during the 17th century.

Even an old nobility like the Scottish chiefs had no problems screwing their people over in the 18th and 19th centuries. A really twisted thing is how all things Highland, including kilts, became so faddish during the era of the Highland Clearances. Tellingly, Harriet Beecher Stowe, of Uncle Tom’s Cabin fame, was in the Highlands during the clearances, and served as a propagandist for the Scottish elite. This sick juxtaposition can perhaps be compared to localism and authenticity fads among SWPLs which occur while actual communities are being hollowed out.

Russian elites and Polish elites enserfed their co-ethnics.

The point is Jewish chauvinism towards gentiles becomes particularly destructive when white elites view the lower orders as Other and different and as unworthy cattle, meant to be abused. Any chauvinism by external groups becomes worse for less powerful individuals in a community in the absence of solidarity.

Jews in the Southern US had a different relationship with the surrounding gentiles then did their Ashkenazi coreligionists who settled up North. The latter combined the old hatreds of Eastern Europe and a contempt (deserved and undeserved) for the Slavic muzhik with the Yankee contempt of white Southerners and ethnic whites.

This contempt was the result of, and made possible, by preexisting WASP dislike of non-WASP whites, combined with excessive paternalism in regards to POC.

Electing Trump and getting people to discuss the role of the Jewish community in American politics and culture is easy compared to dealing with the issue of the lack of solidarity the bourgeois and aspirational whites in this country have for their countrymen.

* The US Airways ticket agent in Maine who dealt with Mohammed Atta said that Atta gave him the creeps as had no other passenger in his career. He even went so far as to avoid giving Atta the boarding passes for his connecting flight in Boston. But he did not take any steps to keep Atta from getting on the plane.


GRIFFIN: One hour and 43 minutes into Touhey’s day, two men approached his counter rushing to catch the 6:00 flight to Boston.

TOUHEY: They had a tie and jacket on. All right? And as I’m looking at them, you know, they’re holding their IDs up, and I’m looking at them. It’s not nice, but I said, “Jeez, if this doesn’t look like two Arab terrorists, I’ve never seen two Arab terrorists.”

GRIFFIN (on camera): That was your…

TOUHEY: Thought.

GRIFFIN: … first reaction?

TOUHEY: That was my thought as I’m looking at them. I’m looking at their licenses, and I’m looking — and that thought ran through my mind.

GRIFFIN: Where did that thought go?

TOUHEY: I don’t know. Immediately, I felt guilty about thinking something like that. I just said, “This is awful.” How — you know, I’ve checked in thousands of Arabic people over the years. You know, doing the same job. Businessmen. I said, “These are just a couple of Arab business guys.”

Hypocritical politically-correct thinking led an airline employee to believe that his valid gut instinct was a mere hallucination. “It’s not nice” to think bad things about creepy-looking Arabs with one-way airline tickets. Only the mind of an evil racist sexist homophobic straight while male could conjure up such thoughts.

The American Airlines ticket agent at Logan who gave Atta those boarding passes ended up killing herself. She couldn’t live with the guilt.

All of this happened because of “hypocrisy” – you’re not supposed to notice that terrorists tend to fit a certain profile, or that certain groups tend to do certain things more than other groups do.

“Hypocrisy” is dangerous. If you lie to yourself often enough, then you start to believe the lies, and you start to believe that the truth is a hallucination, and then bad things start to happen.

* Trump is an aberration – a genuine phenomenon. He’s not a career politician, so it’s meaningless to compare him to a hack like Rubio.

Trump is the one candidate who:

* can afford to say whatever he damn well pleases, without having to worry about offending his backers
* is willing to speak the truth about what’s happening to this country
* is ballsy enough to take on the whole political and media establishment
* is charismatic enough to get people to listen to him

Guys like him don’t come around very often.

Trump is singlehandedly forcing a national referendum on immigration. The elite don’t want to give the people a choice, but he is giving us one: We can sit back and watch America devolve into Brazil North, or we can try to do something about it.

There are still two hurdles for us to overcome: We have to get him elected, and we have to make sure that he doesn’t stab us in the back. The odds might be against us. But anyone who doesn’t want four more years of Obamaism had better believe that he’s the only game in town.

