Obama Mad

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* One of the main things about Obama that drives me bat-shit crazy, and makes me count the days until he leaves office, is his constant need to scold and lecture the public about everything with a smug, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitude.

His style isn’t even professorial or informative. It’s condescending, bitchy, sometimes whiny, pleading, thin-skinned, and frankly, very womanly — like some kind of insecure churchwoman alternating between haranguing little five-year-olds with threats, asserting her superior power, and then pleading with them to “play nice.”

Who in the hell is this guy, anyway, to think that he can lecture with superior moral authority on anything and everything from transgender bathrooms to the true meaning of Islam? It’s not as if he’s ever accomplished anything of value, has any specific expertise, or has done anything with his life aside from smoking dope and being a professional mulatto.


* So, a Mexican, a black and gay guy walk into a bar, the bartender says…

* They look like something out of Latino Night at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

* Strikes me more like a Pride-Week-intensity parade of state-sponsored Red in the waning days of Hopey McChange’s public cult.

But can someone explain why Gucci’s Milan Men’s Fashion Week now includes two RCMP?

* The transgender orgy is now the highest expression of civic virtue in Canada.

There are no more rules.

Crowley was right: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

Always remember Trudeau the Lesser’s proclamation –

“It’s 2015.”

Now, and forever.

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Trump’s Tight Game, A Series

From the Chateau: Another shitlib hit piece on Trump has backfired and unintentionally elevated his stature. Related to the founding principles of this blog, more evidence emerges that Trump had tight Game before the PUA subculture formed to systematize the informal seduction rules that naturals obey without knowing it.

Donald was among a group of boys who pulled girls’ hair, passed notes and talked out of turn.

The hair pull encompasses so much of the Game oeuvre because it vice signals a man’s irresistible jerkboy boner fides. Every girl adores a rule-breaker.

“We threw spitballs and we played racing chairs with our desks, crashing them into other desks,” recalled Paul Onish, a classmate, describing himself and Trump as “probably the two worst.”

Donald spent enough time in detention, Onish said, that his buddies nicknamed the punishment “DTs” — short for “Donny Trump.”

Chicks dig a badboy in detention.

“He had a reputation for saying anything that came into his head,” said Donald Kass, 70, a retired agronomist who was a schoolmate. When Trump misidentified Rocca, the pro wrestler, Kass recalled, “We would laugh at him and tell him he was wrong, and he’d say he was right. The next time, he would make the same mistake, and it would be the same thing all over again.”

Poon Commandment XI:

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.

It’s no coincidence that Trump has tight Game, a hot wife half his age, and is meteorically rising to God Emperor status as leader of a reborn nationalist movement.

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The Great Men On Women’s Little Passions

From the Chateau:

Via reader oldfury, a Chesterfield warning on the dangers of reorienting one’s foremost purpose to the objective of empowering women.

As women are a considerable, or at least a pretty numerous part of company; and as their suffrages go a great way toward establishing a man’s character in the fashionable part of the world (which is of great importance to the fortune and figure he proposes to make in it), it is necessary to please them.

I will therefore, upon this subject, let you into certain Arcana that will be very useful for you to know, but which you must, with the utmost care, conceal and never seem to know.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth; they have an entertaining tattle, and sometimes wit; but for solid reasoning, good sense, I never knew in my life one that had it, or who reasoned or acted consequentially for four-and-twenty hours together. Some little passion or humor always breaks upon their best resolutions. Their beauty neglected or controverted, their age increased, or their supposed understandings depreciated, instantly kindles their little passions, and overturns any system of consequential conduct, that in their most reasonable moments they might have been capable of forming.

A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with serious matters; though he often makes them believe that he does both; which is the thing in the world that they are proud of; for they love mightily to be dabbling in business (which by the way they always spoil); and being justly distrustful that men in general look upon them in a trifling light, they almost adore that man who talks more seriously to them, and who seems to consult and trust them; I say, who seems; for weak men really do, but wise ones only seem to do it.

-Lord Chesterfield in a letter to his son

Chesterfield here is essentially arguing for restricted female agency, and therefore the necessity to men of wisely shielding women from matters of true importance – like immigration policy – while pretending as if women’s counsel was desired.

Feminine women don’t really desire, as beta males are wont to believe, full egalitarian inclusion in serious business or political decisions. Having it bores them and they often rebel by deciding for changes that subvert the bounty for which they were charged by obsequious, supplicating men to protect and preserve. What women really love is the man who “trifles with them”, but also assuages their fear that their instinctive female predilection for flirtation and little passions won’t be exploited to embarrass them in polite company as frivolities.

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‘Indian/Paki women seem to be natural feminists.’


In addition Indian chicks in america also carry the same attitude that DC chicks have. I’m educated, I’m not a sexual being, my pride is in having 2 degrees, and I want a wealthy educated man to spend money on me. In addition Indian chicks in the USA can be very cocky with guys or tease them for pursuing sex. Another no no of feminimity.

