The Left Prefers Nations Of Ideas, The Right Prefers Nations Of Race & Religion & Tradition

Academic Laurent DuBois writes:

When you cheer on the [Belgium] Red Devils, you can’t forget that you are cheering for an idea rather than a reality, and that in a way that idea only exists on the football pitch.
The Belgium that takes shape on the pitch is actually so far from the nation it purports to represent. The team, at its best, is coherent, bringing together disparate languages and histories, a place where immigrant communities are not just welcome but understood as fundamental to the future of the nation.

Leftists love to build countries around ideas such as multiculturalism, multiracialism, communism, socialism, and the like. Rightists build nations for themselves and for their posterity.

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Obama Admin: Marine Corps Must Pay for Marines to Have Themselves Castrated

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* World War T accelerated from zero to full official acceptance in 3.6 years.

* Stupefying. The acceleration is insane. Mixed sex military will become a cesspool of trading sex for power and power for sex. Accepting mentally troubled people into the military is going to go bad.

* This will all end in tears. Crap like this points to an outright delusional, nearly suicidal level of confidence on the part of our leaders, which just increases the likelihood of some kind of epic screwup. The gods of the copybook headings are going to crush us all.

* My career suffered for the 10 years or so after 9.11. I became so interested in politics, news, history etc that I ended up not working as hard as I should have. Thankfully, in the last 3 or 4 years I’ve been able to get it back on track. Why you ask? Because it doesn’t fucking matter anymore. All is lost. I only read 3 or 4 things now, all after work. Thanks Obama!

If I were Russia or China right now, I’d be at least gaming out the possible aftermath of an unprovoked, no-warning decapitation strike on Washington, D.C., and a few other Western capitals. The costs would be incredibly steep, of course, but the delusional incompetence of Western leaders at this precise moment means those costs might be lower right now than at any other time in history. Strike while the iron is hot, and all.

The potential upside for them is big enough that they’ve at least got to be toying with the idea as a purely intellectual exercise.

* It’s gotten to the point where every time I hear the national anthem play or see people saluting the flag, I get very uncomfortable. There’s too much of a disconnect between the tradition and the healthy instincts reverence for the military represents and the insanity of what it’s actually become.

Speaking of which, there’s a reality show on TLC called I am Jazz about this high school aged boy who thinks she’s a girl and her family. I’ll use the “she” pronoun because this one can actually pass as a girl, and seems to be an actual case of the condition. The whole family swears that Jazz was adamant that she was a girl as long as she could talk.

It’s incredible watching it and seeing what is being presented as healthy and normal.

For example, Jazz is pumped full of testosterone blockers and estrogen stimulants so that she doesn’t go through male puberty. She’s talking to her doctor about how she hoped to grow breasts, but unfortunately the shape wasn’t right. In other words, she just ended up with “man boobs” instead of actual girl breasts, which she expected to get from some hormone treatments.

Jazz has been recoiling at getting “bottom surgery,” but recently has come around to accepting the idea so that people won’t be able to say she has a penis so she’s not a girl. Nobody in the family would dare discourage this.

Throughout the show there are ridiculous examples of what the family perceives as oppression. At one point she goes through another surgery to have a hormonal blocker implant and sees that on her hospital bracelet it says “Sex: M.” They complain about this, but one would think that biological reality would trump feelings in a surgical setting in case something goes wrong.

The backdrop of this is an intact family with a mom, dad, and four kids including Jazz. They all seem well adjusted and healthy, except for the fact that they’re all ok with the mutilation of one member of the family.

Watching the show, even I’m convinced that Jazz might be a real case of the transsexual condition. I’d draw the line at bottom surgery though, which should not be allowed.

While Jazz may be happier as a girl, you see the broader effects of her activism. She goes around befriending people who are obviously insane. One character on the show mentions that at her child’s school like 10-15 kids had recently come out as transgender. Everyone of course celebrates how wonderful this is.

The whole thing is quite surreal and fascinating.

It reminds me that I read in the NYT today that the latest estimate is that 0.6% of the population is now transgender, or about 1 in 150 people. Amazing that such a sizable minority was missed for all of human history up to this point.

* Star ranks don’t count. Neither do enlisted ranks or lieutenants. The ranks that actually control the troops and earn their loyalty through competent and decent leadership are the career field ranks, captains, majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels in the army and equivalent ranks in the other services. Historically it is these ranks that have most often formed the nucleus of successful military coup d’etats, putschs, rebellions, etc. Think of Franco, Nasser, the Greek and Argentine Colonels, Gaddafi, etc. Today a successful military takeover would also require the participation of specialist ratings that fall outside of traditional military ranking systems, e.g., nuclear, computer, and logistics specialties.