There is no way that a vote for Hillary can be construed as anything other than a vote to destroy America. (And there is no way that a vote for a third-party candidate can be construed as anything other than a vote for Hillary.)

A vote for Trump is a vote to give the native-born citizens of this country a fighting chance to take back their birthright.

Anyone who has even the slightest interest in trying to restore some semblance of sanity to our immigration policy must vote for Trump. The other side is resolutely committed to ramping up the immivasion to the nth degree.

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Daily Wire: AP: Leftists Are ‘Anti-Fascists’; White Nationalists Are ‘Right-Wing Extremists’

From Twitter:

* @YvetteFelarca, leader of #Antifa, punches and beats Nationalist in Sacramento.

* Terrorist groups who are funded by the globalist Ford Foundation were instructed to attack with deadly weapons.



Daily Wire: The Associated Press (AP) took a reflexively left-wing approach in its selection of language in describing two groups at the center of a violent conflict in Sacramento, CA, on Sunday. Seven persons were stabbed at what The LA Times described as a marching demonstration led by “skinheads” and “neo-Nazis” on the state Capitol’s grounds.

Led by the Traditionalist Worker Party and joined by the Golden State Skinheads, the planned protest’s participants were countered and “vastly outnumbered” by left-wing “anti-fascists.”

Below is the AP’s lede and introductory sentences (emphases added):

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on a clash between a (sic) right-wing protesters and counter protesters that left at least seven people with stab wounds (all times local):

Authorities say a total of 10 people were taken to the hospital after counter-protesters clashed with members of right-wing extremist groups outside the California state Capitol building in Sacramento.

Note how the AP describes the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) – an ideological group based on racial nationalism and communitarianism – as “right-wing.” Given the TWP platform’s fusion of classically right-wing and left-wing values, the group cannot be accurately labeled as either belonging to the right or the left.

The TWP pushes for a form of group-enforced racial and ethnic separation, aligning itself with racial nationalists such as Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Israel and ostensibly pro-Zionist groups such as the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are described as parasitic in their relationship with the US, steering American foreign policy towards “wars of choice.” TWP pushes conventional anti-Semitic narratives of malevolent Jewish influence over American politics that are common among leftists and Muslims.

Left-wing “anti-fascist” demonstrators, however, are described by the AP as generic “counter protesters.” With its Orwellian name, the “anti-fascist” group is an amalgamation of communists, varied socialists, and racially based solidarity and nationalistic movements such as La Raza and Black Lives Matter.

To the AP’s credit, it does place quotes around its description of the left-wing melange as “anti-fascists,” leading its readership to raise an eyebrow.

Drawing from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center for a description, the AP extends efforts towards describing the TWP that it does not similarly extend towards the “anti-fascists.” In other words, the AP believes the TWP warrants some digging and description via a third-party leftist group. The admittedly far greater number of “counter protesters,” however, do not warrant any similar third-party description.

In the final analysis, left-wing “anti-fascists” are cast as ideologically ambivalent reactionaries provoked by “right-wing extremists.” Given the linkages between authentic right-wing politics and grassroots Republicans, the AP’s attempt to connect white racial and ethnic nationalism with the GOP is clear. No such implicit link is made between left-wing groups – including communists, socialists, and racially-driven solidarity and nationalistic movements – and Democrats.

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WP: ‘Super racist’ pool safety poster prompts Red Cross apology

Boy, this Red Cross poster is really wacko. Everybody knows black students don’t misbehave as much as white and asian kids.

Washington Post: When Margaret Sawyer first noticed the Red Cross safety poster at a pool in Salida, Colo., she thought she was looking at an unfortunate relic of the past.


When she saw it a second time at an entirely different pool in the central Colorado town, she was shocked, according to NBC affiliate KUSA.

“I saw this one, and I just kept thinking, ‘It looks like they’re trying to do something here that shows all kids together of all different backgrounds, but they’re clearly not hitting the mark,’” she said.

Not only were the poster’s designers not hitting the mark, Sawyer thought, they had created an image that was racist. Sawyer complained to a lifeguard at the first facility and penned a letter to management asking for the poster’s removal, she told KUSA.

After seeing the poster a second time, she posted an image of it online.

“I felt really angry,” she said.