From what I’ve seen (mind you this is ONLY professional y dealing with them as customers) they’re VERY high maintenance and most seem to quickly westernize and jump on the “lets be fat and wear sweatpants” bandwagon.

They’re wack and are usually ugly.

Indian girls are like American girls on steroids. No thanks.

Sometimes on a first date, after I’ve already made out with a girl, I’ll stop her mid-walk, grab her and kiss briefly. The only girl who cuntily laughed at this was Indian. “What, you wanted to just kiss me again” or something to that effect. She was pretty, and very thin, but I never contacted her again.

Another problem, at least in my area, is that good looking Indian women are rare as fuck. I mean, every now and then there will be one where you’re like, holy shit she’s banging, but they’re few and far between, and the rest are ugly.

I’d be interested to see what you guys have noticed, because as far as I’ve noticed, Indian women by and large are just not good looking.

Indian women’s personality issues are just as bad if not worse than their lacking in the good looks department.

they tend to chub up pretty easily. Additionally, they love white guys more than other races from what I’ve seen.

Meanwhile brown girls are just like Jewish and Persian girls in that they’re more status seeking and materialistic except they’re not as attractive (that’s not me being biased against other brown people, everybody here agrees that brown girls on the whole aren’t hot) which makes the attitudes they sport hard to put up with.

A lot of the hot brown girls I know who are born and raised in the West LOVE acting ghetto when in reality they’re far from it. They think they are African American. Anyway they are really Westernized and predominately hang out with other wannabe ghetto brown girls or wannabe ghetto white girls. They grow out of that after they finish university. Brown girls very much prefer dating other brown guys and at least at my age don’t seem to care whether or not they’re Indian or Sri Lankan or Pakistani. They get a fuckload of attention from pathetic hordes of ultra beta and needy brown guys and as such develop gigantic egos. They get passed around by the few player brown guys and wannabe ghetto white guys (mainly Italian and Greek in my neck of the woods) all the while pretending to be ultra innocent to all their brown male friends. If they knew how slutty some of the girls they idolate so much are they would probably kill themselves. They put them on the pedestal THAT much.


* But you’ll never lack for an Indian willing to lecture you on American racism.

* There are 4 types of Indian skin colors

Yellow , for the Mongoloid peoples of North East India

Black , for the dravidians

nearly white, for the bollywood stars, usually Khatri ( upper caste punjabi merchants ), some brahmins and kashmiri

Brown for the rest of Indians ( 65% )

and there are shades of brown

Upper castes mostly have lighter brown skin ( wheatish )
Padma Lakshmi , the model, is a Tamil brahmin, with wheatish color

* Lots of successful Dalit and Lower caste men , get themselves trophy Brahmin and Upper caste wives – like how Tiger Woods collects trophy blondes

Udit Raj is a Dalit MP , from Delhi, of the BJP


and here he is raving about his white upper caste wife , Seema, Khatri – Upper caste Punjabi merchant


“I am very dark, almost black, but my wife is as fair as an English woman and I must say that although ours was a love marriage in which her intrinsic qualities mattered more than looks, I found her fair skin very attractive,” says Udit Raj.


The dude on the left, is Ram Vilas Paswan, a central govt minister and a dalit billionaire ( got his wealth by being corrupt politician )
The fair woman feeding him is his brahmin 2nd wife – he is bigamist,
he dumped his 1st wife ( dalit ) but did not divorce her


This woman is Srinidhi, she was Tamil film actress, and Tamil Brahmin
She married the son of P.Chidambaram, a powerful billionaire dravidian politician


This is Anusha, a Tamil Brahmin

the fat ugly dude on her right is her husband, a dravidian politician
and grandson of M.Karunanidhi, the former chief minister of Tamil Nadu
( and a corrupt billionaire , whose politics involves mainly brahmin baiting )



This is picture of Jayalalitha from 1966
She is Tamil brahmin, now she is 50 years older and much fatter and uglier
she is now Chief minister of Tamil Nadu

She got her entry into politics by becoming mistress of MGR, a former dravidian
film star, who later became Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. and she inherited the post

* One of the first things I noticed after moving to Vancouver was that all (most) of the White people I befriended man and woman alike, while your standard PC Canadian, would without prompting say:

“I f’n hate brown people.” Humorously it was often prefaced by “I’m not racist but…”

I came to the conclusion it was proximity. Kind of like how Americans catch heat both at home and abroad for “racism” against blacks.

Try livin’ next to ‘em. I certainly understood the browns’ reputation after working a hotel for 4 years in downtown Van.

* Very recently I was enlightened by an Indian coworker on the subject of backward castes. “Only in India do people strive to be backward”. He was obviously very indignant about his classmates who were several generations from “backward” status and who still benefit from their disadvantage. Just this year, there were riots near Delhi as a clan of Indians lobbied for “backward” status and set-asides. This won’t last.