BO and his wrecking crew have had to tread carefully pruning these ranks of patriotic, non-ass-licking officers. These men are essential to the functioning of the military. Many are intensely troubled by what they see as the destruction of a once proud American institution. It won’t take much more to set some of these men off. I wouldn’t care to predict the results should this happen.

* I have refused to fly the flag or say the Pledge since Obama’s re-election. In 2008, I thought the country made a very, very stupid mistake…. in 2012 I realized that it got exactly what it wanted.

I’ve got to the point where I simply hate this country — just like all the radical hippies did back in the Sixties. Back then, they hated it because they had absolutely no common values with “The Establishment” that controlled it.

Now, the Counterculture has become The Establishment, and I’m the guy who has nothing in common with them.

I refuse to have any sort of patriotic loyalty whatsoever. I have no respect for anyone in any of the institutions of society. I laugh bitterly when I hear stupid, flag-waving, patriotic conservatives repeating platitudes like “The troops are fighting for our freedom.” Freedom to do what? Hack babies to pieces and have anal sex?

For thirty years I was a flag-waving, ultra-patriotic, right-wing, Republican-voting, Reaganite conservative rah-rah patriot.

Not any more. Frankly, this country has become positively Satanic — and I say that despite the fact that I’m not exactly a Bible-thumpin’ holy roller. This country can’t collapse soon enough as far as I’m concerned. There’s nothing in it for me.

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NYT: The Humiliating Practice of Sex-Testing Female Athletes

Steve Sailer writes: Anyone with any self-awareness should grasp that women’s sports are based on a Plessy v. Ferguson type “separate but equal” system because women can’t compete with men at the highest levels except in a few anomalous sports like shooting and English Channel swimming.

That’s because the vast majority of sports were invented by males as tests of masculinity.

Thus, the tiny number of individuals born with birth defects making them “intersex” can have sizable innate advantages over genuine women. Thus, women’s sports need to have systems for determining who is actually a woman.

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After Gay Marriage and Now Transgender Marines, What’s Next?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* One of the two transgender Democrats named Misty to win primaries:

“Plowright beat single dad and Iraq vet Donald Martinez for her shot at Lamborn. Plowright is an Army vet with a wife, Lisa, and a third domestic partner named Sebastian, according to the candidate’s campaign website.”

A third domestic partner named Sebastian. I picture a small lesbian with slicked back hair and a pencil moustache drawn with an actual pencil.

* This Hispanic political tidal wave I’ve been hearing about for years just isn’t picking up much momentum. For example, this poor bastard Martinez can’t even beat a guy named Misty.

The Latinos are being left behind by all the New Improved Minorities that keep getting invented.

* No, they’re not even close to finished with the gay and trans stuff.

First, most states don’t even have anti-discrimination laws based on these characteristics. Courts will start mandating them if they can’t get a federal law soon.

Then there’s shutting down Christian schools by taking away their accreditation. Basically every Christian institution will have to change or be buried.

Tax exempt status could be in danger.

I’m amazed by how the new concept of “gay rights” is able to trample all over our centuries old concept of religious freedom with its long constitutional and historical legacy over a wide variety of contexts. But there’s still a lot more that they can do.

* Everyone’s laughing, but honestly I predict that so-called “polyamory” will be the next culture war waged by the elites, and it’s going to be ugly.

If the Cathedral is successful in promoting the practice, it will affect housing prices when polyamorous groups with multiple adults price out traditional families. Because in practice polyamory means lots of women flocking to a few jerkboy Alpha males, it will create a population of surplus males with no marriage or sexual prospects.

And it will affect average guys when cultural authority figures tell them that instead of getting violently angry, they should feel “compersion” when their wives and girlfriends talk about opening up the marriage.

The elites will find the limits of how far they can push folks, and I tell you it’s going to get bad.

* When a guy like Leo DiCaprio can load up his yacht with a few dozen women he has all to himself, that condemns a few dozen men to some lonely nights.

* I wonder if the Left isn’t keeping the Muzzies around purely because of their usefulness as a vector for normalizing sexual deviancy: Polyamory, bestiality, incest and kiddie sex all have much wider acceptance in the Muslim world. The loonier Leftists palpably desire all of these things in the West, yet they can’t really push for them directly.

Sure, they got gays and lesbians in the door by appealing to “compassion.” They *just barely* managed to do the same thing with trannies. But once you’re talking about doinking kids and goats and letting rich men run harems, it’s pretty difficult to hide the ulterior motives. “Oppressed” illiterate third world peasants are a perfect stalking horse.