The poster — titled “Be Cool, Follow The Rules” — depicts various children playing at the pool. But white children are labeled as behaving in a “cool” way while children of color who are depicted defying pool rules are labeled “not cool.”

KUSA discovered that the poster was from a safe-swimming campaign in 2014.

The Red Cross apologized for the “Be Cool” posters in a statement that was posted online Monday:

The American Red Cross appreciates and is sensitive to the concerns raised regarding one of the water safety posters we produced. We deeply apologize for any misunderstanding, as it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone. As one of the nation’s oldest and largest humanitarian organizations, we are committed to diversity and inclusion in all that we do, every day.

To this end, we have removed the poster from our website and Swim App and have discontinued production. We have notified all of our partner aquatic facilities requesting they take down the poster. Our organization has emphasized to our partners and on social media that it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone and apologized for this inadvertent action. We are currently in the process of completing a formal agreement with a diversity advocacy organization for their guidance moving forward.

But others wondered how a racially insensitive poster could have been published by the Red Cross in the first place…



JUNE 9, 2015: Texas pool party chaos: ‘Out of control’ police officer resigns

(CNN)Just days after a video that went viral online showed him yanking a 14-year-old bikini-clad girl to the ground and kneeling on her back, Eric Casebolt has resigned from his post as a corporal for the Police Department in McKinney, Texas. (Wikipedia)

The video posted to YouTube showing the police response to reports of fighting at a pool party sparked swift allegations of racism. Critics decried the white officer for cursing at several black teenagers, slamming the girl to the ground and unholstering his gun.
Protesters marched Monday over the incident in the Dallas suburb. Outraged parents demanded the officer’s firing.
At a press conference Tuesday announcing Casebolt’s resignation, the city’s police chief called his actions in the video indefensible.
“Our policies, our training, our practice, do not support his actions,” Police Chief Greg Conley said. “He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows, was out of control during the incident.”
​Officials previously had said Casebolt was on administrative leave as police investigated what happened. Now that he has decided to resign, the internal affairs investigation is closed, and it’s too soon to say whether he’ll face charges over what happened, Conley told reporters.
“We’re continuing an investigation. We are continuing looking into all the allegations that are being presented to us, and any part of a criminal investigation regarding anyone will take a matter of time for us to work through all those allegations and those people who have come forward to us to complain,” he said.
Casebolt’s attorney has not responded to requests for comment.
Even as protests mount, some witnesses have praised the way Casebolt handled the incident, as dramatically different accounts emerge of whether race played a role in the situation and its aftermath.

Tatyana Rhodes, who was hosting a party at the pool Friday before police arrived, said tensions were running high after a racially charged fight broke out there. It started, she said, when two white women told a group of African-American teens they should leave and “go back to their Section 8 homes.”
One of the women, she said, smacked her in the face.
But Rhodes said the police officer took things too far.
“He didn’t have to use aggression,” she told CNN’s “Erin Burnett: Outfront.”

Now, she says she’s glad he has stepped down.
“I’m happy that he’s resigning,” she said. “I feel that everyone in McKinney will feel better that he’s resigning. … It’s the first step.”

Brandon Brooks, the 15-year-old white teen who shot the video, said there’s no doubt race was a factor in how police responded. He said the officer was targeting black teens at the scene.
“I was one of the only white people in the area when that was happening,” he told CNN affiliate KDAF. “You can see in part of the video where he tells us to sit down, and he kinda like skips over me and tells all my African-American friends to go sit down.”

USA TODAY: In pools, young blacks drown at far higher rates

NEW YORK (AP) — Swimming pools are a much greater danger to black children and teens than they are to other kids, a new government study shows.

Black children ages 5 to 19 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than five times that of white children, the research found. That suggests a lot of blacks are not learning to swim, said the lead author, Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Swimming is a life-saving skill, not just another sport, she said.

The racial differences were smaller for drownings in lakes or other bodies of water. Experts think that’s because relatively few blacks go boating or participate in other water activities

Drowning is a major cause of death in children and young adults, and researchers have long observed a higher rate in African-Americans. The report released Thursday looked at racial differences in far greater detail, by age and by where youths drown.

Among whites, drowning rates peak in toddlers but then decline dramatically around age 5 and stay down. Experts think that’s a result of swimming lessons kicking in.

Among blacks, the drowning rate for toddlers is lower, but it doesn’t drop off the same way as children get older.