* Progressive millennial Indians of the sort that browse and contribute to Buzzfeed are a vanishingly small minority in India; typically Westernized rich kids from the big cities with expensive educational credentials on their resumes and much wisdom derived from blogging. Not all that different from progressive millennials in America, the main difference being that in India, they have virtually no political power or ability to influence the grand narratives that drive electoral politics in the country. They are vastly outnumbered by the poor, and the poor are all segregated along various tribal interests, whether caste or religion or language. The only progressive party with a national scope they could join is the Congress, which is fading thanks to the incompetence of the Nehru-Gandhi family. Meanwhile, the reactionary right-wing BJP rises to power because of the Hindutva heartlands, and their stance on caste may charitably be compared to Reagan’s stance on race.

It’s a different situation in America where progressive millennials wield not-inconsiderable cultural power, even if they don’t vote enough to have much political power.

* On the contrary this, i.e. large scale affirmative action for low castes and ‘other backward castes’, has been in place for more than six decades in India, with up to 50% of jobs and college slots in some situations being set aside for that purpose.

The reactionary right in India has introduced the term “creamy layer” into political dialogue. The idea is that there be a both an income and a caste test for affirmative action quotas and reservations. The creamy layer, of course, is those who are now part of the mainstream middle and upper classes, but technically still from “backward” castes.

A US analogy would be shutting down affirmative action benefits in college admissions to African Americans from comfortably off middle-class and professional families. They would be deemed to be the creamy layer that has already risen to the top of their cohort.

Not surprisingly, the left in India is screaming murder at the idea and trying to discredit it vigorously.

Incidentally, I love how Indian legal and constitutional terminology doesn’t flinch at using the word “backward” in describing groups of people.

* There are several forms of Hinduism and only some of them can be properly termed as reactionary. The main orthodox current within Hinduism, that of Vedic ritualism, is descended from the very reactionary indo-european culture that spread through war and patriarchy.

Hinduism gradually evolved to become more liberal as the warriors settled down and became wealthy, and also accepted influences from other cultures into itself. At this point, the Hindu civilization gave rise to “protestant” religions like Buddhism. The following thousand years saw orthodox Hinduism adopt increasingly reactionary poses to distinguish itself from Buddhism, which in several ways foreshadowed today’s liberal progressivism. This is when the current form of the caste system became codified.

Meanwhile, non-orthodox Hindus reinterpreted their religion to make it more liberal and open, thereby leading many Buddhists to reconvert to Hinduism. The larger Hindu fold therefore contained about an even mix of reactionaries and progressives after the fall of Buddhism towards the end of the 1st millennium CE.

After that we had a thousand years of foreign rule, first 800 years of Muslims, then 200 years of the British. And one thing we see everywhere is that non-dominant cultures have to adopt very reactionary social mores in order to survive. Blacks and hispanics are far more right-wing in their innate social worldviews than Whites. As are Muslims who live in the west, compared to whites and to Muslims who live in Muslim countries. Same thing happened with Hindus in India.

* The entire system of arranged marriages is basically a form of eugenics, but by another name. The most important qualification parents look for in a prospective match is “what sort of family are they from?”. Meaning they want to have a marital alliance with a family of equal or higher social status. This usually requires the family be from the same caste that they are, in addition to wealth and connections. Each caste, no matter how low its standing in the hierarchy, considers itself quite unique and would be displeased with intermarriage, even if it were with a member of a higher caste.

The second question is usually related to level of education, and the third to income and earning potential. Height and skin color are also given importance – because subconsciously all Indians realize that their ruling class consists disproportionately of fairer-skinned and taller people.

Appearance and compatibility, the cornerstones of western marriages, are not considered particularly important when parents pick mates for their children in India.

I know all this first hand because my mother is trying to arrange a marriage for me. I’ve finally come round to admitting that her ideas are actually quite wise.

* Buddy of mine has this huge house next door to his place. It went in and out of foreclosure a few times after 2008. Finally, an Indian buys the place. He moves his extended family into the house. There are cars everywhere, people coming and going at all times, etc.

My buddy and the other wags in his neighborhood now refer to that house as The Call Center.

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Comment: Anyone see this author Sebastian Junger on PBS Newshour? He’s got a book out called Tribe about community..can’t even define tribe – no reference to extended family or race..jeesh. Does he have any idea where the aboriginal tribes came from?

He said our tribes need to be more diverse. Gah.

* If you’re waiting for a kumbaya moment don’t hold your breath. Nature doesn’t care for them.

* I actually, know him. He’s complex, and a very good guy. He is extremely intense and, in my opinion, may not “present well” on TV. His books are good. When he was a graduate student in the mid 80′s he wrote a very good book which is unlike any of his “War” books (or movie) of the last 10 or so years, “The Perfect Storm.” Anyway, Junger is a free spirit, beholden to no ideological camp. He is more a cultural anthropologist in his approach to the idea of “tribe.” He goes into the philosophy of the idea of “tribe,” not origin…does that make sense?

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