* Joseph Smith was, I think, exactly what Revilo Oliver said he was: a small time grifter who struck into the Long Con like the proverbial mosquito hitting an artery in Gary Larson’s “Far Side” cartoon.

He had the good luck, from the historical point of view, to be killed off at just the right time.

Brigham Young, however, was a much more formidable figure. If Saddam Hussein had had twenty more IQ points and a little better education, he would have been much like Young.

Young was a nation-builder. He failed in establishing a sovereign nation, but he did build a nation within a nation. I’ve always thought it was unfortunate he didn’t get somehow to (what was in better days known as ) Rhodesia, a more verdant land than Utah, and equally empty in the 1830s. He and his Mormons could have attracted, perhaps, many English, German, and Scandinavian peoples as well as perhaps siphoned off some of the better Boer stock, and by the supefecundity Mormons were famous for until recent times, packed it full of White farmers and workers. There were very few if any blacks in Rhodesia then, and the Mormons would have been neither as needful of importing black hired help nor as inclined to do so as the English were. Deseret-on-the-Zambezi would have been magnificent, probably rivalling Switzerland by now as a wealthy, productive White country.

Even as it is, the Mormon Nation is pretty remarkable. It is many orders of magnitude more successful than Scientology. Whereas Scientology has nothing of real institutional value besides a few somewhat impressive buildings and the loyalty of a few movie stars: Mormonism has a thoroughly respectable university, dozens of legitimate scientists, and thousands, even tens of thousands of members thoroughly embedded in the structure of the United States government, at levels Israel can only fantasize about. All branches of the US military, including US Navy submariners, SEALs and aviators: the FBI (most famously) and NSA, CIA, DEA, every other law enforcement agency: the US House and Senate, and the legislatures of most states-the list is enormous. Mormons also hold high government positions in many other countries.

Scientology has produced no serious institutions of learning nor any contribution to any science, art or technology whatever acknowledged by anyone but Scientologists. It has no scientists, no doctors, no military leaders (unless you count the farcical Sea Organization as a military entity). For all its bank accounts, nothing. It has lawyers, true, but then so does the mob and every major motorcycle club of the one percenter variety.

* Some part of what is driving the WWT must be internet porn and the search for ever more forbidden fruit that will yield a better orgasm… for a while.

I am honestly not sure how the various free porn search/libraries out there make money, but they must surely. Pornhub allows the combination of 2 categories. That is a feature not properly explored yet, though the limitation to two categories is insufficient.

xnxx allows delving into all sorts of perversions. It seems like there is an explosion in the production of incest videos. So maybe that will be one of the next things in line for decriminalization or rights or something.

Much like CGI has enabled the production of superhero movies, CGI has also enabled porn production that was hitherto difficult or impossible. That used to be what words were for, so that the imagination could fill in the blanks. Now there is CGI for that.

This can probably coexist with the anti-immigration/brexit/anti-globalism and protectionism we are seeing now. Who knows what the shitlords are whacking off to.

* How about not_normally_sexed people like ex-Homeland Security’s Janet Napolitano (she of the open borders) who inflict their neuroses and inner turmoil onto the American people. Normal Americans with children and families. The Obama administration is full of such people. Trannys now have full approval to be “out and about” in our military. They function as Obama’s shock troops to demoralize our service men and women. To turn our military into a joke.
The lefties have a wide assortment of rabid representatives of minorities they inflict on us to demoralize us. They put them into Federal jobs, or their NGOs get Federally funded, where they can do their damage and get paid for it. We are taxed for our ruination.

* We can basically predict the future on this.

1) The next frontier will be the legal and cultural normalization of polygamy.

2) As people have already pointed out, it will lead to a few men monopolizing more women and therefore more incels and lower quality women for all men below the billionaire and celebrity class

3) Part of the propaganda will be based on the ‘freedom of religion’ of Muslims and our ‘tolerance for difference’

4) ‘Feminists’ will be as absent in the fight against polygamy as they are in the fight against female genital mutilation or burkas. Because
a) nothing that brown or black people do can be criticized and
b) Feminists will take the position that if some ditz wants to be the eighth wife of an NBA baller rather than the first wife of an accountant, more power to her

5) The cultural push will involve the promotion of a few very telegenic and all-American seeming polyamorous families in TV reality shows. As I have said before, they will find an MFF threesome where they are all fire fighters or something else unimpeachable. We will be shown scenes of their romantic Valentines Day with twice the gifts (“twice the love!”). Everything will be extremely wholesome and the message will be that this is not about the guy busting a massive nutt, no it is about love. How can you deny these people their love? (and double the survivor benefits when one of them dies fighting fires).