An earlier study showed that nearly 60 percent of black children surveyed were unable to swim or felt uncomfortable in the deep end of a pool, compared to 31 percent of white kids.


Because of the victims’ race, the gruesome incident has swelled interest in an obscure yet startling statistic: Some 70 percent of African-American youth can’t swim, and drowning rates for young blacks are far higher than for whites. Every summer, the grim news reports roll out like clockwork. Two weeks ago, a 12-year-old boy drowned in a neighbor’s pool in Maryland; his uncle then drowned trying to save him. The week before that, a pair of teenage boys were found at the bottom of a swimming pool in Iowa. And a month prior to that, an 11-year-old boy drowned in a swimming pool on Long Island. In every case, the young victim was African American and did not know how to swim.
“What happened in Louisiana is a tragedy,” says freestyle sprint swimmer and Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones, only the third African American ever to make the U.S. Olympic Swim Team. “My heart feels very heavy when I hear of these things.”
For many people, swimming is one of those rudimentary skills that they can’t even remember learning, like walking or riding a bike. This used to be the case for most black people, too, until slavery entered the picture.
“If a slave could swim, he could escape, so a fear of water was put into people, and that fear has been passed down throughout the generations,” says Agnes Davis, president and CEO of Swim, Swim, Swim, I Say, the local partner of the Make a Splash swimming program in Harlem. Davis says she started her academy in 2009 after she got laid off from a high-paying job in the medical field. “What made me decide to do this,” she explains, “was that last summer in New York City, we had seven people drown—four of them adults, three of them children, all of them of minority descent.”
During the 20th century, racial segregation again conspired to drive blacks further from the water. Public swimming facilities that were built across the country in the early and mid-1900s were often for whites only. As Jeff Wiltse, author of Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America, told NPR, even in cities that did not have an official policy of segregation, “Whites set up, essentially, sentinel guards at the entrance to the pool, and when black swimmers tried to come in and access them, they were beaten up, sometimes with clubs.”
Perhaps because of these factors, even today, blacks appear to be more prone to hydrophobia than whites. Dr. Carol C. Irwin, assistant professor of health and sport sciences at the University of Memphis, is one of the authors of the latest study on swimming abilities among minorities, which surveyed more than 2,000 minority children and parents in Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Memphis, San Diego, and Minneapolis-St. Paul. “The parents and the kids fear drowning and injury when they are near the water,” she says. “We found this over and over again.”

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Spikes in racist abuse reported after Brexit

I believe the anecdotes.

The English are developing their in-group identity by choosing to leave Europe. When you develop your in-group identity, you are more likely to have negative views of out-groups. This is basic social identity theory.

The stronger a Jew’s Jewish identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of non-Jews. The stronger a black’s identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of non-blacks.

A cohesive and united England (or any country) will have more negative views of those who are different.

It is easy to condemn these nasty behaviors, but they are the natural result of loving your own group. To some degree, this negative views of outsiders is healthy. It’s certainly normal.

The more you love your particular people, the more likely you are to hate those who threaten them.

NEWS: Hate crimes and hostility toward people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds appear to be on the rise since the UK voted to leave the European Union Thursday. Seemingly emboldened by the Brexit vote, neo-Nazis and casual racists alike are making their feelings known, according to a slew of accounts posted on social media.

In several cases, Polish people were specifically targeted. In Huntingdon, a town north of the British capital, leaflets ordering “Polish vermin” to “go home” were left on cars. In London, a Polish cultural center had what the BBC described as “racist graffiti” scrawled across its entrance on Sunday morning. According to the Polish Embassy in London, there have also been other incidents of public hate targeting Polish people, who comprise the largest population of non-Brits in the United Kingdom; more people come to the UK from Poland than from any other EU country.

The stories so far are anecdotal—since the vote was just a few days ago.

But, Jess Phillips, a member of the UK Parliament, tweeted that she is hoping to dig deeper, seeing how incidents like these over the last weekend compare to the week before, to determine how significant the spike in xenophobic incidents has been.

Many have taken to social media to share their experiences and those of others with the hashtag #PostRefRacism, although their claims were not independently verified. According to their accounts, some people across the UK have urged others who may not fit their definition of British to “go home.”

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