* Here’s a prediction: before long, the media will start coming down HARD on straight men who won’t date trans women.

One of these days, or some similar service will fix up a straight male with a Deirdre McCloskey or a Caitlyn Jenner. He’ll complain publicly, “Damn it, I asked for women, and you set me up with a dude!”

And the poor guy will be vilified all over the world. He’ll be hounded and cursed, called a hater and a bigot, merely because he prefers girls without a penis. He’ll be told, “She IS a woman, you creep, and you’d BETTER sleep with her, if you know what’s good for you.”

Most heterosexuals think this is all about “live and let live.” It’s not. Males who won’t date transvestites will soon find themselves under attack.

* As for syphilis, yes, it is making a comeback, mostly in the gay community, because of barebacking. However, every time something like this happens, instead of demanding some accountability among those who engage in unprotected anal and oral sex with multiple partners, the MSM not only does not identify the culprits but blames it on a lack of federal funding for clinics, and so on. In other words, no one is held accountable for getting these diseases, or transmitting these diseases, it’s all up to the government to find ways to treat them. So as usual it all goes back to the idea of rich white guys with mattesses full of money.

The same thing pertains to ending the ban on gay blood donations. That too is supposed to be a “marginalization”, never mind that gays are an at risk population for all sorts of diseases, including Hepatitis, HIV, syphilis. I guess marginalizing at risk populations is wrong, they should be fully embraced. (Note that this doesn’t extend to superstitious parents who refuse to get their children immunized.)

* Canada has already approved “non-penetrative” bestiality.

* What is “non-penetrative” bestiality? Does that mean you get to milk your cow? That your horse gets to lick your carrot? That you get to belly rub your pets? This is getting pretty silly.

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Non-racist Red Cross Pool Safety Poster Released


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Black kids and pools don’t mix.

In the gyms I’ve been in that have pools, every time some black mama lets her brood into the pool by themselves, they cause nothing but problems and the staff has to eject them. I’ve read of cases where a bus load of them would show up at some motel pool and just raise so much hell the whole horde had to be asked to leave.

The thing about black kids is they don’t behave like white, let alone Asian kids. They have zero impulse control, are hyper kinetic and don’t give a shit if they interfere with adults in the pool. All of this ads up to trouble.

And the ones that have hit puberty, they start talking like a pimp whose looking for his ho’s and run around like a monkey on meth in the pool area. They are a nightmare to monitor.

The adult males just get worse, especially if there is a group of them who come in. Few things worry me, but a pack of linebacker sized blacks radiating bad vibes like a loud radio is one of them. Usually they aren’t gym regulars but come in on a guest or weekend pass.

And oh you can tell the regular patrons hate them.

* I used to administer my college’s swim test for incoming freshman. It was astounding to see how consistently blacks failed the swim test. I thought it was a myth. But, without fail, I would watch the most gifted of black athletes sputter around in the water like toddlers.

* I’ve always had the impression that Jews have done pretty well as competitive swimmers (Mark Spitz, etc). Perhaps a side-effect of living in places like California and Florida? Or maybe country clubs with good swimming facilities? Both?

* Yeah, that’s the funny thing about endless Jewish complaints about country club discrimination: in reality, Jews have done well in one country club sport, swimming, okay in another, tennis, and not so hot in a third, golf. The disparity is probably just small sample issue.

* I took swimming lessons conducted by the Red Cross at our local high school in the evenings. A number of adults from the community were learning to swim as well, and one of them was a black guy, superbly fit and muscular with no visible flab. In the first ‘dead float’ exercises, he’d sink like a stone. The rate of descent was marked.

Much of the instructor’s attention to him went towards teaching him not to panic, and to loosen up. To the guy’s credit he was a trooper and completed the course, but he had to constantly work at staying afloat.

* Trump just took questions from a crowd today in NH.

Woman says that the TSA should fire Muslim women (“hee-bee-jabees”) and replace them with veterans..

Trump says he’s “looking at that.”

* Something strange just occurred on my public Facebook feed. I post sometimes on USA Today. Total up to date maybe 50x. I’m certainly not anti-semitic, in fact, on balance pro-semitic. Really.
I made 2 posts on USA Today that pointed out that Donald Sterling was a Jew during that Clippers insurrection. Otherwise, I’ve posted nothing about Jews. Strangely, about 7 of 50 my USA Today’s postings appeared on the feed. The ones not about Jews, Sterling, whatever, only showed the text. While the ones on Sterling had a picture of Sterling with my text. It made those particular posts stand out in my feed. Out of context, and out of my overall posting history, this made me look like a rabid anti-semite.

Very odd. Don’t know what happened. But Facebook, you’ve got my attention.

* I am kind of curious however, what secular organizations have formally discriminated against Jews after around 1950. I think the really big decline happened around 1950 to 1955. The founding of the state of Israel was immediately very popular among Christian Americans, and the prestige and visibility of Jews in the mass media quickly grew.

In San Diego, a realtors’ conspiracy kept Jews out of most of La Jolla until around 1964, when the city fathers were warned that if the practice did not end, UCSD would not be located there as planned. The city fathers duly instructed their local realtors to stop, and La Jolla quickly became the most Jewish part of San Diego due to a location there of the University.

* I’ve marveled at the current tendency of the grievance peddlers to good full-spectrum denunciation at the slightest thing they don’t like. The problem, from their point of view, is that this habit collapses the intellectual and rhetorical space between obviously different points on a spectrum, sometimes making the reverse point from what they seem to have intended. It’s boy-who-cried-wolfery.

A few months back, I saw the left-o-sphere all a twitter about the Danes imposing a largely symbolic asset test before handing out welfare benefits to “refugees” from the Middle East. A couple of weeks later I read thata the Australian supreme court upheld that country’s policy of confining asylum seekers to a prison camp on the remote island of Nauru, and settling the successful ones in Cambodia. The open-borders fanatics decried that too. Now, even if you agree that Australia’s policy is the correct one, on balance, you’d still probably concede that it is “harsher” on the asylum-seekers than Danish policy. But the left wing had expended all their rhetorical ammo on the Danes, and there were no words left to explain how much worse they must have thought the Australian policy was. Which puts them in an awkward situation — if you read their breathless account of the Danish policy and thought “actually, that isn’t so bad,” would you now read their outraged headlines about Australia, figure it amounts to the same thing, and not even bother considering whether you, perhaps a bit of a bleeding heart, would put the line of acceptable policy somewhere between the Danes and the Australians?

Same thing here: When David Duke, Steve Sailor and Donald Trump are all Racists, and the freakin’ Red Cross is Super Racist, the smear kind of loses all meaning.

* In the early 80s I rescued a kid – about 10 years old – in trouble and starting to drown off a beach in Cornwall in the UK. He was on a school trip and had separated from a bunch of other kids by 50 metres or so. He had gotten out of his depth in the swell off the beach. The kid was black. I happened to be nearby and am trained life saver and saw he was in trouble, even though he was unable to shout for help. Blacks generally don’t swim well.

Indeed in South Africa, one of the euphemisms used for blacks is ‘non swimmer’.

At my son’s selective entry boys school in Pretoria – which was about 20% talented tenth black – the lack of black representation in the water polo and swim teams was glaring.

* This drunken woman, who fell off a boat into Chesapeake Bay a couple of days ago, survived. The glowing Washington Post story makes it out to be an inspirational story of a CrossFit superhuman with true grit, but she was just lucky.

* In this Coastie household, you’d be smacked down but good for claiming someone is “lucky” to survive a drowning-headed incident she created.

Four NRP boats, a Maryland State Police helicopter, Aberdeen Proving Ground Police and the Susquehanna Hose Company of Havre De Grace, among others, participated in the search for Conner.

Beck estimated that around 75 rescue personnel were involved from organizations in Cecil, Kent and Harford counties. This included 15 to 20 individuals on the water supported by vehicles and personnel on land.

One drunken idiot, no PFD, and a drunken boyfriend doing about 40 mph on their boat. Summer on the Eastern Shore.

* The poster failed to depict black boys swimming up behind white girls and putting their hands between their legs. That was the problem our public pool facility had when black boys showed up on occasion.

It was the first few years in integration, so the worst that resulted from many incidents was the boys were just told to leave, rather than being arrested for sexual assault on a minor.

At my newly integrated school, I recall our new black students getting away with all kinds of petty crime, as well as felonies, since our white administrators had little experience with black kids, and didn’t want to appear to be keeping black kids down, and were worried about escalating an issue that would go away if they ignored it.

I don’t see that much has changed, and instead of rewriting a poster to conform with lies, black kids should probably get their own poster, in their own dialect, instructing them how to behave.

Example: No “twerking” in another girls face.

Imagine these ladies at a public pool! Would that poster really apply to their sensibilities?

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